UMBC: An Honors University in Maryland  
Graduate students have access to modern amenities that support an array of research subdisciplines in the biological sciences including a 5,000 square foot transgenic plant greenhouse, a NIH-approved animal facility, an electronics shop, a machine shop, the Keith R. Porter Microscopy Suite, a DNA sequencing lab, and an applied molecular biology lab.

State-of-the-art equipment supports department research.
Molecular Biology: including a Storm phosphorimager, U.V. flourometer, image documentation systems, and DNA sequencer.
Cell Biology: including confocal and electron microscopes, and fluorescence activated cell sorter.
Biochemistry: including ultracentrifuges, HPLC and FPLC, and fully-equipped cold rooms.
Neurophysiology: including video image analysis systems, microspectro- photometers, andmacromanipulators.

Numerous computers provide department research support. The network infrastructure serving the Biological Sciences Building and the adjacent Martin Schwartz Hall was upgraded in 2001 to support high speed steaming video and graphics through switched 10/100 MB connections to every computer.
This upgrade was made possible by a communications supplement from National Institute of General Medical Sciences. It will allow the Department to incorporate the latest Internet tools for instruction and research. The University is connected to Internet 2, a high speed national backbone to interconnect UMBC with other major research and educational institutions.

The renovated Biology building
A comprehensive $10 million renovation to the 62,640 square foot Biological Sciences Building upgraded, completed in 2000, and expanded the Department's research and teaching laboratories and support areas. New research support facilities include a research presentation room, a graphics shop, a scientific dark room, an aquaria suite, five multi-range controlled temperature cold rooms, a controlled temperature growth room, two media preparation rooms, and three plant growth areas.
resources in other departments at UMBC are available to our students to enhance their research.

Graduate Programs