(last revised November 23, 2016)
Gender-Related Electronic Forums
is an annotated, award-winning listing of publicly-accessible e-mail discussion forums (also known as "lists" or "listservs") related to women or to women-focused gender issues. (If you're new to e-mail lists and would like some basic information about what they are and how you can join one, check out this page.)Topical Listings: If you're looking for women-focused lists on a specific topic, you may prefer to use the following subject listings rather than scroll through the comprehensive listing (many lists, however, can be found only in the large comprehensive listing):
- Activist Lists
- Age-Defined Lists
- Arts and Humanities Lists
- Business/Finance Lists
- Cyberculture/Internet Information Lists
- Education Lists
- Health Lists
- International Lists
- Motherhood Lists
- Religion/Spirituality Lists
- Science/Technology Lists
- Sexuality/Sexual Orientation Lists
- Social Science Lists
- Sports/Recreation Lists
- Women of Color Lists
- Women's Studies Lists
You are welcome to link to this document as long as you identify its title and author; the URL is http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/forums.html . You are also welcome to tell other people about the document. However, PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE THE LISTINGS because the information goes out of date so quickly. If you know of additions/changes, please notify Joan Korenman. Thank you.If this page lacks a "last revised" date near the top, or if that date is more than a month or two old, you are probably reading an unauthorized, outdated copy. You can find the most up-to-date version at http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/forums.html .
Because the comprehensive listing now includes well over 500 e-mail lists, I have split it into four parts to speed the downloading time:
A more extensive compilation of gay/lesbian/bi and transsexual e-mail lists can be found at the Queer Resources Directory. Queernet.org hosts many LGBT lists and also have a good listing. See also Eva Isaksson's listing of Lesbian Lists and the Butch-Femme.com Community's listing of Butch-Femme Mailing List Groups. A useful place to search for lists on any topic is L-Soft's searchable listing. It includes only lists that use the Listserv-brand software, but these lists tend to be among the most well-established. I have not tried to keep up with the rapidly appearing (and disappearing) lists made possible by organizations such as Yahoo Groups; they include many women-related lists (see Yahoo's Cultures & Community/Groups/Women). You can also search Yahoo Groups for lists on topics that are not women- or gender-related; you'll find thousands of them. If you want to start an email list, some of the offerings at Mauri Collins' and Zane Berge's Resources for Moderators and Facilitators of Online Discussion may prove useful.
Lists Beginning A through E
Lists Beginning F through L
Lists Beginning M through S
Lists Beginning T through Z
Copyright 1991-2016 by Joan Korenman.
Please send all additions and corrections to: Joan Korenman
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