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CMPE 310 Details of homework assignments and exams

    The most important item on all homework is YOUR NAME!
    Print. No readable name, no credit.
    Staple or clip pages together.
    Homework must be submitted when due.  You loose 10%, one grade,
    the first day homework is late. Then 10% each week thereafter.
    Max 50% off. A zero really hurts your average!
    Paper or EMail to squire@umbc.edu  ONLY PLAIN TEXT.
    I can NOT accept OCTET/STREAM. .doc .gif .jpg .rtf ...
    If I can not read or understand your homework, you do
    not get credit.  Type or print if your handwriting is bad. 
    Homework is always due on a scheduled class day within 15 minutes
    after the start of the class.  If class is canceled then homework
    is due the next time the class meets. EMailed homework has until
    midnight the day it is due.
  EMail only plain text! No word processor formats.
       You may use a word processor or other software tools and
       print the results and turn in paper.
       Put CMPE 310 and HW number in subject line.

Email Homework BUT submit projects

Do your own homework!

You can discuss homework with other class members but DO NOT COPY!

All parties involved in copying get zero on that assignment.


  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2
  • Homework 3
  • Midterm Exam
  • Homework 4
  • Homework 5
  • Homework 6
  • Final Exam
  • Other Links
  • HW1 25 points

    Do the following manually. Show all work similar
    to the method shown in Lecture 1. It is OK to check
    your own work on a computer or calculator. It is not
    OK to compare to other students answers. No "matching".
      Yes, those are decimal points, hexadecimal points and
      binary points in the numbers, integer-part.fractional-part
      1. Convert hexadecimal number  1357AC.EF to binary
      2. Convert binary number  110101100.001101 to hexadecimal
      3. Convert decimal number  126.375 to binary  (3 bits after binary point)
      4. Convert binary number  10101101.10111 to decimal
      5. Convert "Hi1+" four ASCII characters to 8 hexadecimal digits
         a 32-bit word, do not write binary.
    It is easier to use big endian and that is OK.
    For Intel RAM you must swap bytes, and put the last byte first, also OK.
    Please do not do both. The characters would become +1iH

    HW2 X86-64 registers 25 points

      Draw a reasonably neat picture of the Intel X86-64 "A" registers.
      Label, as usable, AL, AH, AX, EAX, RAX.
      Write five assembly lines to put value 2 into each register.
      Just use  "mov"  register name in either upper or lower case,
      both work, a comma and 2.
      Yes, this seems to be an easy assignment, but it has been
      found to actually help because you have to write all the
      forms of register names. Yes, you can use the picture from
      class lecture on WEB, but you have to draw it, not photocopy it.
      There are many types of registers,  segment, floating point,
      MMX, control, debug, and test registers.

    HW3 Basic instructions 25 pts

    Write one line of legal NASM assembly language for each answer.
    Assume reasonable declarations per previous class examples.
    e.g. intarith_64.asm
            section .data
    a:      dq      3
    b:      dq      4
            section .bss
    c:      resq    1
            section .text
    (do not assume the values at a: and b: remain the same)
     1) add the value at label b to rcx
     2) subtract the constant 2 from rdx
     3) integer multiply by the value at label b
     4) integer divide by the value at b
     5) add the address of label c to rax
     6) jump to the label main
     7) compare register rbx to the constant 7
     8) compare register rbx to the address of label b
     9) compare register rbx to the value at label b
    10) place the hexadecimal constant  1234567A into rcx
    11) place the address of label b into rbx
    It is OK to check your work by assembling a program with
    your answers, and fixing as required. (Comment out the "jump"
    instruction, you do not want to run an infinite loop.)
    It is not OK to compare or match you answers with other
    students, T.A. or others.

    Midterm exam. 20% of course grade


    HW4 Computer Memory 25 pts

    These questions are based on Lectures 15, 16, 17
    Fill in the words, one word for each letter
    1)  ROM     ______  ______  ______
    2)  RAM     ______  ______  ______
    3)  EPROM   ______  ______  ______  ______  ______
    4)  DRAM    ______  ______  ______  ______
    5)  SRAM    ______  ______  ______  ______
    6)  PAL     ______  ______  ______
    7)  PLA     ______  ______  ______
    8)  CRC     ______  ______  ______
    9)  ECC     ______  ______  ______
    10) If two bytes, 16 data bits are returned from RAM,
       how many address bits can be ignored by each RAM chip _____
    11) If four bytes, 32 data bits are returned  from RAM,
       how many address bits can be ignored by each RAM chip _____
    12) Remember: computer memory is addressed by byte,
        How many address bits are needed to address 1MB ____
    13) How many address bits are needed to address 1GB ____
    14) How many address bits are needed to address 4GB ____

    HW5 8255 programming 25 pts

    The 8255 = 82C55 = 8255A is a programmable periferal interface.
    This is covered in Lecture 19 and the data sheet was handed out
    for use in this homework, and Project 4, 5, 6, 7
    8255 interface data sheet
    For this homework:
    1) write the sequence of 16 bit 8086 instructions to
       output register AL on port A of the 8255.
       data bus -> Port A
    2) write the sequence of 16 bit 8086 instructions to
       input port B of the 8255 into register BL.
       Port B -> data bus
    Not much writing, possibly a lot of reading.
    See page 378, 379 of textbook, use "isolated I/O"
    Table 11-1  gives several options.
    Then data sheet on 8255 = 82C55 = 8255A.
    Using DX assume port in lower byte, A1 A0 AD WR CS in upper byte,
    60H for portA, 61H for portB.

    HW6 disc read speeds 25 points

    Compute file read time for a 10KB and 1MB file for a typical hard drive
    and a solid state drive, SSD. See lecture 23.
    1) Hard drive:
          published average seek time    2.0ms  use 1/4
          rotation speed             10,025rpm
          overhead                       0.5ms
          transfer rate                200MB/s
     ________   ________
     10KB       1MB
    2) SSD
          overhead                       0.5ms
          transfer rate                200MB/s
     ________   ________
     10KB       1MB
    3) speedup, hard drive over SSD ratio
     ________   _______
     10KB       1MB

    Final exam. 21% of course grade

    A sample exam will be provided as a study guide.
    No assembly language questions on the final exam.
    Read the referenced sections on digital logic in the textbook.

    Other Links

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     Last updated 11/6/2015