Once you have logged into the UMBC system with WinSCP, a new window will appear listing your local computer contents on the left side and the remote server files on the right.
Here are the steps to use this program to transfer the saved HTML file that is your Web page from your hard drive on the left side of the window to your UMBC “pub space” directory on the right side:
1. On the left side menu, click on the name of the file you want to transfer. If it is a Web page, it should have an “.html” suffix.
2. On the right side menu, find your AFS directory “/afs/umbc.edu/users/s/t/student/pub/www” (if “student” is the username) and click on it.
3. With the correct file highlighted on the left menu and the directory selected on the right, click on the “Copy” icon at the bottom of the “WinSCP” window box. You can also hit F5 on your keyboard.
Module 3 Lesson 3 of 3 |