Copyright 2016 by Joan Korenman
Here is Part 4 of Gender-Related Electronic Forums, an annotated, frequently-updated, alphabetical listing of publicly-accessible electronic forums (also known as "e-mail lists") related to women or to gender issues. (If you're new to e-mail lists and would like some basic information about what they are and how you can join one, check out this page.)
If you're looking for women-focused lists on a specific topic, you may prefer to use the following topical listings rather than scroll through the 4-part comprehensive listing (many lists, however, can be found only in the comprehensive listing):
ADDED NOTE: You are welcome to link to this document as long as you identify its title and author; the URL is . You are also welcome to tell other people about the document. However, PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE THE LISTINGS because the information goes out of date so quickly. If you know of additions/changes, please notify Joan Korenman. Thank you.
See Introduction for additions and changes made in the past month.
TECHNICALWOMAN is a web-based forum where women in technical fields can network and discuss matters of concern to them. Technical questions are welcome, as are postings on topics such as being a woman in a male-dominated field, work-life balance, job announcements, and more. For more information or to join the forum, go to
TECHTALK is a LinuxChix list for technical discussion among women interested in Linux or in the Open Source Software movement. More information about the range of topics can be found by examining the TECHTALK archives. To subscribe, go to the TECHTALK web page at .
TEXWOHIST-L (Texas Women's History) provides a forum for locating or sharing information by and about Texas women: research in progress, library collections, new books, conferences, exhibits, etc. To subscribe, send the following message to TEXWOHIST-L-REQUEST@VENUS.TWU.EDU: SUBSCRIBE Firstname Lastname
TGBUTCH is a list for Transgender Butches and their Femme admirers. Discussion includes TG Butch issues such as passing, gender identity, and relationships. More information is available at the TGBUTCH web page. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE TGBUTCH to MAJORDOMO@GROUPS.QUEERNET.ORG .
THIRDWAVE is "a place for individuals to exchange information, share thoughts, feelings, and ideas about feminism or feminist issues. It is also meant to be a place to 'connect,' to make friendships and discuss the specific issues facing women who came of age in the 80's and 90's and other topics related to 'third wave' feminism with other voices and diverse points of view." For more information or to subscribe, go to the Thirdwave web page on Yahoo Groups.
TISHA KABIN is a moderated discussion group for Jewish women. It carries a much broader range of topics than its sister list, ESHET CHAYIL. Both lists are open only to Jewish women. For more information or to subscribe, see the TISHA KABIN web site at .
TRANS/GENDER-THEORY seeks to provide a meeting place for discussion of concepts, theories and related ideas of gender. Included within these are all areas related to transsexualism, transgenderism and associated topics, and those contexts that are exemplified by the experience of those people who cross the divides between genders. For more information or to subscribe, see the TRANS/GENDER-THEORY web page at . [NOTE: like most Yahoo lists that have anything to do with sexuality or sexual orientation, this list is now harder to reach. You have to join Yahoo lists and then state that you are over 18 years of age.]
TRAVEL-DYKES is a list "for lesbians and bi women who are interested in setting off from the comforts of home and seeking adventure in whatever form pleases them." It provides a forum for discussing all aspects of travel, including sharing advice and tips, exchanging information, networking, and telling travel stories. Discussion need not focus exclusively on lesbigay-oriented travel issues, but it should remain generally focused on travel. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE TRAVEL-DYKES to MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG . For more information, send the message INFO TRAVEL-DYKES to the same address.
TRUST is an online support list for women who have been betrayed. By providing such a support group, "we should all be able to get back what we feel has been taken from us by someone we love and trusted." To subscribe, send a blank email message to TRUST-SUBSCRIBE@MAKELIST.COM .
TW-WOMEN promotes discussion of issues related to Taiwanese women. The list is open to the general public. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE TW-WOMEN to MAJORDOMO@FORMOSA.ORG or use the form on the TW-WOMEN web site.
UK-MOTSS-WOMEN is a wide-ranging women-only list for lesbian and bisexual women in the United Kingdom. To subscribe, send a politely worded request to UKMW-REQUEST@DIVERSITY.ORG.UK ; include the list name in your request. It is suggested that you read the information available at the UK-MOTSS web site before you subscribe.
UNIWOMEN is an Australian forum for discussing issues of relevance to women in universities. Topics vary but may include employment issues, job opportunities, conferences, university policies and procedures, women student issues, resources, scholarships and other opportunities for women, and gender equity in universities from diverse perspectives. To subscribe, go to the UNIWOMEN web page.
urban_women is an international forum with the objective of facilitating an exchange of information and sharing of experiences, resources, and strategies to advance women's rights and gender equality in local governance and local governments. The listserve is open to all womens's groups, activists, institutions, equality-seeking organizations, women in local government - elected officials, administrators, staff, partners, women urban professionals, etc. Men are also welcome. For more information or to subscribe, see the urban_women Yahoo groups page.
USENET: Another source of electronic forums is Usenet, with its vast array of "newsgroups." Among the thousands of groups are the following: soc.feminism, soc.women, and These newsgroups all carry discussions of male/female relations, as well as other topics. The newsgroups are public, open to both men and women. Soc. feminism is moderated; the others are not and tend to be somewhat wilder and more argumentative. Some systems may also have access to the Clarinet newsgroup This group posts news articles pertaining to women around the world; there is no discussion. Systems must pay to receive Clarinet newsgroups; if your system receives Clarinet, you can read these groups at no charge in the same way you read Usenet. Methods of accessing Usenet newsgroups vary from system to system, but they are now available on the Web, where they are called Google groups. To find Usenet newsgroups on a given topic, you can also try the Usenet Info Center Launch Pad or Infinite Ink's Finding News Groups.
USWRUGBY-DISCUSSION is an open, sometimes moderated list for discussion primarily of women's rugby. Virtually any topic related to women's rugby is appropriate, such as playing strategies, refereeing questions, administrative matters, etc. The list is open to women and men in all countries. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE USWRUGBY-DISCUSSION to MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM ,
UTERINE FIBROIDS is for discussing all methods of treatment for uterine fibroids. "It encourages lively discussion on both positive and negative feedback on all methods of treatment ranging from hysterectomy, myomectomy, uterine artery embolization (UAE), and any other treatment option that a woman may be considering or have already undergone." To subscribe, send an e-mail message to .
VISIONS-AFR is a bilingual (English/French) forum to post information and to discuss problems and solutions to the task of gender equality, with a focus on the West African region. Among the topics that the list has been set up to discuss are reproductive health and access to information in Africa; socio-cultural practices that affect women and children's health; family planning. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE VISIONS-AFR to MAJORDOMO@HSPHSUN2.HARVARD.EDU . VISIONS-AFR is part of the Global Reproductive Health Forum; more information is available at that site.
VULVARDISORDERS is a list for women who are dealing with vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, or any other vulvar disorder. You can subscribe from the VULVARDISORDERS web page. For more information, write to .
VULVARPAINFORUM was created for women who suffer from any of a number of manifestations of chronic vulvar pain, known collectively as vulvodynia. The list is intended as a space for candid discussion of available treatments and resources, as well as to offer emotional support. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE VULVARPAINFORUM to MAJORDOMO@LISTS.JABBERWOCKY.COM .
VULVODYNIALIST is a forum for discussion of vulvodynia (painful vulva). Related information is available at the Vulvodynia web site. To subscribe, send the message SUB vulvodynialist (Your Real Name) to LIST-REQUEST@INCONTINET.COM . Be sure to use lower case for the list name and put parentheses around your real name.
VWOOLF, run under the general auspices of the Virginia Woolf Society, is an unmoderated list devoted to the exchange of information, ideas, and queries about Virginia Woolf. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE VWOOLF Your Name to LISTPROC@LISTS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU .
W2MOMS (Working Mothers) is a discussion list for moms (and dads) dealing with issues related to raising healthy, happy children while holding down full- or part-time jobs. Discussions include but are not limited to child care, scheduling problems, sick kids, office support, etc. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE W2MOMS Your-email-address (e.g., SUBSCRIBE W2MOMS to MAJORDOMO@POBOX.COM .
W2W-COUPLES is "a closed, moderated list for women who want to discuss issues about being in a loving relationship with another woman." Among the issues are non/monogamy, merging vs. autonomy, sex, domestic partnership benefits, dealing with family members, anti- or pro-couple bias in the community, networking with other couples, etc. For more info, send the message INFO W2W-COUPLES to MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG . To subscribe, send this message instead: SUBSCRIBE W2W-COUPLES Your@email.address .
WAIB-LIST is a list for faculty, graduate students, administrators, etc. who are members of the Academy of International Business as well as for others who are interested in international business from an educational perspective. More information is available at the WAIB web site. To subscribe, send a message to
WAL (Women Artists Listserv) is a discussion forum for contemporary international women artists of all backgrounds, including students. Topics may include exhibition opportunities; sharing resources; technical issues; balancing art, family, relationships, and work; obstacles and opportunities facing women artists today; financial and sales issues; forming international alliances; how to use electronic resources to gain visibility, etc. Please do not send announcements of upcoming exhibitions to the list. You can subscribe from the WAL web page or by sending an email message to WAL-REQUEST@NETDREAMS.COM with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject line and nothing in the body.
WAM exists to help members of Women and Mathematics keep in touch and share information. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WAM to MAJORDOMO@MYSTERY.COM .
WATER-L is a list affiliated with the Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual, an organization that works for serious theological, ethical, and liturgical development for and by women. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WATER-L to
WCML-L is the list affiliated with the Women's Caucus for the Modern Languages. Notices of professional opportunities, calls for papers, announcement of conferences, and questions and requests for information about professional issues are welcome. To subscribe to the list, send a message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU with the words SUBSCRIBE WCML-L Your Name in the body of the message.
WCWIA (Working-Class Women in Academe) is a discussion list for working-class women who now labor in colleges or universities as students or faculty. You can subscribe from the WCWIA Yahoo Groups web page or by sending an email message to WCWIA-SUBSCRIBE@YAHOOGROUPS.COM in which you include your name, institution, and how you found out about the list.
WEBWOMEN-CHAT is a non-technical list for women on the web, "to keep the chatter away from the focused, technical lists" (presumably WEBWOMEN-HTML and WEBWOMEN-TECH, below). To subscribe, send a message with just the word SUBSCRIBE in the Subject: header to WEBWOMEN-CHAT-REQUEST@NIESTU.COM .
WEBWOMEN-GRAPHICS covers anything pertaining to the creation and/or manipulation of computer graphics, from design to rendering to photo-manipulation to optimizing graphics for web work. To subscribe, send the one-word message SUBSCRIBE in the Subject: header to WEBWOMEN-GRAPHICS-REQUEST@NIESTU.COM .
WEBWOMEN-HTML is a list for women web content developers. To subscribe, send a message with just the word SUBSCRIBE in the Subject: header to WEBWOMEN-HTML-REQUEST@NIESTU.COM .
WEBWOMEN-TECH is a list for women involved in the technical side of managing web sites. To subscribe, send a message with just the word SUBSCRIBE in the Subject: header to WEBWOMEN-TECH-REQUEST@NIESTU.COM .
WEEPING-WILLOWS is a list for Black women "who have or are suffering from depression to talk with other women about various treatments and therapies, offer support, and discuss social issues, sexual abuse, drug addiction, weight issues, relationships, and other things" that affect mental health. For more information or to subscribe, see the WEEPING-WILLOWS web site. You can also subscribe by sending an email message to WEEPING-WILLOWS-SUBSCRIBE@YAHOOGROUPS.COM .
WELDON-DISCUSS is a discussion list about British author Fay Weldon. To subscribe, send an email message to JOIN-WELDON-DISCUSS@CLIO.LYRIS.NET . Put nothing in the Subject line or in the body of the message. You will automatically be added to the list. For related information, see the Weldon web site.
WEPAN-L is the e-mail list associated with WEPAN, Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network. WEPAN's purpose is to encourage more women to pursue careers in engineering. You must be a member of WEPAN to subscribe to the e-mail list. More information is available at the WEPAN web site.
WHARTON-L, the online discussion list of the Edith Wharton Society, enourages the exchange of information about scholarship and resources on Wharton, announcements of interest to members, and, above all, discussion about Edith Wharton and her works. You do not need to be a member of the Wharton Society to join WHARTON-L. To subscribe to this unmoderated list, send the message SUBSCRIBE WHARTON-L to For more information, see the Edith Wharton Society web site.
WHIRL (Women's History in Rhetoric and Language) focuses on women's rhetorical activities of all kinds (argumentation, debate, public speaking, oratory, fiction, non-fiction, etc.) from ancient times to the present. Send subscription requests (SUB WHIRL Your Name) to LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU .
WHOM is a list for women historians of medicine. Women working in the history of public health, health issues, medicine, and medical sciences are welcome to join. Managed by Conevery Bolton Valencius of Washington University, the list provides an informal way for women historians to cooperate, network, strategize, and circulate information. To join, send the message SUBSCRIBE WHOM Your Name to LISTSERV@ARTSCI.WUSTL.EDU .
WIENET (Women in Evolution Network) fosters networking among all people interested in the experience of women in evolutionary biology and science in general. Most subscribers are academic scientists, although all viewpoints are welcome. To subscribe to the list, send the message SUBSCRIBE WIENET Your Name to LISTPROC@WUGATE.WUSTL.EDU . Note: the listname, WIENET, must be in all caps.
WIF is sponsored by Women in French, an academic organization that promotes the study of francophone women writers and of women more generally in francophone countries. For more information, see the Women in French web page.
WIFE2WIFE is a forum where married women can discuss any and every aspect of their lives: having kids, not having kids, romance, sex, anger, jobs, politics, etc. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WIFE2WIFE to MAJORDOMO@MYLIST.NET .
WIG-L, sponsored by the Coalition of Women in German, focuses on the feminist study of German literature, culture, and language. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMEN_IN_GERMAN Your-email-address. More information is available at the Women in German web site.WIGSAT-L focuses on international gender, science, and technology issues for NGOs, researchers, policy makers, and anyone else interested in gender, science, and technology for development. The list regularly distributes information on job announcements, events, and publications, including the International Gender, Science and Technology Digest. For more information or to subscribe, go to the WIGSAT-L web page.
WILD-LIST is a forum for information and discussion about lesbian studies from a European perspective. It's a closed list and for women only. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WILD-LIST your@e-address to MAJORDOMO@HELSINKI.FI . If you encounter subscription problems, write to WILD-LIST-REQUEST@HELSINKI.FI . For more information see the list's web site.
WIM-SERV (Women in Medicine Listserv) is run by the Association of American Medical Colleges' Women in Medicine program. The list provides a vehicle for discussion of WIM organizational issues and activities, improving equity in medicine, leadership development issues, family and flexibility issues, and women's health in medical education. You can subscribe from the WIM-SERV web page at .
WIN (Women in Neuroscience) is a list that links over 600 women neuroscientists throughout the world. It is affiliated with the Society for Neuroscience. To subscribe, contact Ivy Dunn at IDUNN@P300.CPL.UIUC.EDU .
WINE (Women Information Network Europe) is a list for professionals in the field of Feminist Information and Documentation Centres. For more information or to subscribe, see the WINE web page at .
WIPHYS is a moderated list for issues of concern to women in physics. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WIPHYS to LISTSERV@APS.ORG .
WISA focuses on issues relating to women in Student Affairs, specifically, and higher education in general. The list is sponsored by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Send subscription message to LISTSERV@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU .
WISE-L is a forum for European women's studies, including the the exchange of information, syllabi, and bibliographies and discussion of program development, European or national policy issues, and political and theoretical debates concerning women's studies. The list is open to all practitioners doing women's studies in Europe or working on European topics, and to others interested in discussing these topics. Send the message SUB WISE-L Your Name to LISTSERV@UTA.FI or join from the WISE-L web page. For more information, see the list's User's Guide, available in English, French, and Spanish, and/or the searchable archives.
WISENET is a list for women in science, mathematics, and engineering. Send usual subscription message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UIC.EDU .
WiseWomen is a high-volume list (20-50 messages per day) established to support women on the web by providing a supportive atmostphere to deal with issues of web development and consulting. Among the topics covered are HTML coding questions, JavaScript, CSS, Flash, server-side issues, etc.; web graphics and web design; hardware and software tools; starting a consulting business; being a female computer consultant/web developer, etc. For more information or to subscribe, see the Wise-Women web site.
WISHPERD focuses on women in sport, health, physical education, recreation, and dance. Send subscription message SUBSCRIBE WISHPERD Your name to LISTPROC@LISTPROC.SJSU.EDU. For more information, see the WISHPERD web page.
WISP-L provides a forum for discussion among members of Women in Scholarly Publishing (WISP) and is restricted to WISP members. Membership in WISP is open to all who work in scholarly or university press publishing or in related professions who actively support equal rights and equal opportunity for women and minorities. More information can be found on the WISP web site.
WIST (Women in Sport Touring) is a list for women motorcyclists to exchange ideas about motorcycles, gear, safety, races, courses, roads, etc. and to meet other women riders. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WIST-DIGEST to MAJORDOMO@MAGPIE.COM .
WITCH (Women in (the) Computing History) "hopes to augment traditional resources of women's history and histories of computing by being a repository for women's own stories throughout the history of computing." To subscribe, send a message to WITCH-REQUEST@NIESTU.COM with the single word SUBSCRIBE in the Subject header.
WITSENDO is a list for discussion of endometriosis treatment and support. Send subscription messages to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU .
WIVES OF EGYPTIANS is a women-only forum for Muslim women married to Egyptian Muslims. "We hope this will be a place where we can grow in Islam, and also share our stories of life with an Egyptian male." To subscribe, see the WivesofEgyptians web page. More information is also available at the Wives of Egyptians home page.
WIVES OF MOROCCANS (WOM) is a women-only list for the wives of Moroccans. You can subscribe from the WOM Yahoo groups web page.
WLCJNET is a discussion group for members of synagogue Sisterhoods affiliated with Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Topics include a broad range of issues relevant to today's women: family, lifecycle events, synagogue and Sisterhood, Israel, spirituality, etc. Only members of affiliated Sisterhoods may join. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WLCJNET Your Name to LISTSERV@JTSA.EDU .WLDADD is designed for professionals in the fields of education, psychology, or health services, who are interested in topics relating to women and learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The focus is primarily on adult women with learning differences and higher education. College educators, researchers, counselors, disability suppport staff, admissions, or psychologists and therapists in private practice who work with women with learning differences may be particularly interested. Women who have learning differences are especially welcome. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WLDADD Your Name to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM .
WMOMS originally focused on issues affecting working mothers, but it now includes working fathers as well. Among the issues discussed are balancing work and family, daycare and babysitting arrangements, the "mommy track," expressing breast milk at work, sharing work/child responsibilities, etc. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WMOMS to MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM .
WM-RESEARCHERS is a list for those researching women's movements. The list is designed to promote the free exchange of ideas, discussion, and debate on issues list members are facing in their research. We also welcome the sharing of information about archives, libraries, or resources on women's movements in the US and abroad. Researchers from within and outside academia are welcome. To subscribe, send an email message to . You can also subscribe from the WM-RESEARCHERS web page.
WMST-L is an academic list devoted to discussion of Women's Studies teaching, research, and program administration. It also distributes Women's Studies job and conference announcements and calls for papers, and maintains extensive online collections of syllabi, bibliographies, topical discussions, and other files relevant to Women's Studies. More information can be found on WMST-L's web page. Send subscription requests (SUB WMST-L Your Name) to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU .
WOLF-COVE seeks to provide a forum where "each woman encourages the growth of her own internal Wild One." It is a community where women and men converse with each other with mutual respect and caring. All topics are open for discussion. You must be at least 25 years of age to join WOLF-COVE. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOLF-COVE to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM .
WOMANTALK is a women-only list for chatting and sharing Christian fellowship. Non-Christians are welcome. All members must actively participate on the list--no lurking. Members practice tolerance and respect for each other's beliefs. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMANTALK web page on Yahoo Groups: .
WOMBAT (Womyn of Beauty and Temptation) is an e-mail list "specifically for bisexual womyn, but any womyn is allowed to join. No one will be denied membership solely on the basis of sexual orientation." To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMBAT Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM . More information is available at the list's web site.
WOMCOLLIB has been established to share information among those working in libraries at women's colleges and to share scholarly inquiry dealing with women's colleges or women's education. Examples of issues include ways in which women access and process information, ways library facilities may be best designed to serve women, and scholarly resources valuable to the study of women's education. To subscribe, send a message to LIST-REQUEST@CATT.COCHRAN.SBC.EDU; in the SUBJECT HEADER, say SUBSCRIBE WOMCOLLIB Firstname Lastname . Not that this goes in the subject header, not the body of the message.
WOMEN is academic and professional in focus, and aims to cover women's issues and gender issues, especially in Turkey and in developing countries. English and Turkish are accepted languages on this list. To subscribe, send the message SUB WOMEN Firstname Lastname to LISTPROC@BILKENT.EDU.TR .
WOMEN20SAND30S is a list for women in their 20s and 30s who wish to talk about anything and everything in their lives. Most members are married with children, but this is not a requirement. The list describes itself as very supportive and friendly. To subscribe, send a message to REBASHELBY@AOL.COM and on the Subject line put SUBSCRIBE WOMEN20SAND30S .
WOMEN30S is a list for women in their 30s. Appropriate topics include (but are not limited to) turning 30, turning 40, kids (to have or not, little ones or big ones), careers or jobs, relationships with men or women, current events, etc. To subscribe, send the standard subscription request to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
WOMEN40S is a women-only list for "energetic, competent, intelligent women who have reached their fortieth birthday and who look forward to new experiences, interesting friends, and active lives, while sharing this exciting time." To subscribe, send the standard subscription message to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . You are asked to submit a short bio before you are subscribed to the list. The bio should be sent to WOMEN40S-REQUEST@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
WOMEN_AND_RESEARCH is an Australian-based list for university women interested in topics related to research. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMEN_AND_RESEARCH to MAJORDOMO@UOW.EDU.AU .
WOMEN-AND-SOCIAL-POLICY was founded to improve the communication between the members of the women and social policy special interest group and other interested academics. The aim is to discuss relevant issues, to inform each other about relevant research projects, publications, and conferences, and to organize events such as study days. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMEN-AND-SOCIAL-POLICY web page at .
WOMEN-BODYART is open only to women over the age of 18. It provides a safe and hassle-free space for discussing all types of body art, including tattooing, piercing, branding, scarification, and any other form of body modification done for the sake of art, as well as all aspects of the process. The list's primary participants are body art enthusiasts, and the advice they give is in no way guaranteed to be accurate or safe. To subscribe, send the one-word message SUBSINGLE (or SUBSCRIBE, to get the digest version) to WOMEN-BODYART-REQUEST@LISTS.BEST.COM . For more information, send the message GETINFO to the same address.
WOMEN-CHRONIC-ILLNESS is a women-only list that provides a safe space to discuss all aspects of dealing with chronic but not immediately life-threatening conditions such as asthma, severe allergies, epilepsy, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis C, candida albicans, fibromyalgia, and similar ailments. List participants can discuss the pros and cons of various treatments and offer support to each other in dealing with conditions that lovers, family, and friends often don't understand. To subscribe, send the one-word message SUBSINGLE (or SUBSCRIBE, for the digest version) to WOMEN-CHRONIC-ILLNESS-REQUEST@LISTS.BEST.COM . For more information, send the message GETINFO to the same address.
WOMEN_DEV, affiliated with the Women in Game Development SIG, is an unmoderated forum for women professionals in the interactive entertainment (games) industry. The list is open to all individuals who are interested in this topic. The list supports the Women in Game Development SIG's goal to proactively encourage and support women in the games industry. The list supports this goal by providing an open forum for discussion of issues about women in the industry, including education, mentorship, coporate successes and failures, career networking, game development, and equity. To subscribe, see the WOMEN_DEV web page.
WOMEN-EAST-WEST is an international English-language discussion list for exchange on gender issues in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. The list also carries general announcements about the Network of East-West Women. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMEN-EAST-WEST web page.
WOMENET has been initiated by the American Studies Association Women's Task Force to facilitate discussion of the status of international women in American Studies and the intersection among women's studies, American Studies, and international perspectives. The list should provide an opportunity for women in American Studies around the world to "think out loud" and to discuss their research, teaching, and academic situation. To subscribe, send the usual subscription message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.GEORGETOWN.EDU .
WOMEN FOR WOMEN SUCCESS is a list where women help other women trying to learn to do business on the Internet, and share with one another our successes and failures, as well as information about our Internet business. To subscribe, go to the Topica web site and search for WFWS.
WOMEN-IN-ECOLOGY is a list for women ecologists in academic or related institutions primarily in higher education. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMEN-IN-ECOLOGY web page at .
WOMEN-IN-HOCKEY is a list for women who play ice, street, or roller hockey, or who are involved in these kinds of hockey in some way, or are interested in playing these sports. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMEN-IN-HOCKEY web site.
WOMEN-IN-MINISTRY is "a closed, unmoderated discussion list addressing the unique needs of Christian women called to or active in ministry." The list serves as a forum for support, mentoring, announcements, and general discussion, but NOT for theological debate. To subscribe, send the message INFO WOMEN-IN-MINISTRY to MAJORDOMO@NEWLIFEBEGINS.COM and follow the instructions in the resulting information file for further subscription information.
WOMENINSCIENCE is a list for women scientists from the United Kingdom and Switzerland. To subscribe, send the message SUB WOMENINSCIENCE to LISTSERV@MILEPOST1.COM . You can also subscribe at the womeninscience web page.
Women in Technology is a listing of email lists focusing on women in technology, in the U.S. and elsewhere, run through the list organization Topica. I'm including it here because it's extensive and includes a number of local lists not covered by Gender-Related Electronic Forums.
WOMENINWILDERNESS is a list for discussing women who enjoy outdoors recreation such as mountain climbing, backpacking, scuba diving, wilderness homesteading, etc. and the careers open for women in the fields of natural science, such as game warden, conservation officer, biologist, etc. You can subscribe at the womeninwilderness web page .
WOMEN-L apparently didn't know about the above WOMEN-L list and so uses the same name, though it's a rather different list. This second WOMEN-L describes itself as "a free-form conference for the discussion and debate of all varieties of women's issues and exists for its subscribers to exchange personal views." To subscribe, send the usual subscription message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM .
WOMEN-LIST provides business-related support to women who have their own businesses or are planning to do so. Issues focus on the nitty gritty of running a business, from startup to day-to-day issues such as getting a loan, developing client contracts, marketing your small business, etc. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMEN-LIST to MAJORDOMO@CGIM.COM .
WOMEN-ONLINE offers news, information exchange, and networking for women. To subscribe, send the one-word message SUBSINGLE to WOMEN-ONLINE-REQUEST@LISTS.BEST.COM . If you prefer to receive the digest version, say SUBSCRIBE rather than SUBSINGLE .
WOMENRAB is a multidenominational, international discussion group for and by women rabbis and women rabbinical students. It is designed to provide a supportive, accessible sanctuary in cyberspace in which to discuss personal, professional, familial, emotional, spiritual, halakhic, and educational issues pertinent to women in the rabbinate. Open only to women rabbis and women rabbinical students. Send usual subscription message to LISTSERV@JTSA.EDU. For more info: FORMANL@UJAFEDNY.ORG.
WOMENS-CYCLING is an unmoderated list for those interested in the issues, etc., of women on self-powered cycles, especially bicycles. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMENS-CYCLING <your e-address> to LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM .
WOMENS-HOOPS is a list for discussion of women's basketball. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMENS-HOOPS to MAJORDOMO@TOTO.COM .
WOMENS-WELLNESS is a forum for women's issues of any kind, but especially for discussions of breast cancer, physical well-being, and wellness issues. You can subscribe at the WELLNESS web site or by sending the message SUBSCRIBE WELLNESS to MAJORDOMO@VISIONTM.COM .
WOMEN_SRI_LANKA is a list for discussion of "issues relating to women, gender, and other relevant topics." Though many of the subscribers are from Sri Lanka, the list is open to everyone. You can subscribe from the women_sri_lanka web page or by sending an email message to . [The web page has become very difficult to access. If you are over 18, try signing in to Yahoo Groups and then going to the list's URL: .]
WomenTech is a national online community for 1) women in male-dominated tech occupations and 2) female students in community colleges who are pursuing tech careers. WomenTech enables members to network online, share tips for being successful in school and on the job, and have some female company. Tech occupations are broadly defined to include the full range from information technology to auto technology. For more information or to subscribe, see the WomenTech web page at .
WOMEN-THREESCORE is a women-only list for "scintillating, smart, sentient, and sagacious women who have reached their sixtieth birthday and who look forward to something new as each day dawns." To subscribe, first send an introductory bio to WOMEN-THREESCORE-REQUEST@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . Then send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMEN-THREESCORE Your Name to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . (Requests for more information may be sent to the "REQUEST" address.)
WOMEN-WALES is a list for discussion of interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to the study of women's lives and culture in Wales, and issues and debates in women's studies across higher education institutions in Wales and elsewhere in the U.K. More information is available at the WOMEN-WALES web page at .WomenWithAspergers is a Yahoo forum for Women with Asperger's Syndrome. Here is the description provided by the forum: "Asperger Syndrome appears to be a male dominated condition, and there is very little information & guidance available to women dealing with our unique challenges. I would like to invite all WOMEN WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME to join, and support each other in learning how to recognize those aspects of our lives affected by the disorder, and assist each other in developing coping strategies. This is a moderated board, and accepts only adult females who have AS." For more information or to join, see the Yahoo group website for WomenWithAspergers.
WOMENWORK deals with the issues of women and work in the context of economic empowerment of women in developing countries or areas of economic hardship and crisis. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMENWORK to MAJORDOMO@HUMANISM.ORG .
WomenwritersThroughThe Ages is "a group for serious readers who like to talk about what they read in depth." Discussion focuses on all kinds of writing by and for women of all eras, cultures, and languages, as well as on music, pictures, and film. More information can be found on the WomenwritersThroughThe Ages web site, as well as the WWTTA web page on Yahoo, where you can also subscribe.
WOMENWRITERS ZINE is a list for discussion of women writers and related literary topics. For more information (including a look at the archives) and/or to subscribe, go to the WOMENWRITERS ZINE list's web page.
WOMHLTHAGING-DD is an open forum for older women with developmental disabilities, their families, researchers, clinicians, students, advocates, etc., focusing on disability and women's health-related issues, with a particular emphasis on aging with developmental disabilities. To subscribe, go to . Select "Join or leave this list" and fill out the online subscription form. The listowner provides more resources on a related website.
WOMLATEPHD is a list specifically for women who pursued or are pursuing their master's degree or Ph.D. at the age of 40 or above. Women doing their Ph.D. studies in the mature years present unique experiences, different needs and goals than those of younger students. The list is intended to serve as a network of support. It welcomes women from many countries. Though the main working language of communication is English, the list's moderator is also able to communicate in German and Italian. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMLATEPHD web page in Yahoo groups.
WOM-MUS is a forum for people working on womyn's music festivals, feminist music events, riot grrrl or other contemporary feminist musics, and feminist theory/music history as related to these topics. Independent scholars and people working in the organizational and business end of feminist cultural organizations are welcome also. The list is NOT intended as a "fan club." To subscribe, send your email address to ORBIT@NO-FI.COM (the letter after the F is an upper-case i). That same address can also be used to obtain more information.
WOM-PO is a list for discussion of women's poetry in all languages and periods, from poets of all ethnicities. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOM-PO Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU .
WOMUSIC is an unmoderated discussion list for academic/feminist inquiry related to women's music, women's musical spaces, and women's performance in contemporary popular music. Any genre of music may be included, including (but not limited to) folk, women's music collectives and women-only spaces, women-centric punk (e.g., RiotGrrl), country music, rap, and lesbian punk/queercore. To subscribe, send the message SUB WOMUSIC Your Name to LISTSERV@DARTMOUTH.EDU .
WOMYNWIT is a list for women professors of adult education and is open only to them. For more information, write to the listowner at WOMYNWIT-REQUEST@TAMU.EDU . To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMYNWIT Your Name to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU (the 1 at the end of TAMVM1 is the number one).
WORK4WOMEN-DEVELOPMENT is a forum where educators and workforce development professionals who work on behalf of women and girls can exchange questions on non-traditional-occupation-related subjects and suggest solutions; post information about events and funding opportunities, and learn about resource materials that will help women and girls obtain and remain in high-wage non-traditional occupations in such areas as technology, constructions, telecommunications, law enforcement, and other industries where women represent less than 25% of the workforce. For more information or to subscribe, see the WORK4WOMEN-DEVELOPMENT web page on egroups or send a message to
WORKING-CLASS-STUDIES is designed primarily for "scholars and educators, activists and advocates, artists and writers, and workers and students who are interested in this engaged field." For more information or to subscribe, see the WORKING-CLASS-STUDIES web page.
WORKING_MOMS offers a supportive online community for working moms juggling careers and kids and all the rest of "having it all." More information can be obtained at the Working Moms' Internet Refuge. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WORKING_MOMS to MAJORDOMO@MOMS-REFUGE.COM . [NOTE: The web site is not responding. If this continues, the list is probably defunct and will be removed from this listing.]
WOUGNET is a list for sharing news, information, and activities on women-related issues in Uganda. It is part of the Women of Uganda Network, which also maintains the WOUGNET web site. To subscribe to the email list, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOUGNET to
WRAC-L (Women's Resource and Action Centers List) focuses on issues and resources of significance to women's centers. The list is open to the staff and affiliates of women's centers, whether community-based or associated with schools, colleges, or universities. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WRAC-L Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU . For more information, see L-Soft's WRAC-L web page
. WSF (Women's Short Fiction List) is a supportive forum for writers of fiction aimed primarily at women, such as confessions, romances, and other types of short fiction. Participants share advice, encouragement, ideas, and personal experiences. Both male and female writers of this genre are welcome to join. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WSF to MAJORDOMO@MAJORDOMO.NET .
WSPHD-L is a forum for Women's Studies doctoral students. It provides students a means of posting announcements, news, and pertinent requests. M.A. students in Women's Studies are also welcome, as are recipients of the Women's Studies Ph.D. Participants should be aware, however, that this list will focus on the Ph.D. from students' perspectives. For more information or to subscribe, go to the WSPHD-L web site.
WSS-L is a list for the Association of College and Research Libraries Women's Studies Section. WSS-L is open to anyone interested in women's studies librarianship, whether they are members of ACRL-WSS or not. To subscribe, send e-mail to LISTPROC@ALA1.ALA.ORG with a blank subject header and the message SUBSCRIBE WSS-L Your Name in the body of the message.
WT-L is a forum for women and men from all occupations who want to share information and experiences about the realities of working together. Discussion topics include work and family, gender and diversity, etc. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WT-L to MAJORDOMO@RAIN.ORG. [Note: there may be a connection between this list and a publisher of books on women and workplace issues.]
WTP-L, the Women and Theatre Program discussion list, is a forum for scholars and artists interested in feminism, sexualities, race, class, and gender as they relate to theatre and performance. People can exchange information about current research, production methodologies, teaching or rehearsal strategies, funding sources, useful texts/films, the availability of performers as guest artists, new plays, etc. Send standard subscription message to LISTSERV@UHCCVM.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU .
WWA-L (Women Writers and Artists) is "a list for creative women who would like to connect with other creative women in an intimate setting. We want to keep the list on the small side with active participants." To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WWA-L Your Name to LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU . The message will be sent to the listowner, who will add people manually. Subscribers will be asked to prepare a short bio. For more information, write to Sue Poremba at SCP4@PSU.EDU .
WWP-L was set up by the Women Writers Project to discuss the project and women writers from pre-Victorian periods. Send subscription messages (SUB WWP-L Your Name) to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU .
WW-TALK is a list where women web designers discuss matters off-topic for the WiseWomen list. Topics have ranged from DSL vs. cable modems to the merits of estrogen therapy. For more information or to subscribe, see the Wise-Women web site.
WWWW (Wild Wolf Women of the Web) has as its purpose "to serve as a communications channel for women, to discuss the wildish and archetypical nature of women, poetic and spiritual thoughts, and grow together as friends and pack mates." More information can be found at the WWWW web site . People interested in subscribing should write to the listowner at ANNIE@TIR.COM ; there is currently a waiting list.
Xbox GamerchiX began in 2006 as "a group for female gamers that was open to women and girls of any age, any location, any gaming preference, any gaming platform, and any ability." For more information or for information about how to join, see the Xbox GamerchiX web page.
XXANDLAW is a list for women law students and is open only to women. The list's purpose is to provide a forum for discussion of women's status as "outsiders" in legal culture. Messages about any subject of concern to women in the law are welcome. To subscribe, send your name and email address to OWNER-XXANDLAW@LAW.WISC.EDU.
YALAD, which means "to give birth," is a list for discussion of Jewish birthing practices. "It is open to professionals and lay people alike who are interested or curious. This list is NOT a place for the discussion of circumcision except in terms of bris milah ideas." You can subscribe at the listowner's web site or by sending the message SUBSCRIBE YALAD to MAJORDOMO@FENSENDE.COM .
YNGWIVES, the Young Wives Discussion Group, is a women-only list for discussing issues that relate to or stem from being a young wife, such as in-laws, living together, children, sex, money, career, education, etc. Send usual subscription message to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
Go to Part 1: Lists A through E.
Go to Part 2: Lists F through L.
Go to Part 3:Lists M through S.
Go back to Introduction.
Copyright 1994-2016 by Joan Korenman.
Please send all additions and corrections to: Joan Korenman