Matthias K. Gobbert

Selected Slides from Presentations

SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education 2016,
September 30 to October 02, 2016, Philadelphia, PA

MS13 Experience of REU Site Directors in Applied Mathematics

An REU Site is a high-touch, intensive, typically residential, summer research experience for undergraduate students, intended to motivate them for graduate school and careers in research. Working with undergraduate students from all across the nation in an REU Site is one of the most rewarding experiences a faculty can have and can be one of the most career-changing experiences for the participants. The speakers in this minisymposium share their lessons on how to create and maintain REU Site programs in applied mathematics and related areas.

AMS 2014 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, March 29-30, 2014, UMBC

Webpage of the conference with more photos and link to program

Special session organizers: Matthias K. Gobbert (UMBC), Nagaraj K. Neerchal (UMBC), and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer (George Mason University)

Special Session on Undergraduate Research and its Impact on Students and Faculty

We want to show the power of undergraduate research, both in impact on the students who perform it and on the faculty who have made it an integral part of their career to guide undergraduate researchers. This session is comprised of talks of two types: Faculty speakers who will share their experiences and tips and tricks for involing undergraduate students. Student researchers will present the results of their work and its impact on their career.

Saturday Morning: Saturday Afternoon: Sunday Morning: Sunday Afternoon:

SIAM Annual Meeting 2012, July 09 to 13, 20l2, Minneapolis, MN

MS 98 and 111 Best Practices for Introducing Undergraduate Students to Computational and Interdisciplinary Research

This minisymposium brings together faculty who have experience guiding undergraduate students in research with a computational focus and an early introduction to collaborative research with scientists from application areas. Such research requires a large set of skills to get started being productive, from knowledge about computers to programming languages and post-processing tools. The speakers will share their experiences from guiding REU Sites, CSUMS programs, and similar on how to get students started, for instance, with boot camps, short courses, or other techniques, and discuss what research results could be obtained with this often limited background and how the results could be documented in publications.

MS 98:

MS 111:

SIAM Conference on CS&E 2011, February 28 to March 04, 2011, Reno, NV

MS 137 Training Students for Skills in CS&E

Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E) is an inherently interdisciplinary area involving mathematics, computational science, and application areas from science, engineering, and beyond. There is a real opportunity for mathematics to take a leadership role, since its tools are central to any particular, campus-dependent version of a program in CS&E. This minisymposium showcases ideas and reports experiences with CS&E program or particular educational strategies to train students in vital skills for work in CS&E.

CP 9 CSE Education

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This page version 3.1, October 2016.