UMBC: An Honors University in Maryland  
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BIOL430 Biochemistry
BIOL600 Advanced Laboratory Projects in Biological Sciences
BIOL601 Advanced Tutorial Projects in Biological Sciences
BIOL602 Introduction to Laboratory/Field Research
BIOL605 Advanced Topics in Comparative Animal Physiology
BIOL610 Management of Municipal Aquaria
BIOL611 Bacterial Physiology
BIOL614 Eukaryotic Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL617 Cytogenetics
BIOL620 Advanced Topics in Cell Biology
BIOL622L Biological Electron Microscopy
BIOL624 Structure and Function of Animal Tissues
BIOL624L Laboratory in Animal Tissue Structure
BIOL625 Immunology
BIOL626 Approaches to Molecular Biology
BIOL628 Computer Applications in Molecular Biology
BIOL634 Microbial Molecular Genetics
BIOL635L Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOL636L Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOL642 Developmental Biology
BIOL643 Advanced Developmental Biology
BIOL651 Neurobiology
BIOL653 Physiological Bases of Behavior
BIOL656 Plant Molecular Biology
BIOL657 Physiology of Marine and Estuarine Animals
BIOL663 Theoretical and Quantitative Biology
BIOL664 Population and Community Ecology
BIOL666 Population and Quantitative Genetics
BIOL670 General Virology
BIOL675 Biology of Bacteria
BIOL685 Problems in Vertebrate Evolution
BIOL688 Plant Biotechnology
BIOL709 Literature Research Tutorial
BIOL710 Graduate Seminar: Topics in Genetics
BIOL720 Graduate Seminar: Cell Structure and Function
BIOL721 Research Seminar in Membrane Biology
BIOL725 Research Seminar in Immunology
BIOL730 Graduate Seminar: Plant Biology
BIOL739 Research Seminar in Molecular Biology
BIOL740 Graduate Seminar: Analysis of Development
BIOL750 Graduate Seminar: Advanced Topics in Organismic Biology
BIOL754 Research Seminar in Animal Physiology and Behavior
BIOL755 Research Seminar in Cellular Neurobiology and Behavior
BIOL759 Research Seminar in Ecology and Evolution
BIOL760 Graduate Seminar in Ecology and Evolution
BIOL769 Research Seminar in Ecology and Evolution
BIOL770 Graduate Seminar in Molecular Biology
BIOL799 Master's Thesis Research
BIOL899 Doctoral Dissertation Research

Graduate Programs