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CMPE310 Selected Lecture Notes

 These are not intended to be complete lecture notes.
 Complicated figures or tables or formulas are included here
 in case they were not clear or not copied correctly in class.
 Source code may be included in line or by a link.

 Lecture numbers correspond to the syllabus numbering.


  • Lecture 1 Introduction, Number Systems
  • Lecture 2 Getting and using NASM
  • Lecture 3 Registers, Syntax and sections
  • Lecture 4 Arithmetic and shifting
  • Lecture 5 Using Debugger
  • Lecture 6 Branching and loops
  • Lecture 7 Subroutines
  • Lecture 8 Boot programs and 16-bit
  • Lecture 9 Syscall and BIOS calls
  • Lecture 10 Hardware interface
  • Lecture 11 Privileged instructions
  • Lecture 12 Linux kernel calls
  • Lecture 13 Review
  • Lecture 14 Mid term exam
  • Lecture 15 Memory hardware organization
  • Lecture 16 Memory decoding and wiring
  • Lecture 17 Memory RAM, DRAM
  • Lecture 18 Memory DRAM, DDR, Flash
  • Lecture 19 Input Output wiring
  • Lecture 20 Input Output devices
  • Lecture 21 Input Output 3 more devices
  • Lecture 22 Hardware Interrupts
  • Lecture 23 Disc Drum CD
  • Lecture 24 Busses
  • Lecture 25 Protected Mode Addressing
  • Lecture 26 Virtual memory paging hardware
  • Lecture 27 Arithematic Logic Unit
  • Lecture 28 Architecture
  • Lecture 29 Review
  • Lecture 30 Final Exam
  • Last updated 10/21/2015

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