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CMPE 310 Systems Design and Programming
Please do not work projects or homework until assigned. Some updates are still in progress. Lec Date Subject Reading Homework Textbook assigned due 1. 8/26 Introduction, Number systems Ch1 HW1 2. 8/31 Getting and using NASM WEB nasmdoc.txt 3. 9/2 Registers, syntax, sections Ch2,3 HW2 3L. 9/4 Running Nasm, Verilog, VHDL lab WEB Labor Day 9/7 4. 9/9 Arithmetic and shifting Ch4,5 proj1 nasmdoc.txt HW1 4L. 9/11 Using Nasm WEB 5. 9/14 Using debugger WEB help nasm HW3 HW2 6. 9/16 Branching and loops Ch6 6L. 9/18 More NASM WEB 7. 9/21 Subroutines proj2 8. 9/23 BIOS bootable program proj3 9. 9/23 syscall and BIOS calls HW3 9L. 9/25 More NASM Proj1,2,3 WEB 10. 9/28 Hardware interface proj1* 11. 9/30 Privileged instructions nasmdoc.txt 11L. 10/2 Variety WEB 12. 10/5 Linux kernel calls Lecture notes 13. 10/7 Review review proj2* 13L.10/9 Hardware WEB 14. 10/12 mid-term exam sleep 15. 10/14 Memory hardware organization proj3* 15L.10/16 Get three dips into CIS WEB 16. 10/19 Memory decoding and wiring 17. 10/21 Memory RAM, DRAM HW4 Proj4 17L.10/23 connect busses in CIS WEB 18. 10/26 Memory DRAM, DDR, Flash 19. 10/28 Input Output wiring HW4 19L.10/30 connect wires in CIS WEB HW5 20. 11/2 Input Output devices 21. 11/4 Input Output 3 more devices HW5 21L.11/6 finish CIS, Allegro training WEB Proj5 Proj4* 22. 11/9 Hardware Interrupts 23. 11/11 Disc Drum CD HW6 23L.11/13 finish Proj4, work Proj5 WEB 24. 11/16 Busses 25. 11/18 Protected Mode Addressing HW6 25L.11/20 Work on projects WEB Proj6 Proj5* 26. 11/23 Virtual Memory paging hardware 27. 11/25 Arithmetic Logic Unit 28. 11/30 Architecture Proj7 Proj6* 29. 12/2 Review review 29L.12/4 demo projects (Last chance) Proj7* 30. 12/11 Final exam SSH 210 1:00pm - 3:00pm No late homework or project accepted after midnight 12/13 Late penalty is 10% per week, limit 50%. * submitted, not graded until next weekend (not late for a while)
Last updated 12/10/2015