CARE ABOUT GIRLS is a list for adults who care about girls: parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, pastors, troop leaders, relatives, researchers, etc. This list is "for every adult who wants to help raise healthy, confident girls and make the world better and safer for girls." To subscribe, send any message to . More information can be found at the CAREABOUTGIRLS web page, where it is also possible to subscribe.
CRONE is intended primarily for women of maturity who wish to explore alternative approaches to the spirituality and health needs of the peri- and post-menopausal woman. The lists welcomes women and men of all ages but asks that postings deal with "the issues involved with the concept of the crone as expressed in the elder wisdom." Send usual subscription message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM .
FIFTYSOMETHING-WOMEN is a list for "enthusiastic, feisty women" who have reached age 50 and refuse to be limited by age, expectations, or conventions. Any woman in her fifties, sixties, seventies, or beyond is welcome to join. For more information, see the FIFTYSOMETHING-WOMEN web page. To join, send the message SUBSCRIBE FIFTYSOMETHING-WOMEN to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG.
FIRSTRCU is a Yahoo group for members of the Robot Chicks Union (RCU), an organization whose mission is "to inspire girls of all ages to value science, engineering, and technology." The RCU advocates the involvement of females in FIRST. For more information or to subscribe, see the FIRSTRCU Yahoo Groups web page.
FUN50SFEM is an unmoderated list for "unmoderated, unrestricted women around 50 years of age who enjoy writing and love email. Dress is casual. No topics are off topic. Thinking is optional - a sense of humor is a must." To subscribe, go to the FUN50SFEM Yahoo groups page and follow directions to subscribe. Free registration with Yahoo groups is required before you can subscribe.
GFWIS (Gerontologists/Geriatricians for Women in Society) is a dialogue tool for gerontology and geriatric professionals interested in issues specific to elderly women, women as caretakers of the elderly, and female healthcare and human services providers and educators. GFWIS is supported by the SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse and the New York Statewide Resource Center for Geriatric Education. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE GFWIS Your Name to MAJORDOMO@LIST.HSCSYR.EDU .
GIRL is a private, unmoderated list for and about girls, grrrls, young women, lesbian and feminist youth, etc. (born-female and approximately 25 and younger). To subscribe, send a brief bio (100 words or more) including your age, interest in the list, anything about your background, work, experiences, or commitments, and anything else you want listmembers to know (bios are posted when your subscription is accepted-- you must request otherwise or this will be done autmatically). If you wish to receive the list in digest form, say so in your bio. Send the bio to GIRL@MYLIST.NET . For more information, contact the listowner at GIRL-OWNER@MYLIST.NET
GIRLS_STUDIES provides announcements, queries, and resources for academics who study girlhood in any discipline: cultural studies, history, sociology, literature, psychology, etc. It is intended for professional academics, not for undergraduates, journalists, parents seeking help with their daughters, etc. Subscription requests are approved by the moderator. For more information or to subscribe, see the GIRLS_STUDIES web page at Yahoo Groups.
THE GIRL ZONE is a list for lesbian and bisexual women under the age of 18. Discussion topics include "anything and everything." To subscribe, send a message saying that you wish to subscribe and put "the girl zone" in the subject header. Send the message to EIECTRICA@AOL.COM (note that the second letter is an I, not an L).
GLB-YOUTH-L serves as an email gateway to the moderated Google (formerly Usenet) newsgroup . This allows users to access the newsgroup through email, so that they can read it even if they cannot access it through Usenet. For more information or to subscribe, see the GLB-YOUTH-L web page. See also below.
LesRenegades50 is a Yahoo group for both single and coupled lesbians age 50 and over. They describe themselves as "a lively bunch, sometimes serious, often playful, irreverent, and flirtatious. In addition we have annual meet-ups at various locations around the US." For more information or to join, see the LesRenegades50 web page.
LEZSINGL50 is a list where single lesbians over 50 can "socialize, express our thoughts, network, share experiences, reminisce, solve the problems of the world, make new friends, and have some fun online." You can subscribe by sending an email message to More information can be found at LezSingl50 web page.
L-PLUS is a list for lesbians 50 and over (think of the Roman numeral L). To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE L-PLUS Firstname Lastname <email_address> to MAJORDOMO@VECTOR.CASTI.COM. Be sure to use pointed brackets around your email address. If you have a signature file, be sure to add the word END on a line by itself after the subscription request line.
OWLS (Older and Wiser Lesbians) is a virtual meeting place for lesbians over 40. It is a high-volume list. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE OWLS Firstname Lastname <e-address> (e.g., SUBSCRIBE MOMS Jane Doe <>) to MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG . For more information, send the message INFO OWLS to that same majordomo address.
SEALS is a high-volume list where self-identified lesbians over the age of 35 can discuss ideas, have fun, get support, vent, do networking, and make friends. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE SEALS <your e-mail address> to MAJORDOMO@QUEERNET.ORG . You will be asked to confirm. If SEALS' 100-person maximum has been reached when you try to subscribe, you will be asked whether you wish to be put on a waiting list.
SINGLEMOMS offers single mothers, 25 and under, a place to meet new people and share experiences, advice, and friendship. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE SINGLEMOMS to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM . You can also subscribe from the SINGLEMOMS web site.
THIRDWAVE is "a place for individuals to exchange information, share thoughts, feelings, and ideas about feminism or feminist issues. It is also meant to be a place to 'connect,' to make friendships and discuss the specific issues facing women who came of age in the 80's and 90's and other topics related to 'third wave' feminism with other voices and diverse points of view." For more information or to subscribe, go to the Thirdwave web page on Yahoo Groups.
WOLF-COVE seeks to provide a forum where "each woman encourages the growth of her own internal Wild One." It is a community where women and men converse with each other with mutual respect and caring. All topics are open for discussion. You must be at least 25 years of age to join WOLF-COVE. To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE WOLF-COVE to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM .
WOMEN20SAND30S is a list for women in their 20s and 30s who wish to talk about anything and everything in their lives. Most members are married with children, but this is not a requirement. The list describes itself as very supportive and friendly. To subscribe, send a message to REBASHELBY@AOL.COM and on the Subject line put SUBSCRIBE WOMEN20SAND30S .
WOMEN30S is a list for women in their 30s. Appropriate topics include (but are not limited to) turning 30, turning 40, kids (to have or not, little ones or big ones), careers or jobs, relationships with men or women, current events, etc. To subscribe, send the standard subscription request to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
WOMEN40S is a women-only list for "energetic, competent, intelligent women who have reached their fortieth birthday and who look forward to new experiences, interesting friends, and active lives, while sharing this exciting time." To subscribe, send the standard subscription message to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . You are asked to submit a short bio before you are subscribed to the list. The bio should be sent to WOMEN40S-REQUEST@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
WOMEN-THREESCORE is a women-only list for "scintillating, smart, sentient, and sagacious women who have reached their sixtieth birthday and who look forward to something new as each day dawns." To subscribe, first send an introductory bio to WOMEN-THREESCORE-REQUEST@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . Then send the message SUBSCRIBE WOMEN-THREESCORE Your Name to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU . (Requests for more information may be sent to the "REQUEST" address.)
WOMHLTHAGING-DD is an open forum for older women with developmental disabilities, their families, researchers, clinicians, students, advocates, etc., focusing on disability and women's health-related issues, with a particular emphasis on aging with developmental disabilities. To subscribe, go to . Select "Join or leave this list" and fill out the online subscription form. The listowner provides more resources on a related website.WOMLATEPHD is a list specifically for women who pursued or are pursuing their master's degree or Ph.D. at the age of 40 or above. Women doing their Ph.D. studies in the mature years present unique experiences, different needs and goals than those of younger students. The list is intended to serve as a network of support. It welcomes women from many countries. Though the main working language of communication is English, the list's moderator is also able to communicate in German and Italian. For more information or to subscribe, see the WOMLATEPHD web page in Yahoo groups.
YNGWIVES, the Young Wives Discussion Group, is a women-only list for discussing issues that relate to or stem from being a young wife, such as in-laws, living together, children, sex, money, career, education, etc. Send usual subscription message to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU .
Go back to complete list of women-related lists, which includes an account of the past month's additions and changes.
Copyright 1994-2013 by Joan Korenman.
Please send all additions and corrections to: Joan Korenman