UMBC: An Honors University in Maryland  

The Department of Biological Sciences at UMBC has a broad-based research program spanning the biomedical sciences from ecology and organismal biology to molecular and structural biology. We offer five graduate programs leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees.

Applied Molecular Biology
Biological Sciences
    (M.S. & Ph.D)
Molecular and Cell Biology
Marine Estuarine & Environmental Science
    (M.S. & Ph.D.)
Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences
    (M.S. & Ph.D.) New

Read two recent stories about Professors in the Department of Biological Sciences--Professors Tom Cronin and Suzanne Rosenberg. Dr. Cronin was profiled for his work along with graduate student Alex Cheroske in the underwater research vessel Aquarius. The story on Dr. Rosenberg discusses her new research program for undergraduate students called BCURE, or Breast Cancer Undergraduate Research Experience.

Departmental laboratories pursue studies in a wide variety of areas along the continuum from molecular to community biology.

Cell Biology
Computational Biology
Developmental Biology & Immunology
Ecology, Environmental & Marine Biology
Molecular Biology & Genetics
Plant Molecular Biology
Structure & Function of RNA

Stipends are now available for doctoral students on a competitive basis at up to $20,000 per year. Special Graduate Assistantships (GAs) are awarded to matriculating students in each of the four graduate programs ($19,797 per year). In addition, the University has established a Presidential Graduate Fellowship ($20,000). Those students matriculating into the Chemistry/Biology Interface program are also guaranteed an annual stipend of $20,000. more...

The Meyerhoff Graduate Training Program promotes cultural diversity in the sciences by supporting cross-disciplinary graduate studies in several programs. The training program provides special training opportunities and a stipend of $18,500 per year. Eligible applicants to our doctoral programs can be considered for admission to this training program more...

Contact information:

Graduate Coordinator: Sue LeCompte
Phone: +1-410-455-3669
Toll free: +1-877-UMBC-BIO (877-862-2246)
Fax: +1-410-455-3875

Applications are now being considered for our 2002-2003 Fall class. Please use our online form to submit pre-application information. Be sure to download the official application materials from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences site.

Graduate Programs