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CMSC 313 Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Class schedule, topic and assignments

Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:45 Sond 113

Please do not work projects or homework until assigned.
Some updates are still in progress.

Lec Date         Subject                            Reading          Homework
                                                                     assigned due

 1. 8/29  Introduction, number systems              WEB                HW1

Labor Day

 2. 9/3   Getting and using NASM                    WEB              

 3. 9/5   Registers, syntax, sections                                HW2      HW1

 4. 9/10         Arithmetic and shifting                             proj1

 5. 9/12         Using debugger                     WEB help nasm    HW3      HW2

 6. 9/17         Branching and loops                

 7. 9/19         Subroutines                                         proj2

 8. 9/24         Some History then to now

 9. 9/26         syscall and BIOS calls                              proj3    HW3     

10. 10/1         Hardware interface 

11. 10/3         Privileged instructions            nasmdoc.txt

12. 10/8         Linux kernel calls                 Lecture notes             proj1*

13. 10/10        Review                             review                    proj2*             

14. 10/15        mid-term exam                      sleep

15. 10/17        Logic gates                        WEB                       proj3*

16. 10/22        Combinational logic                

17. 10/24        Combinational logic design, mux...                  HW4

18. 10/29        Simulation tools                   
                                              Lecture notes

19. 10/31        Arithmetic circuits                                 HW5      HW4

20. 11/5         Multiply and Divide                                 Prog4
                                                    Lecture notes

21. 11/7         Karnaugh maps, Quine McClusky                       HW6      HW5

22. 11/12        Flip flops, latches, registers  

23. 11/14        Sequential Logic                 

24. 11/19        Computer organization                               Proj5

25. 11/21        Instructions set                                             HW6

26. 11/26        Data Paths                                                  Proj4* 

Thanksgiving Holiday

27. 12/3         Arithmetic Logic Unit

28. 12/5        Architecture

29. 12/10        Review                             review                   Proj5*

30. 12/12  Final exam Sond 113 1:00 pm  

    No late homework or project accepted after midnight 12/21
    Late penalty on homework is 10% per week, limit 50%.
    * Projects submitted, not graded until next weekend (not late)

    Do online course evaluation.

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There are a number of resources available to you.

With that said, as an instructor, I am considered a Responsible Employee,
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to listen and support you, I am required to report disclosures of sexual
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gender—based harassment to the University's Title IX Coordinator.
The purpose of these requirements is for the University to inform you
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You can utilize support and resources even if you do not want to take any
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but please be aware, depending on the nature of the offense,
the University may take action.

If you need to speak with someone in confidence about an incident,
UMBC has the following Confidential Resources available to support you:

The Counseling Center: 410-455-2742 (M-F 8:30-5)

University Health Services: 410-455-2542 (M-F 8:30—5)

For after-hours emergency consultation, call the police at 410-455-5555

Other on-campus supports and resources:

The Women’s Center (available to students of all genders): 410-455-2714 (M-Th 9:306, F 9:30-4)

Title IX Coordinator: 410-455-1606 (9-5)

Other links

Last updated 11/14/2019