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Lecture 24, Numerical Differentiation

Numerical differentiation is typically considered poor at best.
In general, high order techniques are needed to get reasonable

Similar to numerical integration, the more values of the function
that are used, then the more accuracy can be expected.

Similar to numerical integration, given a function that can be
fit accurately by an  n th order polynomial, an equation for
the derivative exists to give very good accuracy.

Consider a function  f(x) that you can compute but do not know
a symbolic representation. To find the derivatives at a few points,
say 4 for example, and computing only 4 evaluations of  f(x):

                            *     f(x3)
                            |       *
                  f(x1)     |       |
                    *       |       |
                    |       |       |
          f(x0)     |       |       |
            *       |       |       |
            |       |       |       |
            |       |       |       |
            x0      x1      x2      x3    h = x3-x2 = x2-x1 = x1-x0 

We use f'(x0) to represent the derivative of f(x) at x0.
We looked up the formulas for computing the first derivative
using four equally spaced points, and write the equations:

  f'(x0) = 1/6h (-11 f(x0) +18 f(x1)  -9 f(x2)   2 f(x3) )
  f'(x1) = 1/6h ( -2 f(x0)  -3 f(x1)   6 f(x2)  -1 f(x3) )
  f'(x2) = 1/6h (  1 f(x0)  -6 f(x1)   3 f(x2)   2 f(x3) )
  f'(x3) = 1/6h ( -2 f(x0)  +9 f(x1) -18 f(x2)  11 f(x3) )

  The error estimate is  1/h^4 f''''(z) for worse z in x0..x3

Thus, if the four points are fit by a third degree polynomial,
f''''(z), the fourth derivative is always zero and the numerical
derivatives are exact within roundoff error.

The values will be in an array cx[0]..[3]  1/6h*(-11, 18, -9, 2) .
Then f'(x0) = sum i=0..3  cx[i]*f(x[i])

To check that the coefficients such as  -11 18 -9 2 are correct,
we symbolically fit the 4 points with a third order polynomial,
then symbolically take the derivatives. Too much work to do by
hand, thus I used Maple to check and found the coefficients correct.

Using 5 evaluations of f(x) provides the five derivatives:

  f'(x0) = 1/12h (-25 f(x0)  48 f(x1) -36 f(x2)  16 f(x3)  -3 f(x4) )
  f'(x1) = 1/12h ( -3 f(x0) -10 f(x1)  18 f(x2)  -6 f(x3)   1 f(x4) )
  f'(x2) = 1/12h (  1 f(x0)  -8 f(x1)   0 f(x2)   8 f(x3)  -1 f(x4) )
  f'(x3) = 1/12h ( -1 f(x0)   6 f(x1) -18 f(x2)  10 f(x3)   3 f(x4) )
  f'(x4) = 1/12h (  3 f(x0) -16 f(x1)  36 f(x2) -48 f(x3)  25 f(x4) )
The above were typed by hand and could have an error.
Some quick checking: If all function evaluations are the same,
then the function is flat and the derivative must be zero at
all points. Thus, the sum of the coefficients must be zero for
every derivative. Note that the first and last coefficients have
the same values, in reverse order with reverse sign.

We will call the "12" in 1/12h the variable b or bb.
We will call the coefficients "-12", "48", "-36" the 'a' array

Always try to cut-and-paste from the computer printout:

Tabulation to compute derivatives at various points First through sixth order, various number of points nderiv.out

The above was generated by any of the computer programs listed below: nderiv.c computes these cases. nderiv.f90 in Fortran 95 nderiv.adb in Ada 95 nderiv.java in Java deriv.py in Python 2 rderiv.py in Python 2 nderiv.py in Python 2 deriv.py3 in Python 3 Deriv.scala in Scala deriv.go in Go language deriv.jl in Julia Note that the coefficients can be generated in your program by copying the function deriv and calling it for a specific derivative order, number of evaluations and point where derivative is to be computed. For the second derivative using 4 evaluations and computing the derivative at point zero, deriv( 2, 4, 0, a, &bb); returns a={2, -5, 4, -1) and bb=1 thus f''(x0) = 1/bb h^2 ( a[0] f(x0) + a[1] f(x1) + a[2] f(x2) + a[3] f(x3) ) or f''(x0) = 1/h^2 (2 f(x0) -5 f(x0+h) +4 f(x0+2h) -1 f(x0+3h) ) deriv.h header for three versions. deriv.c computes values. Note that integers are returned and should be cast to appropriate floating point type. Various languages require minor changes in the call. This computation of derivatives will be used extensively in the lectures that follow on ordinary and partial differential equations. For non uniformly spaced x values, the program nuderiv.c demonstrates how to compute the coefficients of f(x0), f(x1), ... Note that the function nuderiv must be called in the application because the coefficients depend on the specific problems x values. The development for non uniformly spaced derivative coefficients is: given x0, x1, x2, x3 non uniformly spaced find the coefficients of y0, y1, y2, y3 y0 = f(x0) ... in order to compute the derivatives: y'(x0) = c00*y0 + c01*y1 + c02*y2 + c03*y3 y'(x1) = c10*y0 + c11*y1 + c12*y2 + c13*y3 y'(x2) = c20*y0 + c21*y1 + c22*y2 + c23*y3 y'(x3) = c30*y0 + c31*y1 + c32*y2 + c33*y3 Method: fit data to y(x) = a + b*x + c*x^2 + d*x^3 y'(x) = b + 2*c*x + 3*d*x^2 y''(x) = 2*c + 6*d*x y'''(x) = 6*d with y0, y1, y2 and y3 variables: y0 y1 y2 y3 form: | 1 x0 x0^2 x0^3 1 0 0 0 | = a | 1 x1 x1^2 x1^3 0 1 0 0 | = b | 1 x2 x2^2 x2^3 0 0 1 0 | = c | 1 x3 x3^2 x3^3 0 0 0 1 | = d reduce | 1 0 0 0 a0 a1 a2 a3 | = a | 0 1 0 0 b0 b1 b2 b3 | = b | 0 0 1 0 c0 c1 c2 c3 | = c | 0 0 0 1 d0 d1 d2 d3 | = d this is just the inverse y'(x0) = b0*y0 + b1*y1 + b2*y2 + b3*y3 + 2*c0*y0*x0 + 2*c1*y1*x0 + 2*c2*y2*x0 + 2*c3*y3*x0 + 3*d0*y0*x0^2 + 3*d1*y1*x0^2 + 3*d2*y2*x0^2 + 3*d3*y3*x0^2 or c00 = b0 + 2*c0*x0 + 3*d0*x0^2 c01 = b1 + 2*c1*x0 + 3*d1*x0^2 c02 = b2 + 2*c2*x0 + 3*d2*x0^2 c03 = b3 + 2*c3*x0 + 3*d3*x0^2 y'(x0) = c00*y0 + c01*y1 + c02*y2 +c03*y3 where y0 is f(x0) etc. y'(x1) = b0*y0 + b1*y1 + b2*y2 + b3*y3 + 2*c0*y0*x1 + 2*c1*y1*x1 + 2*c2*y2*x1 + 2*c3*y3*x1 + 3*d0*y0*x1^2 + 3*d1*y1*x1^2 + 3*d2*y2*x1^2 + 3*d3*y3*x1^2 or c10 = b0 + 2*c0*x1 + 3*d0*x1^2 c11 = b1 + 2*c1*x1 + 3*d1*x1^2 c12 = b2 + 2*c2*x1 + 3*d2*x1^2 c13 = b3 + 2*c3*x1 + 3*d3*x1^2 cij = bj + 2*cj*xi + 3*dj*xi^2 y'(x1) = c10*y0 + c11*y1 + c12*y2 +c13*y3 y''(x0) = 2*c0*y0 + 2*c1*y1 + 2*c2*y2 + 2*c3*y3 + 6*d0*y0*x0 + 6*d1*y1*x0 + 6*d2*y2*x0 + 6*d3*y3*x0 or c00 = 2*c0 + 6*d0*x0 c01 = 2*c1 + 6*d1*x0 c02 = 2*c2 + 6*d2*x0 c03 = 2*c3 + 6*d3*x0 y'''(x0) = 6*d0*y0 + 6*d1*y1 + 6*d2*y2 + 6*d3*y3 or c00 = 6*d0 independent of x c01 = 6*d1 c02 = 6*d2 c03 = 6*d3 The function prototype is nuderiv.h void nuderiv(int order, int npoint, int point, double x[], double c[]) where order is the order of the desired derivative where npoint is the desired number of points (length of x[] and c[] arrays) where point is desired x index for the derivative where x[] is input x0, x1, ... where c[] is output c_point_0, c_point_1, ... For reasonably smooth functions, using larger numbers of points allows greater spacing between points and thus fewer equations in the system of equations to be solved. Intermediate points may then be found by multidimensional interpolation. See Lecture 4 for method. nuderiv.c nuderiv.h nuderiv_test.c nuderiv_test.out nuderiv.adb nuderiv_test.adb nuderiv_test_ada.out inverse.adb nuderiv_test_exp.adb nuderiv_test_exp_ada.out nuderiv.f90 nuderiv_test.f90 nuderiv_test_f90.out inverse.f90 nuderiv.java nuderiv_test.java nuderiv_test_java.out test_nuderiv.java test_nuderiv_java.out nuderiv.py nuderiv_test.py nuderiv_test_py.out Deriv.scala TestDeriv.scala TestDeriv_scala.out some definitions and explanation of formulas A test application of nuderiv.c on a 2D PDE that should be exact is pdenu22_eq.c pdenu22_eq.out A test application of nuderiv.adb on a 2D PDE that should be exact is pdenu22_eq.adb pdenu22_eq_ada.out A test application of nuderiv.java on a 2D PDE that should be exact is pdenu22_eq.java pdenu22_eq_java.out A test application of nuderiv.f90 on a 2D PDE that should be exact is pdenu22_eq.f90 pdenu22_eq_f90.out A non perfect application to a smooth function exp(x*y)*sin(x+y) pdenu_eq.c pdenu_eq.out pdenu_eq.adb pdenu_eq_ada.out pdenu_eq.java pdenu_eq_java.out pdenu_eq.f90 pdenu_eq_f90.out A test application of nuderiv.c on a 3D PDE that should be close is Note how each term of the differential equation is processed. This case used 1.0, 2.0, ... for coefficients yet any expression in x,y,z could be used. A term such as u(x,y,z) * du(x,y,z)/dx would create a non linear system of equations that would be very difficult to solve. pdenu23_eq.c pdenu23_eq.out A test application of nuderiv.adb on a 3D PDE that should be close is pdenu23_eq.adb pdenu23_eq_ada.out A test application of nuderiv.f90 on a 3D PDE that should be close is pdenu23_eq.f90 pdenu23_eq_f90.out The test code was generated with Maple: Start by choosing a solution, u(x,y,z) any function of x,y,z. Symbolically compute the derivatives. c(x,y,z) is computed as the RHS (right hand side) of the chosen differential equation, dx(x,y,z) = du(x,y,z)/dx etc. For analytic derivatives see: derivative.shtml
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