CS411 Downloadable Source and Executables
These files should be downloaded, only some may be viewed.
In Netscape this may be RIGHT CLICK rather than left click.
But: many get tabs inserted, may get lines expanded.
Many more file available:
You may also be able to copy files to Windows, Linux or MacOSX
from /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download on linux.gl or Lab
from http://userpages.umbc.edu/users/~squire/pub/download
These files copyright Free Software Foundation
These library files copyright Free Software Foundation
Reference material related to some files
Reference material related to VHDL
Example VHDL files
Esim program and documentation
Esim sample files
Performance related files
CS 411 Project files (VHDL)
CS 411 Project files previous semesters
CS 411 Project files (esim)
Historic JKFF and DFF
CS 451 Automata and Grammar
CS 437 GUI Programming
CS 455 Numerical Computation
CS 313 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
CMPE 310 Systems Design and Programming
CS 109 C++ files
CS 291A C++ files
CS 491R Robotics misc files
Numerics related files
Example Verilog files
Computer Architecture Files
many of these are TTL circuits from the '70s
D flip flop built with nand gates, tested as a counter
D flip flop counter esim run file, counter output
D flip flop counter output, just before clock fall
D flip flop counter esim run file, full trace
D flip flop counter output, full trace
D flip flop - six nand gate model schematic
JK flip flop built with nand gates, tested as a counter
JK flip flop counter esim run file, counter output
JK flip flop counter output, just before clock fall
JK flip flop counter esim run file, full trace
JK flip flop counter output, full trace
JK flip flop - nine nand gate model schematic
JK flip flop ripple counter schematic
Turing machine simulator, C++ source code
Turing machine simulator, python3 source code
Turing machine simulator, java source code
Turing machine simulator, data for input
Turing machine simulator, data for input
Nondeterministic Turing machine simulator, C++ source code
Deterministic Finite Automata simulator, C++ source code
Nondeterministic Finite Automata simulator, C++ source code
Satisfiability, SAT, ntm program and data
Satisfiability, SAT, ntm output
CYK Parser (need 6 files), C++ source code cykp.cpp
- ckyp.h
- cyk_eliminate.cpp
- cyk_chomsky.cpp
- cyk_greibach.cpp
- cyk_parse.cpp
CYK algorithm code (not runnable, use above .cpp files)
- Makefile_cykp
- cyk_main.cpp
- cyk.cpp
- cyk.h
CYK algorithm output
cyk_main_g83.out algorithm output
- g_83.g grammar
- gHUp97.g grammar
- g_chomskyProb.g grammar
More information on simulators, input and output
w1.c - basic X Windows application, C source code
w1.exe - basic X Windows application, windows executable
w1gl.c - w1.c written as an OpenGL application, C source code
w1gl.exe - basic X Windows application, windows executable
W1frame.java - w1.c written as a Java application, Java source code
W1app.java - w1.c written as a Java applet, Java source code
W1app.html - use appletviewer W1app.html to execute W1app
w1tk.py - w1.c written as a Python application, Tkinter library
w1wx.py - w1.c written as a Python application, Windows wx library
w1wx.py3 - written as a Python application, Windows wx library
w1qt.py - w1.c written as a Python application, qt library
Makefile1.linux - to compile and execute above programs on Linux
make1.bat - to compile and execute above programs on MS Windows
cl_setup.bat - to compile and execute above programs on MS Windows
w2.c - X Windows application, colors and mouse, C source code
w2gl.c - w2.c written as an OpenGL application, C source code
W2frame.java - w2.c written as a Java application, Java source code
W2app.java - w2.c written as a Java applet, Java source code
w2wx.py3 - written as a Python application, Windows wx library
split_cube.c - Visual effect color, speed, offset, view
split_cube6.c - Visual effect color, speed, offset, view
rubber.c - basic X Windows rubber band rectangle
rubbergl.c - basic mouse rubber band rectangle GL source
rubber1gl.c - use rubber band rectangle to draw and select GL source
rubber2gl.c - use rubber band rectangle with snap to grid GL source
Rubber.java - basic mouse rubber band rectangle Java source
Rubber1.java - use rubber band rectangle to draw and select Java source
Rubber2.java - use rubber band rectangle with snap to grid Java source
Spring.java - a simple physics demonstration that flickers
Springdb.java - a simple physics demonstration double buffered
springgl.c - a simple physics demonstration in OpenGL
spring2gl.c - a complex physics demonstration, multiple windows
spring.c - a simple physics demonstration using Motif
single_double.c - demonstrate double_buffer and multiple windows
Jcolor.java - see what Java colors look like on your display/printer
teapots.c - see what OpenGL colors look like on your display/printer
checker.c - OpenGL texture map example
dirichlet.c - OpenGL Dirichlet domain area coloring
fractal.c - X Windows fractal drawing a tree
fractalgl.c - OpenGL fractal drawing a tree
Fractal.java - Java fractal drawing a tree
tenseggl.c - display a tensegrety structure in 3D
planets.c - OpenGL planets with moon rotating about sun
gears4.c - OpenGL gears driving gears
gears4.jpg - gears4.c snapshot
cubetex.c - OpenGL texture generated and mapped to cube
cubetex.jpg - cubetex.c snapshot
four_windows.c - OpenGL four 3D windows plus control and display
spin_dat.c - OpenGL color display of Utah Graphics .dat files
light_dat.c - OpenGL lighting display of Utah Graphics .dat files
light_dat2.c - OpenGL lighting display, no averaged normals
cube.dat.c - test data for spin.dat and light_dat
skull.dat - test data for spin.dat and light_dat
helix_635.dat - test data for spin.dat and light_dat
earth.c - OpenGL source for texture mapped earth
readtex.c - needed for earth.c
earth_small.rgb - needed for earth.c
test_gifread.c - test gifread.c
p1.gif - test data for alpha_fade.c
p2.gif - test data for alpha_fade.c
p3.gif - test data for alpha_fade.c
p4.gif - test data for alpha_fade.c
alpha_fade2.c - OpenGL source scene fade using alpha on jpeg
directory containing a deck of cards and OpenGL program
card_gl.c - OpenGL source to display and shuffle cards
jpegread.c - needed for alpha_fade2.c
jpeglib.h - needed for alpha_fade2.c
libjpeg.a - needed for alpha_fade2.c (Linux version)
test_jpegread.c - test jpegread.c
p1.jpg - test data for alpha_fade2.c
p2.jpg - test data for alpha_fade2.c
p3.jpg - test data for alpha_fade2.c
p4.jpg - test data for alpha_fade2.c
xbmread.c - needed for xbm_to_gl.c
xbm_to_gl.c - demonstrate reading .xbm files into OpenGL
test_xbmread.c - test xbmread.c
s01.xbm - test data for xbm_to_gl
d13.xbm - test data for xbm_to_gl
directory containing a deck of cards and OpenGL program
cards_gl.c - OpenGL source to display and shuffle cards
ImageDisplay.java - Java source to display .gif .jpg .png images
draw3D1.java - open 3D windows, threads
draw3D2.java - Basic 3D shape object entry
draw3D3.java - rev 3, Basic 3D shape object entry
Java_cp.java - Basic read a file, write a file
glut32.lib - a Microsoft Windows binary file for linking
glut32.dll - a Microsoft Windows binary file needed for execution
libglut.so.3 x86 linux library for GLUT
libXm.so.1 x86 linux library for Motif
CapabilitiesTest.java - What Java graphics can your screen handle
DisplayModeTest.java - What Java display modes are available
MultiBufferTest.java - Flashes colors, full screen, various speeds
oglsetup.pl.txt rename to oglsetup.pl
a perl script that may help you setup OpenGL
libglut.so.3.7 binary file for Linux, if not on your system
copy this file to your directory and add soft links to
libglut.so and libglut.so.3
RunThread.java runs computation in 4 threads showing
progress in four windows. (Best on two dual core system.)
w4a.c - X Windows Motif application, creating menus
w4gl.c - OpenGL application, creating menus
W4frame.java - File - open menu Java application, Java source code
needs ExampleFileFilter.java compiled first
ExampleFileFilter.java - needed by W4Frame.java Java source code
w5a.c - X Windows Motif application, getting user input
w5gl.c - OpenGL application, getting user input
W5frame.java - Java application getting user input
TestKeyCode.java - Java application getting key press,release
TestKeyCode.out - output getting key press,type,release,code
double_buffer.java - Java application double buffering
w6a.c - X Windows Motif application, a dusty old text editor
more coming soon
simeq.c solve simultaneous equations
simeq.f90 solve simultaneous equations
simeq.java solve simultaneous equations
simeq.adb solve simultaneous equations
ac_circuit.java AC complex circuit solution, source
ac_circuit.out AC complex circuit solution, output
ac_analysis.java AC complex circuit solution, source
ac_analysis.dat AC complex circuit solution, data
ac_analysis.out AC complex circuit solution, output
ac_analysis2.dat AC complex circuit solution, data
ac_analysis2.out AC complex circuit solution, output
ac_plotd.jpg AC complex circuit schematic
ac_plot.jpg AC complex circuit output plot
Matrix.java Java source code files needed by AC
Complex.java Java source code files needed by AC
ComplexMatrix.java Java source code files needed by AC
beam.c solve an ordinary equations for a simple beam
beam_c.out output from running beam.c
beam2.c solve an ordinary equations for a simple beam
beam2_c.out output from running beam2.c
Equations for numerical derivatives
Program to generate equations for numerical derivatives
source code nderiv.c
Fortran 95 Equations for numerical derivatives
Program to generate equations for numerical derivatives
source code nderiv.f90
Equations for numerical derivatives
Ada Program to generate equations for numerical derivatives
source code nderiv.adb
Simple solution to 2D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3.c
Output of pde3.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 2D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3.java
Output of pde3.java showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 2D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3.f90
Output of pde3.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 2D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3.adb
Output of pde3.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 3D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3b.c
Output of pde3b.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 3D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3b.java
Output of pde3b.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 3D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3b.f90
Output of pde3b.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Simple solution to 3D partial differential equation
boundary value problem. Source code pde3b.adb
Output of pde3b.c showing state of solution matrix
at various iterations
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
Source code peval.c
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
output peval_c.out
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
Source code peval.f90
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
output peval_f90.out
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
Source code peval.java
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
output peval_java.out
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
Source code peval.adb
Horners method for polynomial evaluation and accuracy test
output peval_ada.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
Source code gauleg.c
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
source code test_gaulegf1D.c
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output test_gaulegf1D_c.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
source code test_gaulegf2D.c
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output test_gaulegf2D_c.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
source code test_gaulegf3D.c
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output test_gaulegf3D_c.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
source code test_gaulegf4D.c
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output test_gaulegf4D_c.out
Galerkin FEM Lagrange Phi functions
source code laphi.c
Galerkin FEM Lagrange Phi functions
source code laphi.h
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
Source code gauleg.f90
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output gauleg_f90.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
Source code gauleg.java
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output gauleg_java.out
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
Source code gauleg.adb
Gauss Legendre integration and accuracy test
output gauleg_ada.out
Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials and integration,
source code Chebyshev.java
Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials and integration,
plot output Chebyshev.jpg
Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials and integration,
text output Chebyshev.out
Legendre orthogonal polynomials and integration,
source code Legendre.java
Legendre orthogonal polynomials and integration,
plot output Legendre.jpg
Legendre orthogonal polynomials and integration,
text output Legendre.out
one dimensional numerical integration,
source code line_int.c
one dimensional numerical integration
output showing numerical accuracy line_int.out
two dimensional numerical integration, over rectangle
source code rect_int.c
two dimensional numerical integration,
output showing numerical accuracy rect_int.out
two dimensional numerical integration, over triangle
source code tri_int.c
two dimensional numerical integration,
output showing numerical accuracy tri_int.out
triquad numerical integration, over triangle
source code triquad_int.c mapped gauss legendre
triquad numerical integration, over triangle
source code triquad_int.h mapped gauss legendre
triquad numerical integration, over triangle
source code triquad.m mapped gauss legendre
gen_triquad numerical integration, over triangle
source code gen_triquad.m mapped gauss legendre
three dimensional numerical integration,
source code cube_int.c
three dimensional numerical integration,
output showing numerical accuracy cube_int.out
tetrahedron numerical integration,
source code tetra_int.c
tetrahedron numerical integration,
output showing numerical accuracy tetra_int.out
tetraquad numerical integration, over tetrahedron
source code tetraquad.m
four dimensional numerical integration,
source code fourd_int.c
four dimensional numerical integration,
output showing numerical accuracy fourd_int.out
Legendre polynomial Fit of a function,
source code LegendreFit.java
Legendre polynomial Fit of a function,
plot output LegendreFit.jpg
Legendre polynomial Fit of a function,
text output LegendreFit.out
Lagrange polynomial Fit of a function,
source code LagrangeFit.java
Lagrange polynomial Fit of a function,
plot output LagrangeFit.jpg
Lagrange polynomial Fit of a function,
text output LagrangeFit.out
Fourier series Fit of a function,
source code FourierFit.java
Fourier series Fit of a function,
plot output FouierFit.jpg
Fourier series Fit of a function,
text output FourierFit.out
Fejer series Fit of a function,
source code FejerFit.java
Fejer series Fit of a function,
plot output FejerFit.jpg
Fejer series Fit of a function,
text output FejerFit.out
least square polynomial Fit of a function,
source code least_square_fit.java
least square polynomial Fit of a function,
plot output least_square_fit.jpg
least square polynomial Fit of a function,
text output least_square_fit.out
Chebyshev series Fit of a function,
source code ChebyshevFit.java
Chebyshev series Fit of a function,
plot output ChebyshevFit.jpg
Chebyshev series Fit of a function,
text output ChebyshevFit.out
big.c gcc -m64 option checking sizes
big.out output of gcc -m64 option checking sizes
bigll.c no options checking sizes using long long
bigll.out output checking sizes using long long
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power output
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power output
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power
polynomial in x,y,x to fourth power output
hello_64.asm - basic Intel x86 NASM source code
testdata_64.asm - demonstrate data types and values
testreg_64.asm - show register names and syntax
printf1_64.asm - call "C" printf from assembly language
ifint_64.asm - demonstrate "C" if-statement in nasm
ifflt_64.asm - demonstrate "C" if-statement in nasm
loopint_64.asm - demonstrate "C" loop in nasm
horner_64.asm - demonstrate Horners method in nasm
intarith_64.asm - demonstrate integer add, subtract, multiply, divide
fltarith_64.asm - demonstrate floating point arithmetic
intlogic_64.asm - demonstrate logic (and, or, xor, not)
shift_64.asm - demonstrate shift instructions
call1_64.asm - demonstrate writing a subroutine (void function)
call2_64.asm - demonstrate a subroutine working on an array
intfunct_64.asm - demonstrate a function int sum(int x, int y)
fltfunct_64.asm - demonstrate use of "C" math.h, calling sin
fltfunct_64.asm - demonstrate use of "C" math.h, calling sin
fib_64.asm - fib numbers and numeric limits
array2_64.asm - two dimensional character array indexing
syscall0_64.asm - demonstrate linux system calls, 64 bit
syscall1_64.asm - demonstrate linux system calls, 64 bit
hellos_64.asm - demonstrate linux system calls, 64 bit
boot1.asm - floppy boot program, Intel x86 NASM source code
bootreg.asm, Intel x86 NASM source code
ascii.txt - ASCII decimal and hexadecimal codes with keycodes
add_trace.vhdl - four bit adder simulation
add_trace.run - four bit adder simulation .run file
add_trace.out - four bit adder simulation .out file
Makefile.add_trace - four bit adder simulation Makefile
proj4.vhdl - project4 VHDL starter code
proj4.v - project4 Verilog starter code
add4.v - four bit adder simulation
sub4.v - four bit subtractor simulation
mul4.v - four bit multiplier simulation
div4.v - four bit divider simulation
proj5.vhdl - project5 VHDL starter code
proj5.run - project5 VHDL .run file
proj5.v - project5 Verilog starter code
qm.tgz Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
truth table and minterm input, VHDL and Verilog in and out
Makefile_qm make Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
truth table and minterm input, VHDL and Verilog in and out
quine_mcclusky.c Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
this file and calc_eqn.y or calc_eqn.tab.c
needed to build executable
calc_eqn.y for Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
Bison processes this file
calc_eqn.tab.c for Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
qm.1 Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization man page
copy to /usr/local/man/man1
tt4.dat for Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
sample input truth table
minterm4.dat for Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
sample input, minterms
eqn4.dat for Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
sample input VHDL or Verilog equations
eqn4.out from Quine McClusky digital circuit minimization,
sample output VHDL and Verilog equations
hello.v basic hello world program, Verilog source
hello_v.out basic hello world program, Verilog output
t_table.v truth tables 01xz, Verilog source
t_table_v.out truth tables 01xz, Verilog output
dff.v two D flip flops, behavioral and structural, Verilog source
test_dff.v test two D flip flops, Verilog source
test_dff_v.out test two D flip flops, Verilog output
dff4.jpg schematic of dff4 in dff.v
dff6.jpg schematic of dff6 in dff.v
sqrt8m.v sqrt of 8-bit integer, Verilog source
sqrt8m_v.out sqrt of 8-bit integer, Verilog output
sqrt32.v sqrt of 32-bit integer, Verilog source
sqrt32_v.out sqrt of 32-bit integer, Verilog output
pipe1.v pipeline 1, Verilog source
pipe1_v.out pipeline 1, Verilog output
pipe2.v pipeline 2, Verilog source
pipe2_v.out pipeline 2, Verilog output
Makefile_i1 Makefile used to compile and run verilog examples
Last updated 8/29/2021