Dr. Ravi Kuber

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Journal and Magazine Publications

  1. Alshathri, I., Komlodi, A. & Kuber, R. 2024: Investigating the Role of Virtual Reality to Support Community Engagement. International Journal of Instruction, 17(4), 385-404.
  2. Saulynas, S., Burgee, L., Bendigeri, A. & Kuber, R. 2022: Putting Situational Impairments in Context: Developing Guidance for Situational Impairments and Severely Constraining Situational Impairments by Examining Parallel Domains. Universal Access in the Information Society, 21, 941–966. DOI: 10.1007/s10209-021-00811-5.
  3. Ray, H., Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J., 2021: “Warn Them” or “Just Block Them”?: Using Drawmetrics to Compare Privacy Concerns Among Older and Working Age Adults.” Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (2), 27-47.
  4. Saulynas, S. & Kuber, R. 2020: Understanding and Supporting Individuals Experiencing Severely Constraining Situational Impairments. Universal Access in the Information Society. 19(4), 919-933. DOI: 10.1007/s10209-019-00705-7.
  5. Abdolrahmani, A., Storer, K.M., Mukkath Roy, A.R., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M. 2019: Blind Leading the Sighted: Drawing Design Insights from Blind Users towards More Productivity-oriented Voice Interfaces. Transactions on Accessible Computing. Article No. 18. DOI: 10.1145/3368426.
  6. Saulynas, S., Lechner, C. & Kuber, R. 2018: Towards the Use of Brain-Computer Interface Technologies as a Potential Alternative to PIN Authentication. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 34 (5), 433-444. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2017.1357905.
  7. Wolf, F. & Kuber, R. 2018: Developing a Head-Mounted Tactile Prototype to Support Situational Awareness. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109, 54-67, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.08.002.
  8. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2018: An Empirical Study Examining the Perceptions and Behaviours of Security-Conscious Users of Mobile Authentication. Behaviour and Information Technology, 37(4), 320-334, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2018.1436591
  9. Wolf, F., Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R. 2018: "It’s All About The Start” Classifying Eyes-Free Mobile Authentication Techniques. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 41, 28-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2018.05.004.
  10. Wong, C.K., Mentis, H.M. & Kuber, R. 2018: The Bit Doesn't Fit: Evaluation of a Commercial Activity-Tracker at Slower Walking Speeds. Gait & Posture, 59, 177-181, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.10.010.
  11. Aviv, A.J., Kuber, R. & Budzitowski, D. 2017: Is Bigger Better When It Comes to Android Graphical Pattern Unlock?. IEEE Internet Computing, 21 (6), 46-51.
  12. Easley, W., Kuber, R. & Ozok, A.A. 2017: An Empirical Study Examining Medication Management among Individuals with Visual Impairments. Universal Access in the Information Society, 16(2), 483-495.
  13. Feng, Y., Wong, C.K., Janeja, V., Kuber, R. & Mentis, H.M. 2017: Comparison of Tri-axial Accelerometers Step-count Accuracy in Slow Walking Conditions. Gait & Posture, 53, 11-16.
  14. Krishnaswamy, K., Kuber, R. & Oates, T. 2016: Developing a Limb Repositioning Robotic Interface for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities. Universal Access in the Information Society, 15(4), 609-627.
  15. Said, K., Kuber, R. & Murphy, E. 2015: AudioAuth: Exploring the Design and Usability of a Sound-Based Authentication System. International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, 7 (4), 16-34.
  16. Qian, H., Kuber, R., Sears, A. & Stanwyck, E. 2014: Determining the Efficacy of Multi-Parameter Tactons in the Presence of Real-world and Simulated Audio Distractors. Interacting with Computers, 26 (6), 572-594.
  17. Kuber, R. & Wright, F.P. 2013: Augmenting the Instant Messaging Experience through the Use of Brain Computer Interface and Gestural Technologies. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 29 (3), 178-191.
  18. Zhu, S., Kuber, R., Tretter, M. & O'Modhrain, M.S. 2011: Identifying the Effectiveness of Using Three Different Haptic Devices for Providing Non-visual Access to the Web. Interacting with Computers, 23, 565-581.
  19. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2011: Towards Developing Perceivable Tactile Feedback for Mobile Devices. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 69, 705-719.
  20. Qian, H., Kuber, R., Sears, A. & Murphy, E. 2011: Maintaining and Modifying Pace through Tactile and Multimodal Feedback. Interacting with Computers, 23 (3), 214-225.
  21. Kuber, R., Yu, W. & O'Modhrain, M.S. 2011: Evaluation of Haptic HTML Mappings Derived from a Novel Methodology. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 3 (4), Article 12.
  22. Kuber, R. & Yu, W. 2010: Feasibility Study of Tactile-based Authentication. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 158-181.
  23. Murphy, E., Kuber, R., McAllister, G., Strain, P. & Yu, W. 2008: An Empirical Investigation into the Difficulties Experienced by Visually Impaired Internet Users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 7(1), 79-91.
  24. Yu, W., Kuber, R., Murphy, E., Strain, P. & McAllister, G. 2006: A Novel Multimodal Interface for Improving Visually Impaired People's Web Accessibility. Journal of Virtual Reality, 9, 2 (Jan 2006), 133-148.

Other Publications

  1. Asave, R., Kuber, R. & Hamidi, F. 2024: An Investigation of the Experiences of Orientation and Mobility Trainers in India. In proceedings of W4A'24.
  2. Vader, M.L., Pineda, M., Hamidi, F. & Kuber, R. 2024: “Pretty Much an Advocate as Well”: Investigating the Experiences of Self-Employed Individuals with Visual Impairments. In proceedings of W4A'24.
  3. Alshathri, I., Komlodi, A. & Kuber, R. 2024: Developing an Approach to Integrate Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Service Learning Instruction. In proceedings of International Conference on Society and Information Technologies, 130-134.
  4. Alshathri, I., Komlodi, A. & Kuber, R., 2023: Examining the Feasibility of Virtual Reality to Motivate and Prepare International Students for Community Engagement Activities – An Inquiry among Service Learning Experts. In proceedings of iConference'23 (Posters).
  5. Kuber, R., King, T., Nagraj, A., Vader, M.L., Bendigeri, A. & Wolf, F. 2023: The Design and Evaluation of a Wearable Prototype to Support Non-Visual Wayfinding In proceedings of iConference'23 (Posters).
  6. Saulynas, S., Vader, M.L., Bendigeri, A., King, T., Nagraj, A. & Kuber, R., 2022: How and Why We Run: Investigating the Experiences of Blind and Visually-Impaired Runners In proceedings of W4A'22, Article No. 25.
  7. Ray, H. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv. A.J., 2022: Investigating Older Adults' Adoption and Usage of Online Conferencing Tools during COVID-19 In proceedings of W4A'22, Article No. 27.
  8. Nagraj, A. Kuber, R., Hamidi, F. & Prasad, R.S.G. 2021: Investigating the Navigational Habits of People who are Blind in India. In proceedings of ASSETS’21, Article No. 33.
  9. Wolf, F., Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R., 2021: Security Obstacles and Motivations for Small Businesses from a CISO's Perspective. In proceedings of 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21).
  10. Abdolrahmani, A., Gupta, M., Vader, M., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M., 2021:Towards More Transactional Voice Assistants: Investigating the Potential for a Multimodal Voice-Activated Indoor Navigation Assistant for Blind and Sighted Travelers. In proceedings of CHI'21, Article No: 495, 1-16.
  11. Ray, H., Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R., 2021: Why Older Adults (Don't) Use Password Managers. In proceedings of 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21).
  12. Kuber, R., Sinnarkar, S., Gupta, M., Mukkath Roy, A.R. & Abdolrahmani, A., 2021: Organizing an Accessibility-Themed Mini-Hackathon. In proceedings of iConference'21 (Posters).
  13. Lee, H., Mandalapu, V., Gong, J., Kleinsmith, A. & Kuber, R., 2020: Using Physiological Cues to Determine Levels of Anxiety Experienced among Deaf and Hard of Hearing English Language Learners. In Companion Publication of ICMI'20, 72-76.
  14. Khan, H., Ceci, J., Stegman, J., Aviv, A.J., Dara, R. & Kuber, R., 2020: Widely Reused and Shared, Infrequently Updated, and Sometimes Inherited: A Holistic View of PIN Authentication in Digital Lives and Beyond. In proceedings of ACSAC'20, 249–262.
  15. Gupta, M., Abdolrahmani, A., Edwards, E., Cortez, M., Tumang, A., Majali, Y., Lazaga, M., Tarra, S., Patil, P., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M., 2020:Towards More Universal Wayfinding Technologies: Navigation Preferences Across Disabilities. In proceedings of CHI’20, 1-13.
  16. Wolf, F., Soni, P., Kuber, R., Pawluk, D. & Turnage, B., 2019: Addressing the Situational Impairments Encountered by Firefighters through the Design of Alerts. In proceedings of W4A’19, Article No 22, 1–10.
  17. Saulynas, S., & Kuber, R., 2019: Designing Mobile Interaction Guidelines to Account for Situationally Induced Impairments and Disabilities (SIID) and Severely Constraining Situational Impairments (SCSI). In proceedings of the Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction Workshop, CHI’19.
  18. Ray, H. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv. A.J., 2019: "Woe is me:" Examining Older Adults' Perceptions of Privacy. In Extended Abstracts of CHI’19, LBW2611.
  19. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv. A.J., 2019: "Pretty Close to a Must-Have:" Balancing Usability Desire and Security Concern in Biometric Adoption. In proceedings of CHI’19, Paper 151.
  20. Gupta, M., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M., 2019: Towards Identifying and Classifying Navigation Strategies Among Individuals with Diverse Disabilities. In proceedings of iConference'19 (Posters).
  21. Mukkath, R., Abdolrahmani, A., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M., 2019: Beyond Being Human: The (In)Accessibility Consequences of Modeling VAPAs After Human-Human Conversation. In proceedings of iConference'19 (Posters).
  22. Aviv, A.J., Wolf, F., & Kuber, R., 2018: Replicating Video Based Shoulder Surfing for Mobile Unlock Authentication with Live Simulation. In proceedings of ACSAC'18, 453-466.
  23. Abdolrahmani, A., Mukkath Roy, A.R., Kuber, R. & Branham, S.M. 2018: Blind People Are Power Users: An Argument for Centering Blind Users in Design of Voice Interfaces . In proceedings of Accessible Voice Interfaces Workshop at CSCW'18.
  24. Abdolrahmani, A. Kuber, R., & Branham, S.M. 2018: "Siri Talks at You": An Empirical Investigation of Voice-Activated Personal Assistant (VAPA) Usage by Individuals Who Are Blind. In proceedings of ASSETS’18, 249-258.
  25. Saulynas, S. & Kuber, R. 2018: Towards Supporting Mobile Device Users Facing Severely Constraining Situational Impairments. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'18, Montreal, Canada, LBW540.
  26. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2018: How Do We Talk Ourselves Into These Things? Challenges with Adoption of Biometric Authentication for Expert and Non-Expert Users. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'18, Montreal, Canada, LBW502.
  27. Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R. 2018: Towards Understanding Connections between Security/Privacy Attitudes and Unlock Authentication. In proceedings of USEC'18, DOI: 10.14722/usec.2018.23011.
  28. Wolf, F., Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R. 2018: Performance of Eyes-Free Mobile Authentication. In proceedings of USEC'18, DOI: 10.14722/usec.2018.23013 (Detailed version of paper).
  29. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2017: Addressing Observational Attacks through the Design of a Tactile Aid for Mobile User Authentication. In 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference - ACSAC’17, Orlando, FL.
  30. Aviv, A.J., Davin, J.T., Wolf, F. & Kuber, R. 2017: Towards Baselines for Shoulder Surfing on Mobile Authentication. In proceedings of ACSAC'17, 486-498.
  31. Kuber, R. 2017: Developing Interfaces for Rehabilitation: A Graduate Level Course for Students from Multiple Disciplines. In proceedings of ASSETS’17, 317-318.
  32. Saulynas, S. & Kuber, R. 2017: Towards BCI and Gestural-Based Authentication for Individuals who are Blind. In proceedings of ASSETS’17, 403-404.
  33. Wolf, F., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2017: Perceptions of Mobile Device Authentication Mechanisms by Individuals who are Blind. In proceedings of ASSETS’17, 385-386.
  34. Wolf, F., Kuber, R., Pawluk, D. & Turnage, B. 2017: Towards Supporting Individuals with Situational Impairments in Inhospitable Environments. In proceedings of ASSETS’17, 349-350.
  35. Davin, J.T., Aviv, A.J., Wolf, F. & Kuber, R. 2017: Baseline Measurements of Shoulder Surfing Analysis and Comparability for Smartphone Unlock Authentication. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'17, Denver, CO, 2496-2503.
  36. Saulynas, S., Burgee, L. & Kuber, R. 2017: All Situational Impairments are not Alike: A Classification System for Situational Impairments and the Unique Nature of Severely Constraining Situational Impairments In proceedings of iConference'17, Wuhan, China.
  37. Toy, K., O'Meara, E., Kuber, R. & Saulynas, S. 2017: An Investigation of Ways to Support Older Adults when Using Mobile Interfaces. In proceedings of iConference'17, Wuhan, China.
  38. Abdolrahmani, A. & Kuber, R. 2016: Should I Trust It When I Cannot See It?: Credibility Assessment for Blind Web Users. In proceedings of ASSETS'16, Reno, NV, 191-199.
  39. Wolf, F. Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2016: Preliminary Findings from an Exploratory Qualitative Study of Security-Conscious Users of Mobile Authentication. In proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Security Information Workers, SOUPS'16, Denver, CO.
  40. Wolf, F. Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2016: Towards Non-Observable Authentication for Mobile Devices. In Poster Session of SOUPS'16, Denver, CO.
  41. Abdolrahmani, A., Kuber, R. & Hurst, A. 2016: An Empirical Investigation of the Situationally-Induced Impairments Experienced by Blind Mobile Device Users. In proceedings of W4A'16, Montreal, Canada, Article No: 21.
  42. Ali, A., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2016: Developing and Evaluating a Gestural and Tactile Mobile Interface to Support User Authentication. In proceedings of iConference'16, Philadelphia, PA.
  43. Aviv, A.J., Budzitowski, D. & Kuber, R. 2015: Is Bigger Better? Comparing User-Generated Passwords on 3x3 vs. 4x4 Grid Sizes for Android's Pattern Unlock. In proceedings of ACSAC'15, Los Angeles, USA, 301-310.
  44. Abdolrahmani, A., Kuber, R. & Easley, W. 2015: Web Search Credibility Assessment for Individuals who are Blind. In proceedings of ASSETS'15, Lisbon, Portugal, 369-370.
  45. Saulynas, S., Albar, L., Kuber, R. & Felzer, T. 2015: Using OnScreenDualScribe to Support Text Entry and Targeting among Individuals with Physical Disabilities. In proceedings of ASSETS'15, Lisbon, Portugal, 303-304.
  46. Ali, A., Kuber, R. & Aviv, A.J. 2015: H4Plock: Supporting Mobile User Authentication through Gestural Input and Tactile Output. In Poster Session of SOUPS'15, Ottawa, Canada.
  47. Budzitowski, D., Aviv, A.J. & Kuber, R. 2015: Do Bigger Grids Sizes Mean Better Passwords? 3x3 vs. 4x4 Grid Sizes for Android Unlock Patterns. In Poster Session of SOUPS'15, Ottawa, Canada.
  48. Saulynas, S.A. & Kuber, R. 2015: Going Beyond "Beyond Being There": An Inquiry into the Use of Brain-Computer Interface Technologies and Intelligent Machine Agents to Facilitate Inconspicuous Communication. In proceedings of Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS'15), Atlanta, USA, 454-459.
  49. Feldman, P. & Kuber, R. 2015: Tangibly Enhancing Haptics. In Extended Abstracts of TEI'15, Stanford, USA, 563-568.
  50. Wolf, F. & Kuber, R. 2014: Developing Tactile Feedback for Wearable Presentation: Observations from using a Participatory Approach. In Extended Abstracts of Mobile HCI'14, Toronto, Canada, 543-548.
  51. Said, K., Kuber, R. & Murphy, E. 2014: Towards the Development of AudioAuth: An Auditory Authentication System. In proceedings of Irish HCI'14, Dublin, Ireland, 48-55, ISBN 978-1-873769-27-0.
  52. Kuber, R., Zhu, S., Arber, Y., Norman, K. & Magnusson, C. 2014: Augmenting the Non-Visual Web Browsing Process using the Geomagic Touch Haptic Device. In SIGACCESS Newsletter, 109 (June 2014), 4-10.
  53. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2014: Supporting the Mobile Notification Process through Tactile Cues Selected using a Paired Comparison Task. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'14, Toronto, Canada, 1741-1746.
  54. Wolf, F., Feldman, P. & Kuber, R. 2014: Towards Supporting Situational Awareness using Tactile Feedback. In proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3DUI, Minneapolis, USA, 131-132.
  55. Norman, K., Arber, Y. & Kuber, R. 2013: How Accessible is the Process of Web Interface Design? In proceedings of ASSETS'13, Bellevue, USA, Article No: 51.
  56. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2013: Designing Tactile Feedback to Support Mobile Users when Situationally Impaired. In proceedings of ASSETS'13, Bellevue, USA, Article No: 47.
  57. Wheeler, M., Wolf, F. & Kuber, R. 2013: Supporting Augmented and Alternative Communication using a Low-Cost Gestural Device. In proceedings of ASSETS'13, Bellevue, USA, Article No: 67.
  58. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2013: Tactile Notifications for Ambulatory Users. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'13, Paris, France, 1569-1574.
  59. Anthony, L., Prasad, S., Hurst, A. & Kuber, R. 2012: A Participatory Design Workshop on Accessible Apps and Games with Students with Learning Differences. In proceedings of ASSETS'12, Boulder, USA, 253-254.
  60. Krishnaswamy, K. & Kuber, R. 2012: Toward the Development of a BCI and Gestural Interface to Support Individuals with Physical Disabilities. In proceedings of ASSETS'12, Boulder, USA, 229-230.
  61. Brunschwyler, C. & Kuber, R. 2012: Determining the Accessibility of Social Networking Sites. In proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Computing'12, Baltimore, USA.
  62. Carrington, P., Kuber, R., Anthony, L., Hurst, A. & Prasad, S. 2012: Developing an Interface to Support Procedural Memory Training using a Participatory-Based Approach. In proceedings of BCS HCI'12, Birmingham, UK, 333-338.
  63. Kuber, R., Hastings, A., Tretter, M. & Fitzpatrick, D. 2012: Determining the Accessibility of Mobile Screen Readers for Blind Users. In proceedings of IASTED HCI'12, Baltimore, USA, 182-189.
  64. Kuber, R. & Sharma, S. 2012: Developing an Extension to an Existing Tactile Authentication Mechanism to Support Non-Visual Interaction. In proceedings of IASTED HCI'12, Baltimore, USA, 190-198.
  65. Kuber, R., Tretter, M. & Murphy, E. 2011: Developing and Evaluating a Non-Visual Memory Game. In proceedings of INTERACT'11 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6947), Lisbon, Portugal, 541-553.
  66. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2011: A Longitudinal Pilot Study to Evaluate Non-Visual Icons in a Mobile Exertion Application. In proceedings of INTERACT'11 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6949), Lisbon, Portugal, 458-461.
  67. Kuber, R. & Sharma, S. 2010: Toward Tactile Authentication for Blind Users. In proceedings of ASSETS'10, Orlando, USA, 289-290.
  68. Kuber, R., Yu, W. & O'Modhrain, M.S. 2010: Tactile Web Browsing for Blind Users In proceedings of Haptic Audio Interaction Design'10 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6306), Copenhagen, Denmark, 75-84.
  69. Kuber, R. & Yu, W. 2010: Tactile vs Graphical Authentication. In proceedings of Eurohaptics'10 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6191), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 314-319.
  70. Qian, H.,Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2010: Maintaining Levels of Activity using a Haptic Personal Training Application. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'10, Atlanta, USA, 3217-3222.
  71. Qian, H., Kuber, R. & Sears, A. 2009: Towards Identifying Distinguishable Tactons for Use with Mobile Devices. In proceedings of ASSETS'09, Pittsburgh, USA, 257-258.
  72. Kuber, R., Yu, W. & McAllister, G. 2007: A Non-Visual Approach to Improving Collaboration between Blind and Sighted Internet Users. In proceedings of Human Computer Interaction International'07 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4556), 913-922.
  73. Kuber, R., Yu, W. & McAllister, G. 2007: Towards Developing Assistive Haptic Feedback for Visually Impaired Internet Users. In proceedings of CHI'07, San Jose, USA, 1525-1534.
  74. Murphy, E., Kuber, R., Strain, P., McAllister, G. & Yu, W. 2007: Developing Sounds for a Multimodal Interface: Conveying Spatial Information to Visually Impaired Web Users. In proceedings of ICAD'07, Montreal, Canada, 348-355.
  75. Strain, P., McAllister, G., Murphy, E., Kuber, R. & Yu, W. 2007: A Grid-Based Extension to an Assistive Multimodal Interface. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'07, San Jose, USA, 2675-2680.
  76. Kuber, R., Sulaiman, S. & Blandford, A. 2006: Investigating the Communication of Emotions through Multimodal Technologies and Gestures. In proceedings of BCS HCI'06 Volume 2, London, UK, 205-207.
  77. Kuber, R. & Yu, W. 2006: Authentication using Tactile Feedback. In proceedings of BCS HCI'06 Volume 2, London, UK, 141-145.
  78. Kuber, R. 2006: Developing an Assistive Haptic Framework for Improving Non-Visual Access to the Web. In SIGACCESS Newsletter, 86 (September 2006), 16-19. (From ACM ASSETS'06 Doctoral Consortium, Portland, USA)
  79. Kuber, R., Yu, W., Murphy, E., Strain, P. & McAllister, G. 2005: Assistive Multimodal Interfaces for Improving Web Accessibility. In Hands on Haptics Workshop, CHI'05, Portland, USA.
  80. Murphy, E., McAllister, G., Strain, P., Kuber, R. & Yu, W. 2005: Audio for a Multimodal Assistive Interface. In Combining Speech and Sound in the Interface Workshop, ICAD'05, Limerick, Ireland.
  81. Yu, W., McAllister, G., Kuber, R., Murphy, E. & Strain, P. 2005: Improving Web Accessibility using Content-Aware Plug-ins. In Extended Abstracts of CHI'05, Portland, USA, 1893-1896.
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