ENCH 630: Transport Phenomena

     Instructor: Douglas D. Frey



Welcome to the webpage for the course ENCH 630 (Transport Phenomena) at UMBC. The content of this webpage is freely available for educational purposes to anyone interested in the field of transport phenomena. Enjoy your visit!


General Information:


Professor Frey's Transport Phenomena Course Lecture Notes:

·         Part 1: Review of Mathematical Fundamentals

·         Part 2: Basic Concepts in Fluid Mechanics

·         Part 3: Momentum Balance Basics

·         Part 4: General Momentum Balance

·         Part 5: Potential Flow and the Bernoulli Equation

·         Part 6: Creeping Flow

·         Part 7: Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics

·         Part 8: Heat Transfer

·         Part 9: Mass Transfer Basics

·         Part 10: Analogies Between Transport Modes and Film Model of Mass Transfer

·         Part 11: Brownian Motion


Problem Set Assignments in ENCH 630 for Spring 2024:

·         Problem Set 1: Basic Mathematical Methods  (Due 11:59 pm, Feb. 5, 2025)

·         Problem Set 2: Momentum Balance Basics  (Due: 11:59 pm, March 14, 2025)

·         Problem Set 3: Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics  (Due: 11:59 pm, March 21, 2025)


Selected Course Handouts:

COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation Software:

Fluid Mechanics Resources:  

Heat and Mass Transfer Resouces:

Mathematics Tutorials:

Class Photographs:

Additional Links of Interest for ENCH 630 Students:  




Elmer finite element modeling software

  • Elmer Software Website.  For those who are on a budget and can't affort COMSOL Multiphysics, Elmer provides a reasonable alternative for performing finite element modeling. Elmer is open source software that is available for free.

Mathematics on-line books

Mathematics websites