UMBC: An Honors University in Maryland  

To BIOL430 to BIOL628

To BIOL720 to BIOL899


BIOL434 for APMB

Microbial Molecular Genetics

.Credits: 4
Application of the combined approaches of microbial genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry to the study of fundamental biological processes will be demonstrated. The research literature will be used to describe the current state of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of prokaryotic gene regulation and the genetic biochemistry of chromosome structure, and DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Prerequisites: BIOL 302 and BIOL 303 or consent of instructor. BIOL 437 is recommended.


Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory Credits: 7
This two-semester course is designed to demonstrate the approaches and methodologies of molecular biology used to study the organization, expression, and regulation of genes. Emphasis is on acquiring facility in the design of experiments, analysis of data, and troubleshooting, as well as in developing a broad range of technical skills and the ability to use modern laboratory equipment. The first part of the course focuses on in vitro or recombinant DNA/cloning techniques and emphasizes the isolation, manipulation, and molecular characterization of DNA and RNA. The second part involves in vivo genetic analysis in selected prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. It includes mutagenesis and genetic mapping in E. coli as well as use of gene fusions to assess gene expression in vivo. Eukaryotic cell culture and immunological techniques are used to illustrate their utility in molecular biology. Prerequisites: BIOL 624, CHEM 437 and 437L; CHEM 438 recommended as concurrent. Enrollment priority will be given to AMB students. (Fall)


Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory

Credits: 7
Continuation of BIOL635L (Spring)


Developmental Biology Credits: 3
A lecture and discussion course that considers the two major aspects of animal development: 1) the means by which, starting with a fertilized egg, progeny cells progressively differentiate from their precursors and one another to produce the ultimate diversity of the multicellular organism; and 2) the processes by which this increasingly complex population of cells is synthesized into a single integrated organism. Weekly student-led discussion of papers from the literature, a term paper, and three exams. (Fall).


Advanced Developmental Biology Credits: 4
Designed to emphasize cellular, molecular, and biochemical aspects of basic developmental questions, this course will introduce the student to modern approaches to determination, differentiation, and morphogenesis. Experimental design and analysis of data are emphasized. Topics include: molecular and cellular aspects of gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis, and continuous development in the adult; mechanisms of intra- and intercellular communication; developmental model system using unicellular organisms will be considered. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: BIOL 442 and/or consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit.


Neurobiology Credits: 4
A study of nervous system function at the cellular and organismic level. Topics include: mechanisms underlying electrical activity in nerve cells and synapses, transduction and integration of sensory information, action of certain drugs and neurotoxic agents, activity in population of neurons, trophic and plastic properties of nerve cells, and neural systems analysis. Prerequisite: BIOL 305 or consent of the instructor.


Physiological Bases of Behavior Credits: 4
Studies of behavioral patterns and their physiological bases. The course begins with an extensive review of the fundamentals of neurobiology and basic principles of animal behavior, followed by neurophysiological analyses of specific invertebrate behaviors such as: locomotion, feeding, prey capture and predator evasion, and learning. Prerequisite: BIOL 305 or consent of the instructor.


Plant Molecular Biology Credits: 4
Following a brief review of some important principles and techniques in molecular biology, this course will pursue in depth such topics as the cloning and characterization of chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes in plants; interactions of the nuclear and chloroplast gene products; genetic engineering of the nitrogen fixation genes, DNA plant viruses, and the Agrobacterium Ti plasmid. The course content will reflect the status of research in this rapidly developing area. Prerequisites: BIOL 302 and BIOL 303, or consent of the instructor.


Physiology of Marine and Estuarine Animals Credits: 4
A study of the physiological specializations demanded by marine/estuarine environments, including the following topics: physiological mechanisms for coping with stresses imposed by extremes of temperature, salinity, aerial exposure, and low oxygen concentrations; sensory physiology including visual, chemical, and mechanical modalities; exogenous and endogenous rhythms related to tidal or diel cycles; and bioluminescence. The course will include one or more trips to field laboratories. Prerequisite: BIOL 305.


Theoretical and Quantitative Biology Credits: 4
Mathematical, statistical, and computer techniques used in quantitative analysis of biological phenomena. Topics will include the theoretical bases for commonly used univariate tests as well as multivariate techniques such as discriminant, canonical factor and cluster analyses. Applications of methods will be discussed. Data sets will be assigned for analysis. Prerequisites: BIOL 301 and BIOL 309 (also listed as STAT 350).


Population and Community Ecology Credits: 4
Advanced topics in population and community ecology. An overview of current ecological theory is combined with a critical examination of field studies and experiments from the ecological literature. Major topics include population regulation and biological control of pest species, evolution of life history patterns, interplay between competition and predation in determining community structure, relation between diversity and stability of ecological communities, energy flow and nutrient cycling in major ecosystems. (Fall) Prerequisites: BIOL 301 and BIOL 309 (also listed as STAT 350); MATH 151 is recommended.


Population and Quantitative Genetics Credits: 4
The emphasis in this course will be the study in natural populations of characters whose variation is controlled by multiple genes. The foundations in Mendelian and population genetics will be described, followed by a comprehensive treatment of the field of quantitative genetics and then by a discussion of the place of quantitative genetics in behavioral genetics, physiological ecology, and in population biology in general. Prerequisites: STAT 350 or BIOL 301 and BIOL 309 or consent of the instructor.


General Virology Credits: 4
This course is designed to examine the basic properties of animal viruses and bacteriophages with emphasis on the morphological and biochemical aspects of viruses. Major topics will include virus-host cell interaction, characterization and classification of viruses, cultivation and quantitation of viruses, mechanisms of virus pathogenecity and control. One hour each week will be devoted to discussion of current literature in virology. Prerequisites: BIOL 302 and BIOL 303; BIOL 430 is recommended.


Biology of Bacteria Credits: 4
The biological characteristics of bacteria will be considered. Bacterial physiology and ecology structure-function relationships, and host-parasite interactions will be emphasized. Prerequisite: BIOL 303 or consent of the instructor.


Problems in Vertebrate Evolution Credits: 4
This course will provide a comprehensive survey treatment of the five vertebrate classes, emphasizing paleontological approaches, their morphological and behavioral adaptations, and evolution in relation to climatic and geologic change. Both past and present vertebrate communities will be considered. The laboratory component of this course will stress species identification, biomechanics and structure, and composition of past communities. Prerequisites: BIOL 301 or consent of the instructor.


Plant Biotechnology Credits: 4
This course will provide a comprehensive review of current progress of genetic engineering in plants, the applications of DNA technology in crop improvement, using plants as energy, chemical and genetic resources. Prospects of environmental impacts of terrestrial and marine plants will also be discussed. Prerequisites: BIOL 302 and BIOL 304.


Literature Research Tutorial Credits: 3
Tutorial designed for nonthesis M.S. candidates to research and write a scholarly paper in order to complete the requirements for the non-thesis master's degree.


Graduate Seminar: Topics in Genetics Credits: 3
An examination of current problems in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genetics. Such problems may include: transcription and translation, recombination, DNA and chromosome replication, chromosome organization, gene regulation, and extra chromosomal inheritance. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor, and passage of the genetics qualifying examination. May be repeated for credit.

Graduate Programs