CS451 Selected Lecture Notes

This is one big WEB page, used for printing

Note that this file is plain text and .gif files. The plain text spells out Greek letters because old browsers did not display them.

 These are not intended to be complete lecture notes.
 Complicated figures or tables or formulas are included here
 in case they were not clear or not copied correctly in class.

 Information from the  language definitions, automata definitions,
  computability definitions and  class definitions is not duplicated here. 

 Lecture numbers correspond to the syllabus numbering.


  • Lecture 1 Fast Summary Part 1
  • Lecture 2 Fast Summary Part 2
  • Lecture 3 DFA and regular expressions
  • Lecture 3a, practical example DFA
  • Lecture 4 Nondeterministic Finite Automata NFA
  • Lecture 5 NFA with epsilon moves
  • Lecture 6 regular expression to NFA
  • Lecture 7 NFA to regular expression, Moore, Mealy
  • Lecture 8 Pumping Lemma for regular languages
  • Basics of proofs
  • Lecture 9 Intersection of two languages, closure
  • Lecture 10 Decision Algorithms
  • Lecture 11 Quiz 1
  • Lecture 12 Myhill-Nerode minimization
  • Lecture 13 Formal Grammars, CFG
  • Lecture 14 Context Free Grammar derivation trees
  • Lecture 15 CFG 'simplification' algorithm
  • Lecture 16 Chomsky Normal Form
  • Lecture 17 Greibach Normal Form
  • Lecture 18 Inherently ambiguous CFL's, Project
  • Lecture 19 Quiz 2
  • Lecture 20 Push Down Automata
  • Lecture 21 CFG/CFL to NPDA
  • Lecture 22 NPDA to CFG/CFL
  • Lecture 23 Turing Machine Model
  • Lecture 24 CYK algorithm for CFG's
  • Lecture 25 Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages
  • Lecture 25a CFL closure properties
  • Lecture 26 The Halting Problem
  • Lecture 27 Church Turing Thesis
  • Lecture 28 Review
  • Lecture 29 Final Exam
  • Other Links
  • Lecture 1 Fast Summary Part 1

      This course covers some of the fundamental beginnings and
      foundations of computers and software. From automata to
      Turing Machines and formal languages to our programming
      languages, an interesting progression.
      A fast summary of what will be covered in this course (part 1)
      For reference, skim through the
       automata definitions and
       language definitions and
       grammar definitions 
      to get the terms that will be used in this course.
      Don't panic, this will be easy once it is explained.
      Syllabus provides topics, homework and exams.
       HW1 is assigned 
    Oh! "Formal Language" vs "Natural Language"
    Boy hit ball.                       
    word word word punctuation          tokens
    noun verb noun period               parsed
    subject predicate object sentence   semantic
    "Language" all legal sentences
      In this class language will be a set of strings from a
      given alphabet. All math operations on sets apply,
      examples:  union, concatenation, intersection, cross product, etc.
      We will cover grammars that define languages.
      We will define machines called automata that accept languages.

    Lecture 2 Fast Summary Part 2

      A fast summary of what will be covered in this course (part 2)
      For reference, read through the  computability definitions
      and  complexity class definitions

    Lecture 3 DFA and regular expressions

     Example of a Deterministic Finite Automata, DFA
     Machine Definition  M = (Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F)
     Q = { q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 } the set of states (finite)
     Sigma = { 0, 1 }           the input string alphabet (finite)
     delta                      the state transition table - below
     q0 = q0                    the starting state
     F = { q2, q4 }             the set of final states (accepting
                                when in this state and no more input)
       delta          |    0    |    1    |
                  q0  |   q3    |   q1    |
                  q1  |   q1    |   q2    |
        states    q2  |   q2    |   q2    |
                  q3  |   q4    |   q3    |
                  q4  |   q4    |   q4    |
                  ^       ^         ^
                  |       |         |
                  |       +---------+-- every transition must have a state
                  +-- every state must be listed
      An exactly equivalent diagram description for the machine M.
      Each circle is a unique state. The machine is in exactly one state
      and stays in that state until an input arrives. Connection lines
      with arrows represent a state transition from the present state
      to the next state for the input symbol(s) by the line.
     L(M) is the notation for a Formal Language defined by a machine M.
     Some of the shortest strings in L(M) = { 00, 11, 000, 001, 010, 101, 110,
     111, 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 1001, ... }
      The regular expression for this state diagram is
      r = (0(1*)0(0+1)*)+(1(0*)1(0+1)*)  using + for or, * for kleene star
        |  V 
      || q3 ||  is a DFA with regular expression  r = (1*)
       \\--//   zero or more sequence of 1 (infinite language)
      1|  v 
      //--\\   is a DFA with regular expression  r = (0+1)*
     || q4 ||  zero or more sequence of 0 or 1 in any order 00 01 10 11 etc
      \\--//   at end because final state (infinite language)
     In words, L is the set of strings over { 0, 1} that contain at least
     two 0's starting with 0, or that contain at least two 1's starting with 1.
     Every input sequence goes through a sequence of states, for example
      00   q0 q3 q4
      11   q0 q1 q2
      000  q0 q3 q4 q4
      001  q0 q3 q4 q4
      010  q0 q3 q3 q4
      011  q0 q3 q3 q3
      0110 q0 q3 q3 q3 q4
    Rather abstract, there are tens of millions of DFA being used today.
     practical example DFA
      More information on DFA
    More files, examples:
     example data input file reg.dfa 
     example output from dfa.cpp, reg.out 
    under development dfa.java  dfa.py
     example output from dfa.java, reg_def_java.out 
     example output from dfa.py, labc_def_py.out 
                     /--\  a   /--\  b   /--\  c   //--\\
    labc.dfa is  -->| q0 |--->| q1 |--->| q2 |--->|| q3 ||    using just characters
                     \--/      \--/      \--/      \\--//
     example data input file labc.dfa 
     example output from dfa.py, labc_def_py.out 
    For future homework, you can download programs and sample data from
    cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/reg.dfa .
                                                   and other files
     Definition of a Regular Expression
      A regular expression may be the null string,
         r = epsilon
      A regular expression may be an element of the input alphabet, a in sigma,
         r = a
      A regular expression may be the union of two regular expressions,
         r = r1 + r2              the plus sign is "or"
      A regular expression may be the concatenation (no symbol) of two
      regular expressions,
         r = r1 r2
      A regular expression may be the Kleene closure (star) of a
      regular expression, may be null string or any number of concatenations of r1
         r = r1*    (the asterisk should be a superscript,
                     but this is plain text)
      A regular expression may be a regular expression in parenthesis
         r = (r1)
      Nothing is a regular expression unless it is constructed with only the
      rules given above.
      The language represented or generated by a regular expression is a
      Regular Language, denoted L(r).
      The regular expression for the machine M above is
        r = (1(0*)1(0+1)*)+(0(1*)0(0+1)*)
                \       \ any number of zeros and ones
                 \ any number of zero
      Later we will give an algorithm for generating a regular expression from
      a machine definition.  For simple DFA's, start with each accepting
      state and work back to the start state writing the regular expression.
      The union of these regular expressions is the regular expression for
      the machine.
      For every DFA there is a regular language and for every regular language
      there is a regular expression. Thus a DFA can be converted to a
      regular expression and a regular expression can be converted to a DFA.
      Some examples, a regular language with only  0  in alphabet,
      with strings of length 2*n+1 for n>0. Thus infinite language yet
      DFA must have a finite number of states and finite number of
      transitions to accept  {000, 00000, 0000000, ...) 2*n+1 = 3,5,7,...
      The DFA state diagram is
      /--\  0  /--\  0  /--\  0   //--\\  0
     | q0 |-->| q0 |-->| q0 |--->|| q4 ||--+
      \--/     \--/     \--/      \\--//   |
                           ^               |
     Check it out: 000 accepted, then 00000 two more 0 then accepted, ...
     Now, an example of the complement of a regular expression is
     a regular expression. First a DFA that accepts any string with 00
     then a DFA that does not accept any string with 00, the complement.
      |--|<-------+     |--------+       r = ((1)*0)*0(0+1)*
      V  |1       |1    V        |
      /--\  0  /--\  0  //--\\   |1             any  00
    -| q0 |-->| q1 |-->|| q2 ||--+              (1)* can be empty string
      \--/     \--/     \\--//   |0
                        ^        |
       |            /--\-+ 1  /--\  0
       |       +-->| q1 |--->| q2 |----+   r = ((1*)+0(1*))*
       V     0 |    \--/  0   \--/---+ |         
      //--\\---+              ^  ^  1| |       no  00
    -|| q0 ||                 |  +---+ |
      \\--//---+              +--------+
          ^  1 |              never leaves, never accepted
    The general way to create a complement of a regular expression is to
    create a new regular expression that has all of the first regular
    expression go to phi and all other strings go to a final state.	    
    Both regular expressions must have the same alphabet.
    Given a DFA and one or more strings, determine if the string(s)
    are accepted by the DFA. This may be error prone and time
    consuming to do by hand. Fortunately, there is a program
    available to do this for you.
    On linux.gl.umbc.edu  do the following:
      ln -s /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/dfa dfa
      cp    /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/ab_b.dfa .
      dfa < ab_b.dfa    # or  dfa < ab_b.dfa > ab_a.out
    Full information is available at Simulators
    The source code for the family of simulators is available.
    HW2 is assigned
    last update 3/9/2021

    Practical definition of a DFA

    Here, we start with the state diagram: From this we see the states Q = { Off, Starting forward, Running forward, Starting reverse, Running reverse } The alphabet (inputs) Sigma = { off request, forward request, reverse request, time-out } The initial state would be Off. The final state would be Off. The state transition table, Delta, is obvious yet very wordy. Note: that upon entering a state, additional actions may be specified. Inputs could be from buttons, yet could come from a computer.

    Lecture 4 Nondeterministic Finite Automata, NFA

     Important! nondeterministic has nothing to do with random,
                nondeterministic implies parallelism.
     The difference between a DFA and a NFA is that the state transition
     table, delta, for a DFA has exactly one target state but for a NFA has
     a set, possibly empty (phi), of target states.
     A NFA state diagram may have more than one line to get
     to some state.
     Example of a NFA, Nondeterministic Finite Automata given
     by a) Machine Definition  M = (Q, sigma, delta, q0, F)
        b) Equivalent regular expression
        c) Equivalent state transition diagram
        and example tree of states for input string 0100011
        and an equivalent DFA, Deterministic Finite Automata for the
        first 3 states.
     a) Machine Definition  M = (Q, sigma, delta, q0, F)
     Q = { q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 } the set of states
     sigma = { 0, 1 }           the input string alphabet
     delta                      the state transition table
     q0 = q0                    the starting state
     F = { q2, q4 }             the set of final states (accepting when in
                                this state and no more input)
             delta    |    0    |    1    |
                  q0  | {q0,q3} | {q0,q1} |
                  q1  |   phi   |   {q2}  |
        states    q2  |   {q2}  |   {q2}  |
                  q3  |   {q4}  |   phi   |
                  q4  |   {q4}  |   {q4}  |
                  ^       ^         ^
                  |       |         |
                  |       +---------+-- a set of states, phi means empty set
                  +-- every state must be listed
     b) The equivalent regular expression is  (0+1)*(00+11)(0+1)*
     This NFA represents the language L = all strings over {0,1} that
     have at least two consecutive 0's or 1's.
             c) Equivalent  NFA  state transition diagram.
    Note that state q3 does not go anywhere for an input of 1.
    We use the terminology that the path "dies" if in q3 getting an input 1.
    The tree of states this NFA is in for the input  0100011
                               /  \                          0
                             q3    q0
                            dies  /  \                       1
                                q1    q0
                               dies  /  \                    0
                                   q3    q0
                                  /     /  \                 0
                                q4    q3    q0
                               /     /     /  \              0
                             q4    q4    q3    q0
                            /     /     dies  /  \           1
                          q4    q4          q1    q0
                         /     /           /     /  \        1
                       q4    q4          q2     q1   q0
                       ^     ^           ^
                       |     |           |
                 accepting paths in NFA tree
     Construct a DFA equivalent to the NFA above using just the first
     three rows of delta (for brevity, consider q3 and q4 do not exists).
     The DFA machine is M' = (Q', sigma, delta', q0', F')
     The set of states is
     Q' = 2**Q, the power set of Q = { phi, {q0}, {q1}, {q2}, {q0,q1}, {q0,q2},
                                       {q1,q2}, {q0,q1,q2} }
     Note the big expansion: If a set has n items, the power set has 2^n items.
     Note: read the eight elements of the set Q' as names of states of M'
           OK to use [ ]  in place of { } if you prefer.
     sigma is the same  sigma = { 0, 1}
     The state transition table delta' is given below
     The starting state is set containing only q0  q0' = {q0}
     The set of final states is a set of sets that contain q2
     F' = { {q2}, {q0,q2}, {q1,q2}, {q0,q1,q2} }
    Algorithm for building delta' from delta:
      The delta' is constructed directly from delta.
      Using the notation f'({q0},0) = f(q0,0) to mean:
        in delta' in state {q0} with input 0  goes to the state
        shown in delta with input 0.  Take the union of all such states.
      Further notation, phi is the empty set so phi union the set A is
      just the set A.
      Some samples: f'({q0,q1},0) = f(q0,0) union f(q1,0) = {q0}
                    f'({q0,q1},1) = f(q0,1) union f(q1,1) = {q0,q1,q2}
                    f'({q0,q2},0) = f(q0,0) union f(q2,0) = {q0,q2}
                    f'({q0,q2},1) = f(q0,1) union f(q2,1) = {q0,q1,q2}
             delta    |    0    |    1    |  simplified for this construction
                  q0  |   {q0}  | {q0,q1} |
        states    q1  |   phi   |   {q2}  |
                  q2  |   {q2}  |   {q2}  |
             delta'    |     0       |      1      |
                 phi   |    phi      |     phi     | never reached
                {q0}   |   {q0}      |   {q0,q1}   |
     states     {q1}   |    phi      |     {q2}    | never reached
     Q'         {q2}   |   {q2}      |     {q2}    | never reached
              {q0,q1}  |   {q0}      | {q0,q1,q2}  |
              {q0,q2}  | {q0,q2}     | {q0,q1,q2}  |
              {q1,q2}  |   {q2}      |     {q2}    | never reached
            {q0,q1,q2} | {q0,q2}     | {q0,q1,q2}  |
      Note: Some of the states in the DFA may be unreachable yet
            must be specified. Later we will use Myhill minimization.
      DFA (not minimized) equivalent to lower branch of NFA above.
      The sequence of states is unique for a DFA, so for the same input as
      above  0100011 the sequence of states is
      {q0}  0  {q0}  1  {q0,q1} 0  {q0}  0  {q0}  0  {q0}  1  {q0,q1}
            1 {q0,q1,q2}
      This sequence does not have any states involving q3 or q4 because just
      a part of the above NFA was converted to a DFA. This DFA does not
      accept the string  00  whereas the NFA above does accept  00.
    Given a NFA and one or more strings, determine if the string(s)
    are accepted by the NFA. This may be error prone and time
    consuming to do by hand. Fortunately, there is a program
    available to do this for you.
    On linux.gl.umbc.edu  do the following:
      ln -s /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/nfa nfa
      cp    /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/fig2_7.nfa .
      nfa < fig2_7.nfa    # or  nfa < fig2_7.nfa > fig2_7.out
     NFA coded for simulation
    You can code a Machine Definition     into a data file for simulation
     Q = { q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 }
     sigma = { 0, 1 }                        // fig2_7.nfa
     q0 = q0                                 start q0
     F = { q2, q4 }                          final q2
                                             final q4
       delta    |    0    |    1    |        q0 0 q0
       ---------+---------+---------+        q0 0 q3
            q0  | {q0,q3} | {q0,q1} |        q0 1 q0
            q1  |   phi   |   {q2}  |        q0 1 q1
    states  q2  |   {q2}  |   {q2}  |        q1 1 q2
            q3  |   {q4}  |   phi   |        q2 0 q2
            q4  |   {q4}  |   {q4}  |        q2 1 q2
                                             q3 0 q4
                                             q4 0 q4
                                             q4 1 q4
                                             tape 10101010 // reject
                                             tape 10110101 // accept
                                             tape 10100101 // accept
                                             tape 01010101 // reject
    Full information is available at Simulators
    The source code for the family of simulators is available.

    Lecture 5 NFA with epsilon moves

      Definition and example of a NFA with epsilon transitions.
      Remember, epsilon is the zero length string, so it can be any where
      in the input string, front, back, between any symbols.
      There is a conversion algorithm from a NFA with epsilon transitions to
      a NFA without epsilon transitions.
      Consider the NFA-epsilon move machine M = { Q, sigma, delta, q0, F}
      Q = { q0, q1, q2 }
      sigma = { a, b, c }  and epsilon moves
      q0 = q0
      F = { q2 }
                             sigma plus epsilon
         delta          |  a   |  b   |  c   |epsilon
                    q0  | {q0} | phi  | phi  | {q1}
                    q1  | phi  | {q1} | phi  | {q2}
                    q2  | phi  | phi  | {q2} | {q2}
      The language accepted by the above NFA with epsilon moves is
      the set of strings over {a,b,c} including the null string and
      all strings with any number of a's followed by any number of b's
      followed by any number of c's. ("any number" includes zero)
      Now convert the NFA with epsilon moves to a NFA 
           M = ( Q', sigma, delta', q0', F')
      First determine the states of the new machine, Q' = the epsilon closure
      of the states in the NFA with epsilon moves. There will be the same
      number of states but the names can be constructed by writing the state
      name as the set of states in the epsilon closure. The epsilon closure
      is the initial state and all states that can be reached directly
      by one or more epsilon moves.
      Thus q0 in the NFA-epsilon becomes {q0,q1,q2} because the machine can
      move from q0 to q1 by an epsilon move, then check q1 and find that
      it can move from q1 to q2 by an epsilon move.
      q1 in the NFA-epsilon becomes {q1,q2} because the machine can move from
      q1 to q2 by an epsilon move.
      q2 in the NFA-epsilon becomes {q2} just to keep the notation the same. q2
      can go nowhere except q2, that is what phi means, on an epsilon move.
      We do not show the epsilon transition of a state to itself here, but,
      beware, we will take into account the state to itself epsilon transition
      when converting NFA's to regular expressions.
      The initial state of our new machine is {q0,q1,q2} the epsilon closure
      of q0
      The final state(s) of our new machine is the new state(s) that contain
      a state symbol that was a final state in the original machine.
      The new machine accepts the same language as the old machine,
      thus same sigma.
      So far we have for out new NFA
      Q' = { {q0,q1,q2}, {q1,q2}, {q2} } or renamed  { qx, qy, qz }
      sigma = { a, b, c }
      F' = { {q0,q1,q2}, {q1,q2}, {q2} } or renamed  { qx, qy, qz }
      q0 = {q0,q1,q2}                    or renamed  qx
       delta'            |      a       |      b       |      c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} |              |              |
       qy or  {q1,q2}    |              |              |  
       qz or  {q2}       |              |              |  
      Now we fill in the transitions. Remember that a NFA has transition
      entries that are sets. Further, the names in the transition entry
      sets must be only the state names from Q'.
      Very carefully consider each old machine transitions in the first row.
      You can ignore any "phi" entries and ignore the "epsilon" column.
      In the old machine  delta(q0,a)=q0 thus in the new machine
      delta'({q0,q1,q2},a)={q0,q1,q2} this is just because the new machine
      accepts the same language as the old machine and must at least have the
      the same transitions for the new state names.
       delta'            |      a       |       b      |       c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} | {{q0,q1,q2}} |              |
       qy or  {q1,q2}    |              |              |  
       qz or  {q2}       |              |              |  
      No more entries go under input a in the first row because
      old delta(q1,a)=phi, delta(q2,a)=phi
       delta'            |      a       |       b      |       c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} | {{q0,q1,q2}} |              |
       qy or  {q1,q2}    |   phi        |              |  
       qz or  {q2}       |   phi        |              |  
      Now consider the input b in the first row, delta(q0,b)=phi,
      delta(q1,b)={q2} and delta(q2,b)=phi. The reason we considered
      q0, q1 and q2 in the old machine was because out new state
      has symbols q0, q1 and q2 in the new state name from the
      epsilon closure. Since q1 is in {q0,q1,q2} and
      delta(q1,b)=q1 then delta'({q0,q1,q2},b)={q1,q2}. WHY {q1,q2} ?,
      because {q1,q2} is the new machines name for the old machines
      name q1. Just compare the zeroth column of delta to delta'. So we have
       delta'            |      a       |       b      |       c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} | {{q0,q1,q2}} | {{q1,q2}}    |
       qy or  {q1,q2}    |  phi         |              |  
       qz or  {q2}       |  phi         |              |  
      Now, because our new qx state has a symbol q2 in its name and
      delta(q2,c)=q2 is in the old machine, the new name for the old q2,
      which is qz or {q2} is put into the input c transition in row 1.
       delta'            |      a       |       b      |       c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} | {{q0,q1,q2}} | {{q1,q2}}    | {{q2}}  or qz
       qy or  {q1,q2}    |  phi         |              |  
       qz or  {q2}       |  phi         |              |  
      Now, tediously, move on to row two ..., column b ...
      You are considering all transitions in the old machine, delta,
      for all old machine state symbols in the name of the new machines states.
      Fine the old machine state that results from an input and translate
      the old machine state to the corresponding new machine state name and
      put the new machine state name in the set in delta'. Below are the
      "long new state names" and the renamed state names in delta'.
       delta'            |      a       |       b      |       c   
       qx or  {q0,q1,q2} | {{q0,q1,q2}} | {{q1,q2}}    | {{q2}}  or {qz}
       qy or  {q1,q2}    | phi          | {{q1,q2}}    | {{q2}}  or {qz}
       qz or  {q2}       | phi          | phi          | {{q2}}  or {qz}
       delta'   |  a   |  b   |  c      <-- input alphabet sigma   
         /   qx | {qx} | {qy} | {qz}
        /    ---+------+------+-----
      Q'     qy | phi  | {qy} | {qz}
       \     ---+------+------+-----
        \    qz | phi  | phi  | {qz}  
      The figure above labeled NFA shows this state transition table.
      It seems rather trivial to add the column for epsilon transitions,
      but we will make good use of this in converting regular expressions
      to machines. regular-expression  ->  NFA-epsilon  ->  NFA  ->  DFA.
    HW3 is assigned

    Lecture 6 Construction: machine from regular expression

      Given a regular expression, r , there is an associated regular language L(r).
      Since there is a finite automata for every regular language,
      there is a machine, M, for every regular expression such that L(M) = L(r).
      The constructive proof provides an algorithm for constructing a machine, M,
      from a regular expression r.  The six constructions below correspond to
      the cases:
      1) The entire regular expression is the null string, i.e.  L={epsilon}
         (Any regular expression that includes  epsilon  will have the
          starting state as a final state.)
         r = epsilon
      2) The entire regular expression is empty, i.e. L=phi      r = phi
      3) An element of the input alphabet, sigma, is in the regular expression
         r = a    where a is an element of sigma.
      4) Two regular expressions are joined by the union operator, +
         r1 + r2
      5) Two regular expressions are joined by concatenation (no symbol)
         r1 r2
      6) A regular expression has the Kleene closure (star) applied to it
      The construction proceeds by using 1) or 2) if either applies.
      The construction first converts all symbols in the regular expression
      using construction 3).
      Then working from inside outward, left to right at the same scope,
      apply the one construction that applies from 4) 5) or 6).
      Example: Convert (00 + 1)* 1 (0 +1) to a NFA-epsilon machine.
      Optimization hint: We use a simple form of epsilon-closure to combine
      any state that has only an epsilon transition to another state, into
      one state.
      chose first 0 to get
      chose next 0, and concatenate
      use epsilon-closure to combine states
      Chose 1, then added union
      Apply Kleene star
      Chose 1, concatenate, combine states
      Concatenate (0+1), combine one state
      The result is a NFA with epsilon moves. This NFA can then be converted
      to a NFA without epsilon moves. Further conversion can be performed to
      get a DFA.  All these machines have the same language as the
      regular expression from which they were constructed.
      The construction covers all possible cases that can occur in any
      regular expression.  Because of the generality there are many more
      states generated than are necessary.  The unnecessary states are
      joined by epsilon transitions.  Very careful compression may be
      performed.  For example, the fragment regular expression  aba  would be
          a       e       b       e       a
      q0 ---> q1 ---> q2 ---> q3 ---> q4 ---> q5
      with  e  used for epsilon, this can be trivially reduced to
          a       b       a 
      q0 ---> q1 ---> q2 ---> q3
      A careful reduction of unnecessary states requires use of the
      Myhill-Nerode Theorem of section 3.4 in 1st Ed. or section 4.4 in 2nd Ed.
      This will provide a DFA that has the minimum number of states.
      Within a renaming of the states and reordering of the delta, state
      transition table, all minimum machines of a DFA are identical.
      Conversion of a NFA to a regular expression was started in this
      lecture and finished in the next lecture. The notes are in lecture 7.
      Example: r = (0+1)* (00+11) (0+1)*
      Solution: find the primary operator(s) that are concatenation or union.
      In this case, the two outermost are concatenation, giving, crudely:
            //---------------\    /----------------\\    /-----------------\
        -->|| <> M((0+1)*) <> |->| <> M((00+11)) <> ||->| <> M((0+1)*) <<>> |
            \\---------------/    \----------------//    \-----------------/
      There is exactly one start "-->"  and exactly one final state "<<>>"
      The unlabeled arrows should be labeled with epsilon.
      Now recursively decompose each internal regular expression.

    Lecture 7 Convert NFA to regular expression

      Conversion algorithm from a NFA to a regular expression.
      Start with the transition table for the NFA with the following
      state naming conventions:
         the first state is 1 or q1 or s1 which is the starting state.
         states are numbered consecutively, 1, 2, 3, ... n
      The transition table is a typical NFA where the table entries
      are sets of states and phi the empty set is allowed.
      The set F of final states must be known.
      We call the variable r a regular expression.
      It can be: epsilon, an element of the input sigma, r*, r1+r2, or r1 r2
      We use r   being the regular expression to go from state qi to qj
      We need multiple steps from state qi to qj and use a superscript
      to show the number of steps
       1    2     k     k-1
      r    r     r     r     are just names of different regular expressions
       12   34    1k    ij
      We are going to build a table with n  rows and n+1 columns labeled
         |  k=0   |  k=1  |  k=2  | ... | k=n
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |   n
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |  r       Only build column n
      11 |   11   |   11  |   11  |     |   11     for  q1 to final state
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |   n      The final regular expression
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |  r       is then the union, +, of
      12 |   12   |   12  |   12  |     |   12     the column n
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |   n
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |  r
      13 |   13   |   13  |   13  |     |   13 
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      21 |   21   |   21  |   21  |     |
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      22 |   22   |   22  |   22  |     |
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      23 |   23   |   23  |   23  |     |
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      31 |   31   |   31  |   31  |     |
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      32 |   32   |   32  |   32  |     |
         |   0    |   1   |   2   |     |
     r   |  r     |  r    |  r    | ... |
      33 |   33   |   33  |   33  |     |
      ^         2
      |-  Note n  rows,  all pairs of numbers from 1 to n
      Now, build the table entries for the k=0 column:
        0     /  +{ x | delta(q ,x) = q }              i /= j
       r   = /                 i       j
        ij   \
              \  +{ x | delta(q ,x) = q } + epsilon     i = j
               \               i       j
                where delta is the transition table function,
                x is some symbol from sigma
                the q's are states
        r   could be  phi,   epsilon,   a,   0+1,  or  a+b+d+epsilon
               notice there are no Kleene Star or concatenation in this column
       Next, build the k=1 column:
        1      0     0   *  0      0
       r   =  r   ( r   )  r   +  r    note: all items are from the previous column
        ij     i1    11     1j     ij
       Next, build the k=2 column:
        2      1     1   *  1      1
       r   =  r   ( r   )  r   +  r    note: all items are from the previous column
        ij     i2    22     2j     ij
       Then, build the rest of the k=k columns:
        k      k-1   k-1  *  k-1     k-1
       r   =  r   ( r    )  r    +  r     note: all items are from previous column
        ij     ik    kk      kj      ij
       Finally, for final states p, q, r  the regular expression is
        n      n     n
       r   +  r  +  r
        1p     1q    1r
       Note that this is from a constructive proof that every NFA has a language
       for which there is a corresponding regular expression.
      Some minimization rules for regular expressions are available.
      These can be applied at every step.
      (Actually, extremely long equations, if not applied at every step.)
      Note: phi is the empty set
            epsilon is the zero length string
            0, 1, a, b, c, are symbols in sigma
            x is a variable or regular expression
            ( ... )( ... ) is concatenation
            ( ... ) + ( ... ) is union
            ( ... )*  is the Kleene Closure = Kleene Star
          (phi)(x) = (x)(phi) = phi
          (epsilon)(x) = (x)(epsilon) = x
          (phi) + (x) = (x) + (phi) = x
          x + x  = x
          (epsilon)* = (epsilon)(epsilon) = epsilon
          (x)* + (epsilon) = (x)* = x*
          (x + epsilon)* = x*
          x* (a+b) + (a+b) = x* (a+b)
          x* y + y = x* y
          (x + epsilon)x* = x* (x + epsilon) = x*
          (x+epsilon)(x+epsilon)* (x+epsilon) = x*
      Now for an example:
      Given M=(Q, sigma, delta, q0, F) as
       delta   |  a   |  b   |  c         Q     = { q1, q2}
       --------+------+------+-----       sigma = { a, b, c }
         q1    | {q2} | {q2} | {q1}       q0    = q1
       --------+------+------+-----       F     = { q2}
         q2    | phi  | phi  | phi 
      Informal method, draw state diagram:
          /--\   a   //--\\   a,b,c
      -->| q1 |---->|| q2 ||-------->phi
          \--/   b   \\--//
          ^  |       
          |  |c              guess r = c* (a+b)
          +--+               any number of c followed by a or b
                             phi stops looking at input
    Formal method:
    Remember r   for k=0, means the regular expression directly from q1 to q1 
           |  k=0        
       r   | c + epsilon    from q1 input c goes to q1 (auto add epsilon
        11 |                                 when a state goes to itself)
       r   | a + b          from state q1 to q2, either input a or input b
        12 |             
       r   | phi            phi means no transition
        21 |             
       r   | epsilon        (auto add epsilon, a state can stay in that state)
        22 |             
           |  k=0        |  k=1 (building on k=0, using e for epsilon)
       r   | c + epsilon | (c+e)(c+e)* (c+e) + (c+e) = c*
        11 |             |
       r   | a + b       | (c+e)(c+e)* (a+b) + (a+b) = c* (a+b)
        12 |             |
       r   | phi         | phi (c+e)* (c+e) + phi = phi
        21 |             |
       r   | epsilon     | phi (c+e)* (a+b) + e = e
        22 |             |
           |  k=0        |  k=1     | k=2 (building on k=1,using minimized)
       r   | c + epsilon | c*       |
        11 |             |          |
       r   | a + b       | c* (a+b) | c* (a+b)(e)* (e) + c* (a+b)  only final
        12 |             |          |                              state
       r   | phi         | phi      |
        21 |             |          |
       r   | epsilon     | e        |
        22 |             |          |
       the final regular expression minimizes to r = c* (a+b)
      Additional topics include  Moore Machines  and
       Mealy Machines 
    HW4 is assigned

    Lecture 8 Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages

    Review of Basics of Proofs.
      The Pumping Lemma is generally used to prove a language is not regular.
      If a DFA, NFA or NFA-epsilon machine can be constructed to exactly accept
      a language, then the language is a Regular Language.
      If a regular expression can be constructed to exactly generate the
      strings in a language, then the language is regular.
      If a regular grammar can be constructed to exactly generate the
      strings in a language, then the language is regular.
      To prove a language is not regular requires a specific definition of
      the language and the use of the Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages.
      A note about proofs using the Pumping Lemma:
      Given: Formal statements A and B.
             A implies B.
      If you can prove B is false, then you have proved A is false.
      For the Pumping Lemma, the statement "A" is "L is a Regular Language",
      The statement "B" is a statement from the Predicate Calculus.
      (This is a plain text file that uses words for the upside down A that
       reads 'for all'  and the backwards E that reads 'there exists')
       Formal statement of the Pumping Lemma:
       L is a Regular Language implies 
       (there exists n)(for all z)[z in L and |z|>=n implies
         {(there exists u,v,w)(z = uvw and |uv|<=n and |v|>=1 and
                               (for all i>=0)(uv w is in L) )}]
      The two commonest ways to use the Pumping Lemma to prove a language
      is NOT regular are:
      a) show that there is no possible n for the (there exists n),
         this is usually accomplished by showing a contradiction such
         as  (n+1)(n+1) < n*n+n
      b) show there is a way to partition z into u, v and w such that
         uv w is not in L, typically by pumping a value i=0, i=1, or i=2.
         Stop as soon as one uv w is not in the language,
         thus, you have proved the language is not regular.
      Note: The pumping lemma only applies to languages (sets of strings)
      with infinite cardinality. A DFA can be constructed for any
      finite set of strings. Use the regular expression to NFA 'union'
                                                                n   n
      Notation: the string having n a's followed by  n b's is  a   b
      which is reduced to one line by writing  a^n b^n
      Languages that are not regular:
      L = { a^n b^n  n>0 }
      L = { a^f1(n) b^f2(n) n<c } for any non degenerate f1, f2.
      L = { a^f(n)  n>0 } for any function f(n)< k*n+c for all constants k and c
      L = { a^(n*n)  n>0 } also applies to n a prime(n log n), 2^n, n!
      L = { a^n b^k  n>0 k>n } can not save count of a's to check b's k>n
      L = { a^n b^k+n n>0 k>1 } same language as above 
      Languages that are regular:
      L = { a^n  n>=0 } this is just  r = a*
      L = { a^n b^k n>0 k>0 } no relation between n and k,  r = a a* b b* 
      L = { a^(37*n+511) n>0 } 511 states in series, 37 states in loop

    Basis of proofs

    You may be proving a lemma, a theorem, a corollary, etc
    A proof is based on:
      rules of inference  (typical normal logic and mathematics)
    To be accepted as "true" or "valid"
       Recognized people in the field need to agree your
          definitions are reasonable
          axioms, postulates, ... are reasonable
          rules of inference are reasonable and correctly applied
    "True" and "Valid" are human intuitive judgments but can be
    based on solid reasoning as presented in a proof.
    Types of proofs include:
      Direct proof  (typical in Euclidean plane geometry proofs)
         Write down line by line  provable statements,
         (e.g. definition, axiom, statement that follows from applying
          the axiom to the definition, statement that follows from
          applying a rule of inference from prior lines, etc.)
      Proof by contradiction:
         Given definitions, axioms, rules of inference
         Assume Statement_A
         use proof technique to derive a contradiction
         (e.g.  prove not Statement_A or prove Statement_B = not Statement_B,
                like 1 = 2  or  n > 2n)
      Proof by induction (on Natural numbers)
         Given a statement based on, say n, where n ranges over natural numbers
         Prove the statement for n=0 or n=1 
         a) Prove the statement for n+1 assuming the statement true for n
         b) Prove the statement for n+1 assuming the statement true for n in 1..n
      Prove two sets A and B are equal, prove part 1, A is a subset of B
                                        prove part 2, B is a subset of A
      Prove two machines M1 and M2 are equal,
            prove part 1 that machine M1 can simulate machine M2
            prove part 2 that machine M2 can simulate machine M1
    Limits on proofs:
    Godel incompleteness theorem:
      a) Any formal system with enough power to handle arithmetic will
         have true theorems that are unprovable in the formal system.
         (He proved it with Turing machines.)
      b) Adding axioms to the system in order to be able to prove all the
         "true" (valid) theorems will make the system "inconsistent."
         Inconsistent means a theorem can be proved that is not accepted
         as "true" (valid).
      c) Technically, any formal system with enough power to do arithmetic
         is either incomplete or inconsistent.
      For reference, read through the  automata definitions and
       language definitions.

    Lecture 9 Intersection and other closures

      A class of languages is simply a set of languages with some
      property that determines if a language is in the class (set).
      The class of languages called regular languages is the set of all
      languages that are regular. Remember, a language is regular if it is
      accepted by some DFA, NFA, NFA-epsilon, regular expression or
      regular grammar.
      A single language is a set of strings over a finite alphabet and
      is therefor countable. A regular language may have an infinite
      number of strings. The strings of a regular language can be enumerated,
      written down for length 0, length 1, length 2 and so forth.
      But, the class of regular languages is the size of a power set
      of any given regular language. This comes from the fact that
      regular languages are closed under union. From mathematics we
      know a power set of a countable set is not countable. A set that
      is not countable, like the real numbers, can not be enumerated.
      A class of languages is closed under some operation, op, when for any
      two languages in the class, say L1 and L2, L1 op L2 is in the class.
      This is the definition of "closed."
      Summary. Regular languages are closed under operations: concatenation,
      union, intersection, complementation, difference, reversal,
      Kleene star, substitution, homomorphism and
      any finite combination of these operations.
      All of these operations are "effective" because there is an
      algorithm to construct the resulting language.
      Simple constructions include complementation by interchanging final
      states and non final states in a DFA. Concatenation, union and Kleene
      star are constructed using the corresponding regular expression to
      NFA technique. Intersection is constructed using DeMorgan's theorem
      and difference is constructed using L - M = L intersect complement M.
      Reversal is constructed from a DFA using final states as starting states
      and the starting state as the final state, reversing the direction
      of all transition arcs.
      We have seen that regular languages are closed under union because
      the "+" is regular expressions yields a union operator for regular
      languages. Similarly, for DFA machines, L(M1) union L(M2) is
      L(M1 union M2) by the construction in lecture 6.
      Thus we know the set of regular languages is closed under union.
      In symbolic terms, L1 and L2 regular languages and L3 = L1 union L2
      implies L3 is a regular language.
      The complement of a language is defined in terms of set difference
      from sigma star.  L1 = sigma * - L1. The language L1 bar, written
      as L1 with a bar over it, has all strings from sigma star except
      the strings in L1. Sigma star is all possible strings over the
      alphabet sigma. It turns out a DFA for a language can be made a
      DFA for the complement language by changing all final states to
      not final states and visa versa. (Warning! This is not true for NFA's)
      Thus regular languages are closed under complementation.
      Given union and complementation, by DeMorgan's Theorem,
      L1 and L2 regular languages and L3 = L1 intersect L2 implies
                                        __       __
      L3 is a regular language.  L3 = ( L1 union L2) .
      The construction of a DFA, M3, such that  L(M3) = L(M1) intersect L(M2)
      is given by:
      Let  M1 = (Q1, sigma, delta1, q1, F1)
      Let  M2 = (Q2, sigma, delta2, q2, F2)
      Let  S1 x S2 mean the cross product of sets S1 and S2, all ordered pairs,
           M3 = (Q1 x Q2, sigma, delta3, [q1,q2], F1 x F2)
      where [q1,q2] is an ordered pair from Q1 x Q2,
      delta3 is constructed from
           delta3([x1,x2],a) = [delta1(x1,a), delta2(x2,a)] for all a in sigma
      and all [x1,x2] in Q1 x Q2.
      We choose to say the same alphabet is used in both machines, but this
      works in general by picking the alphabet of M3 to be the intersection
      of the alphabets of M1 and m2 and using all 'a' from this set.
      Regular set properties:
      One way to show that an operation on two regular languages produces a
      regular language is to construct a machine that performs the operation. 
      Remember, the machines have to be DFA, NFA or NFA-epsilon type machines 
      because these machines have corresponding regular languages.
      Consider two machines M1 and M2 for languages L1(M1) and L2(M2).
      To show that L1 intersect L2 = L3 and L3 is a regular language we
      construct a machine M3 and show by induction that M3 only accepts
      strings that are in both L1 and L2.
      M1 = (Q1, Sigma, delta1, q1, F1) with the usual definitions
      M2 = (Q2, Sigma, delta2, q2, F2) with the usual definitions
      Now construct M3 = (Q3, Sigma, delta3, q3, F3) defined as
      Q3 = Q1 x Q2   set cross product
      q3 = [q1,q2]   q3 is an element of Q3, the notation means an ordered pair
      Sigma = Sigma = Sigma  we choose to use the same alphabet,
                             else some fix up is required
      F3 = F1 x F2   set cross product
      delta3 is constructed from
         delta3([qi,qj],x) = [delta1(qi,x),delta2(qj,x)]
         as you might expect, this is most easily performed on a DFA
      The language L3(M3) is shown to be the intersection of L1(M1) and L2(M2)
      by induction on the length of the input string.
      For example:
      M1: Q1 = {q0, q1}, Sigma = {a, b}, delta1, q1=q0, F1 = {q1}
      M2: Q2 = {q3, q4, q5}, Sigma = {a, b}, delta2, q2=q3, F2 = {q4,q5}
      delta1       | a  | b  |      delta2         | a  | b  |
                ---+----+----+                -----+----+----+
    	    q0 | q0 | q1 |                  q3 | q3 | q4 |
    	    ---+----+----+                -----+----+----+
    	    q1 | q1 | q1 |                  q4 | q5 | q3 |
    	    ---+----+----+                -----+----+----+
    			                    q5 | q5 | q5 |
      M3 now is constructed as
        Q3 = Q1 x Q2 = {[q0,q3], [q0,q4], [q0,q5], [q1,q3], [q1,q4], [q1,q5]}
        F3 = F1 x F2 = {[q1,q4], [q1,q5]}
        initial state  q3 = [q0,q3]
        Sigma = technically  Sigma_1 intersect Sigma_2
        delta3 is constructed from delta3([qi,qj],x) = [delta1(qi,x),delta2(qj,x)]
      delta3        |    a    |    b    | 
      	[q0,q3] | [q0,q3] | [q1,q4] |    this is a DFA when both 
           ---------+---------+---------+    M1 and M2 are DFA's
      	[q0,q4] | [q0,q5] | [q1,q3] | 
      	[q0,q5] | [q0,q5] | [q1,q5] |
      	[q1,q3] | [q1,q3] | [q1,q4] |
      	[q1,q4] | [q1,q5] | [q1,q3] | 
      	[q1,q5] | [q1,q5] | [q1,q5] |
      As we have seen before there may be unreachable states.
      In this example [q0,q4] and [q0,q5] are unreachable.
      It is possible for the intersection of L1 and L2 to be empty,
      thus a final state will never be reachable.
      Coming soon, the Myhill-Nerode theorem and minimization to
      eliminate useless states.
      Some sample DFA coded and run with  dfa.cpp
       n000.dfa complement of (0+1)*000(0+1)*
       n000_dfa.out  no  000  accepted 
       n2p1.dfa  2n+1 zeros n>0 
       n000_dfa.out  3, 5, 7   accepted 

    Lecture 10 Decision algorithms and review

      Decision algorithms for regular sets:
      Remember: An algorithm must always terminate to be called an algorithm!
                Basically, an algorithm needs to have four properties
                1) It must be written as a finite number of unambiguous steps 
                2) For every possible input, only a finite number of steps
                   will be performed, and the algorithm will produce a result
                3) The same, correct, result will be produced for the same input
                4) Each step must have properties 1) 2) and 3)
      Remember: A regular language is just a set of strings over a finite alphabet.
                Every regular set can be represented by an regular expression
                and by a minimized finite automata, a DFA.
      We choose to use DFA's, represented by the usual  M=(Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F)
      There are countably many DFA's yet every DFA we look at has a finite
      description. We write down the set of states Q, the alphabet Sigma,
      the transition table delta, the initial state q0 and the final states F.
      Thus we can analyze every DFA and even simulate them.
      Theorem:  The regular set accepted by DFA's with n states:
       1) the set is non empty if and only if the DFA accepts at least one string
          of length less than n.  Just try less than |Sigma|^|Q| strings (finite) 
       2) the set is infinite if and only if the DFA accepts at least one string
          of length k,  n <= k < 2n.  By pumping lemma, just more to try (finite)
      Rather obviously the algorithm proceeds by trying the null string first.
      The null string is either accepted or rejected in a finite time.
      Then try all strings of length 1, i.e. each character in Sigma.
      Then try all strings of length 2, 3, ... , k. Every try results in
      an accept or reject in a finite time.
      Thus we say there is an algorithm to decide if any regular set
      represented by a DFA is  a) empty,  b) finite  and  c) infinite.
      The practical application is painful! e.g. Given a regular expression,
      convert it to a NFA, convert NFA to DFA, use Myhill-Nerode to get
      a minimized DFA. Now we know the number of states, n, and the alphabet
      Sigma. Now run the tests given in the Theorem above.
      An example of a program that has not been proven to terminate is
      terminates.c with output terminates.out
      We will cover a program, called the halting problem, that no Turing
      machine can determine if it will terminate.
      Review for the quiz. (See homework WEB page.)

    Lecture 11 Quiz 1

      Open book. Open note, multiple choice in cs451q1.doc
      Covers lectures and homework.
      cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cs451q1.doc . # your directory
      libreoffice cs451q1.doc
      or scp, winscp, to windows and use Microsoft word, winscp back to GL
      submit cs451 q1 cs451q1.doc
      just view cs451q1.doc
      See details on lectures, homework, automata and
       formal languages using links below.
      Open book so be sure you check on definitions and converting
      from one definition (or abbreviation) to another.
      Regular machine may be a DFA, NFA, NFA-epsilon
      DFA deterministic finite automata
        processes an input string (tape) and accepts or rejects
        M = {Q, sigma, delta, q1, F} 
             Q set of states
                sigma alphabet, list symbols  0,1  a,b,c  etc
                       delta transition table
                              | 0  |  1 |  etc
                           q1 | q2 | q3 |  etc
                              q1 name of starting state
                                  F list of names of final states
      NFA nondeterministic finite automata
        M = {Q, sigma, delta, q1, F} 
                       delta transition table
                              | 0  |  1      |  etc
                      {q1,q3} | q2 | {q4,q5} |  etc
      NFA nondeterministic finite automata with epsilon
        M = {Q, sigma, delta, q1, F} 
                       delta transition table
                              | 0  |  1      |epsilon|  etc
                      {q1,q3} | q2 | {q4,q5} | q3    |  etc
      regular expression  (defines strings accepted by DFA,NFA,NFA epsilon)
        r1 = epsilon    (computer input #e)
        r2 = 0
        r3 = ab
        r4 = (a+b)c(a+b)
        r5 = 1(0+1)*0(1*)0
      regular language, a set of strings defined by a regular expression
        from r1  {epsilon}
        from r2  {0}
        from r3  {ab}
        from r4  {aca, acb, bca, bcb} finite
        from r5  {epsilon,100,110110, ... } infinite 

    Lecture 12 Myhill-Nerode Minimization

      Myhill-Nerode theorem and minimization to eliminate useless states.
      The Myhill-Nerode Theorem says the following three statements are equivalent:
      1) The set L, a subset of Sigma star, is accepted by a DFA.
         (We know this means L is a regular language.)
      2) L is the union of some of the equivalence classes of a right
         invariant(with respect to concatenation) equivalence relation
         of finite index.
      3) Let equivalence relation RL be defined by: xRLy if and only if
         for all z in Sigma star, xz is in L exactly when yz is in L.
         Then RL is of finite index.
      The notation RL means an equivalence relation R over the language L.
      The notation RM means an equivalence relation R over a machine M.
      We know for every regular language L there is a machine M that
      exactly accepts the strings in L.
      Think of an equivalence relation as being true or false for a
      specific pair of strings x and y. Thus xRy is true for some
      set of pairs x and y. We will use a relation R such that
         xRy <=> yRx  x has a relation to y if and only if y has
         the same relation to x. This is known as symmetric.
         xRy and yRz implies xRz. This is known as transitive.
         xRx is true. This is known as reflexive.
      Our RL is defined xRLy <=> for all z in Sigma star (xz in L <=> yz in L)
      Our RM is defined xRMy <=>  xzRMyz for all z in Sigma star.
      In other words delta(q0,xz) = delta(delta(q0,x),z)=
                     delta(delta(q0,y),z) = delta(q0,yz)
    		 for x, y and z strings in Sigma star.
      RM divides the set Sigma star into equivalence classes, one class for
      each state reachable in M from the starting state q0. To get RL from
      this we have to consider only the Final reachable states of M.
      From this theorem comes the provable statement that there is a
      smallest, fewest number of states, DFA for every regular language.
      The labeling of the states is not important, thus the machines
      are the same within an isomorphism. (iso=constant, morph=change)
      Now for the algorithm that takes a DFA, we know how to reduce a NFA
      or NFA-epsilon to a DFA, and produces a minimum state DFA.
      -3) Start with a machine M = (Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F) as usual
      -2) Remove from Q, F and delete all states that can not be reached from q0.
          Remember a DFA is a directed graph with states as nodes. Thus use
          a depth first search to mark all the reachable states. The unreachable
          states, if any, are then eliminated and the algorithm proceeds.
      -1) Build a two dimensional matrix labeling the right side q0, q1, ...
          running down and denote this as the "p" first subscript.
          Label the top as q0, q1, ... and denote this as the "q" second subscript
       0) Put dashes in the major diagonal and the lower triangular part
          of the matrix (everything below the diagonal). we will always use the
          upper triangular part because  xRMy = yRMx is symmetric. We will also
          use (p,q) to index into the matrix with the subscript of the state
          called "p" always less than the subscript of the state called "q".
          We can have one of three things in a matrix location where there is
          no dash. An X indicates a distinct state from our initialization
          in step 1). A link indicates a list of matrix locations
          (pi,qj), (pk,ql), ... that will get an x if this matrix location
          ever gets an x. At the end, we will label all empty matrix locations
          with a O. (Like tic-tac-toe) The "O" locations mean the p and q are
          equivalent and will be the same state in the minimum machine.
          (This is like {p,q} when we converted a NFA to a DFA. and is
          the transitive closure just like in NFA to DFA.)
          NOW FINALLY WE ARE READY for 1st Ed. Page 70, Figure 3.8 or
          2nd Ed. Page 159.
       1) For p in F and q in Q-F put an "X" in the matrix at (p,q)
          This is the initialization step. Do not write over dashes.
          These matrix locations will never change. An X or x at (p,q)
          in the matrix means states p and q are distinct in the minimum
          machine. If (p,q) has a dash, put the X in (q,p)
       2) BIG LOOP TO END
          For every pair of distinct states (p,q) in F X F do 3) through 7)
          and for every pair of distinct states (p,q)
          in (Q-F) x (Q-F) do 3) through 7)
          (Actually we will always have the index of p < index of q and
          p never equals q so we have fewer checks to make.)
       3) 4) 5)
          If for any input symbol 'a', (r,s) has an X or x then put an x at (p,q)
          Check (s,r) if (r,s) has a dash.  r=delta(p,a) and s=delta(q,a)
          Also, if a list exists for (p,q) then mark all (pi,qj) in the list
          with an x. Do it for (qj,pi) if (pi,qj) has a dash. You do not have
          to write another x if one is there already.
       6) 7)
          If the (r,s) matrix location does not have an X or x, start a list
          or add to the list (r,s). Of course, do not do this if r = s,
          of if (r,s) is already on the list. Change (r,s) to (s,r) if
          the subscript of the state r is larger than the subscript of the state s
          END BIG LOOP
       Now for an example, non trivial, where there is a reduction.
       M = (Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F} and we have run a depth first search to
       eliminate states from Q, F and delta that can not be reached from q0.
       Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8}
       Sigma = {a, b}
       q0 = q0
       F = {q2, q3, q5, q6}
     delta      | a  | b  |      note Q-F = {q0, q1, q4, q7, q8}
             q0 | q1 | q4 |      We use an ordered F x F = {(q2, q3),
            ----+----+----+                                 (q2, q5),
    	 q1 | q2 | q3 |                                 (q2, q6),
            ----+----+----+                                 (q3, q5),
    	 q2 | q7 | q8 |                                 (q3, q6),
            ----+----+----+                                 (q5, q6)}
    	 q3 | q8 | q7 |
    	----+----+----+      We use an ordered (Q-F) x (Q-F) = {(q0, q1),
    	 q4 | q5 | q6 |                                         (q0, q4),
    	----+----+----+                                         (q0, q7),
    	 q5 | q7 | q8 |                                         (q0, q8),
    	----+----+----+                                         (q1, q4),
    	 q6 | q7 | q8 |                                         (q1, q7),
    	----+----+----+                                         (q1, q8),
    	 q7 | q7 | q7 |                                         (q4, q7),
    	----+----+----+                                         (q4, q8),
    	 q8 | q8 | q8 |                                         (q7, q8)}
    	Now, build the matrix labeling the "p" rows q0, q1, ...
    	and labeling the "q" columns q0, q1, ...
    	and put in dashes on the diagonal and below the diagonal
          q0  q1  q2  q3  q4  q5  q6  q7  q8
     q0 | - |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     q1 | - | - |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |	
     q2 | - | - | - |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     q3 | - | - | - | - |   |   |   |   |   |	
     q4 | - | - | - | - | - |   |   |   |   |	
     q5 | - | - | - | - | - | - |   |   |   |	
     q6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |   |   |	
     q7 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |   |	
     q8 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |	
      Now fill in for step 1) (p,q) such that p in F and q in (Q-F) 
        { (q2, q0), (q2, q1), (q2, q4), (q2, q7), (q2, q8),
          (q3, q0), (q3, q1), (q3, q4), (q3, q7), (q3, q8),
          (q5, q0), (q5, q1), (q5, q4), (q5, q7), (q5, q8),
          (q6, q0), (q6, q1), (q6, q4), (q6, q7), (q6, q8)}
          q0  q1  q2  q3  q4  q5  q6  q7  q8
     q0 | - |   | X | X |   | X | X |   |   |
     q1 | - | - | X | X |   | X | X |   |   |	
     q2 | - | - | - |   | X |   |   | X | X |
     q3 | - | - | - | - | X |   |   | X | X |	
     q4 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X |   |   |	
     q5 | - | - | - | - | - | - |   | X | X |	
     q6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X |	
     q7 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |   |	
     q8 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |	
      Now fill in more x's by checking all the cases in step 2)
      and apply steps 3) 4) 5) 6) and 7). Finish by filling in blank
      matrix locations with "O".
      For example (r,s) = (delta(p=q0,a), delta(q=q1,a)) so r=q1 and s= q2
      Note that  (q1,q2) has an X, thus (q0, q1) gets an "x"
      Another from F x F  (r,s) = (delta(p=q4,b), delta(q=q5,b)) so r=q6 and s=q8
      thus since (q6, q8) has an X then (p,q) = (q4,q5) gets an "x"
      It depends on the order of the choice of (p, q) in step 2) whether
      a (p, q) gets added to a list in a cell or gets an "x".
      Another (r,s) = (delta(p,a), delta(q,a)) where p=q0 and q=q8 then
      s = delta(q0,a) = q1 and  r = delta(q8,a) = q8 but (q1, q8) is blank.
      Thus start a list in (q1, q8) and put (q0, q8) in this list.
      [ This is what 7) says: put (p, q) on the list for (delta(p,a), delta(q,a))
       and for our case the variable "a" happens to be the symbol "a".]
      Eventually (q1, q8) will get an "x" and the list, including (q0, q8)
      will get an "x'.
      Performing the tedious task results in the matrix:
          q0  q1  q2  q3  q4  q5  q6  q7  q8
     q0 | - | x | X | X | x | X | X | x | x |
     q1 | - | - | X | X | O | X | X | x | x |  The "O" at (q1, q4) means {q1, q4}
        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  is a state in the minimum machine
     q2 | - | - | - | O | X | O | O | X | X |
     q3 | - | - | - | - | X | O | O | X | X |  The "O" for (q2, q3), (q2, q5) and
        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  (q2, q6) means they are one state
     q4 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | x | x |  {q2, q3, q5, q6} in the minimum
        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  machine. many other "O" just
     q5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | O | X | X |  confirm this.	
     q6 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X |	
     q7 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | O |  The "O" in (q7, q8) means {q7, q8}
        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  is one state in the minimum machine
     q8 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |	
    The resulting minimum machine is M' = (Q', Sigma, delta', q0', F')
    with Q' = { {q0}, {q1,q4}, {q2,q3,q5,q6}, {q7,q8} }   four states
         F' = { {q2,q3,q5,q6} }  only one final state
         q0' = q0
    	 delta'           |       a        |         b        |
    		   {q0}   | {q1,q4}        |  {q1,q4}         |
    		  {q1,q4} | {q2,q3,q5,q6}  | {q2,q3,q5,q6}    |
    	    {q2,q3,q5,q6} | {q7,q8}        | {q7,q8}          |
    		  {q7,q8} | {q7,q8}        | {q7,q8}          |
            Note: Fill in the first column of states first. Check that every
            state occurs in some set and in only one set. Since this is a DFA
            the next columns must use exactly the state names found in the
            first column. e.g. q0 with input "a" goes to q1, but q1 is now {q1,q4}
    	Use the same technique as was used to convert a NFA to a DFA, but
    	in this case the result is always a DFA even though the states have
    	the strange looking names that appear to be sets, but are just
    	names of the states in the DFA.
    	It is possible for the entire matrix to be "X" or "x" at the end.
    	In this case the DFA started with the minimum number of states.
    At the heart of the algorithm is the following:
    The sets Q-F and F are disjoint, thus the pairs of states (Q-F) X (F)
    are distinguishable, marked X. For the pairs of states (p,q) and (r,s)
    where  r=delta(p,a)  and  s=delta(q,a)   if p is distinguishable from q,
    then r is distinguishable from s, thus mark (r,s) with an x.
    If you do not wish to do minimizations by hand,
    on   linux.gl.umbc.edu   use
         ln -s /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/myhill  myhill
         myhill < your.dfa  # result is in myhill_temp.dfa
    or get the C++ source code from
         Instructions to compile are comments in source code
    instruction on use are   here 

    Lecture 13 Context Free Grammars, CFG

      Grammars that have the same languages as DFA's
      A grammar is defined as  G = (V, T, P, S) where
      V is a set of variables. We usually use capital letters for variables.
      T is a set of terminal symbols. This is the same as Sigma for a machine.
      P is a list of productions (rules) of the form:
          variable  ->  concatenation of variables and terminals
      S is the starting variable. S is in V. 
      A string z is accepted by a grammar G if some sequence of rules from P
      can be applied to z with a result that is exactly the variable S.
      We say that L(G) is the language generated (accepted) by the grammar G.
      To start, we restrict the productions P to be of the form
          A -> w         w is a concatenation of terminal symbols
          B -> wC        w is a concatenation of terminal symbols
                         A, B and C are variables in V
      and thus get a grammar that generates (accepts) a regular language.
      Suppose we are given a machine M = (Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F) with
      Q = { S }
      Sigma = { 0, 1 }
      q0 = S
      F = { S }
                delta    | 0 | 1 |
                       S | S | S |
      this looks strange because we would normally use q0 is place of S
      The regular expression for M is  (0+1)*
      We can write the corresponding grammar for this machine as
      G = (V, T, P, S) where
      V = { S }     the set of states in the machine
      T = { 0, 1 }  same as Sigma for the machine
      P =
           S -> epsilon | 0S | 1S
      S = S         the q0 state from the machine
      the construction of the rules for P is directly from M's delta
      If delta has an entry  from state S with input symbol 0 go to state S,
      the rule is   S -> 0S.
      If delta has an entry  from state S with input symbol 1 go to state S,
      the rule is   S -> 1S.
      There is a rule generated for every entry in delta.
      delta(qi,a) = qj  yields a rule  qi -> a qj
      An additional rule is generated for each final state, i.e. S -> epsilon
      (An optional encoding is to generate an extra rule for every transition
       to a final state: delta(qi,a) = any final state,  qi -> a
       with this option, if the start state is a final state, the production
       S -> epsilon is still required. )
      See g_reg.g file for worked example.
      See g_reg.out for simulation check.
      The shorthand notation S -> epsilon | 0S | 1S is the same as writing
      the three rules.  Read "|" as "or".
      Grammars can be more powerful (read accept a larger class of languages)
      than finite state machines (DFA's NFA's NFA-epsilon regular expressions).
                                      i i
      For example the language L = { 0 1  | i=0, 1, 2, ... } is not a regular
      language. Yet, this language has a simple grammar
                     S -> epsilon | 0S1
      Note that this grammar violates the restriction needed to make the grammars
      language a regular language, i.e. rules can only have terminal symbols
      and then one variable. This rule has a terminal after the variable.
      A grammar for matching parenthesis might be
      G = (V, T, P, S)
      V = { S }
      T = { ( , ) }
      P = S -> epsilon | (S) | SS
      S = S
      We can check this be rewriting an input string 
       ( ( ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ) )
       ( ( ( ) ( ) (  S  ) ) )    S -> (S) where the inside S is epsilon
       ( ( ( ) ( )    S    ) )    S -> (S)
       ( ( ( )  S     S    ) )    S -> (S) where the inside S is epsilon
       ( ( ( )     S       ) )    S -> SS
       ( (  S      S       ) )    S -> (S) where the inside S is epsilon
       ( (     S           ) )    S -> SS
       (         S           )    S -> (S)
                   S              S -> (S)
       Thus the string ((()()(()))) is accepted by G because the rewriting
       produced exactly S, the start variable.
       More examples of constructing grammars from language descriptions:
       Construct a CFG for non empty Palindromes over T = { 0, 1 }
       The strings in this language read the same forward and backward.
         G = ( V, T, P, S)  T = { 0, 1 }, V = S, S = S, P is below:
         S -> 0 | 1 | 00 | 11 | 0S0 | 1S1
           We started the construction with S -> 0  and  S -> 1 
           the shortest strings in the language.
           S -> 0S0  is a palindrome with a zero added to either end
           S -> 1S1  is a palindrome with a one added to either end
           But, we needed  S -> 00  and  S -> 11  to get the even length
           palindromes started.
           "Non empty" means there can be no rule  S -> epsilon.
                                                    n  n
      Construct the grammar for the language L = { a  b  n>0 }
        G = ( V, T, P, S )  T = { a, b }  V = { S }  S = S  P is:
        S -> ab | aSb
        Because n>0 there can be no S -> epsilon
        The shortest string in the language is  ab
        a's have to be on the front, b's have to be on the back.
        When either an "a" or a "b" is added the other must be added
        in order to keep the count the same. Thus  S -> aSb.
        The toughest decision is when to stop adding rules.
        In this case start "generating" strings in the language
            S -> ab             ab      for n=1
            S -> aSb           aabb     for n=2
            S -> aaSbb        aaabbb    for n=3  etc.
        Thus, no more rules needed.
        "Generating" the strings in a language defined by a grammar
        is also called "derivation" of the strings in a language.
    Homework 6 is assigned

    Lecture 14, CFG Derivation Trees

      More theory, Context Free Grammar, see below what was a
      state in a DFA is a variable, in a grammer, no states.
      Given a grammar with the usual representation  G = (V, T, P, S)
      with variables V, terminal symbols T, set of productions P and
      the start symbol from V called S.
      Productions are variable, one or more variable, often | used
      for more productions, rather than on seperate lines.
        S -> aab
        T -> aac | aad | epsilon
      A derivation tree is constructed with
      1) each tree vertex is a variable or terminal or epsilon
      2) the root vertex is S
      3) interior vertices are from V, leaf vertices are from T or epsilon
      4) an interior vertex A has children, in order, left to right,
         X1, X2, ... , Xk when there is a production in P of the
         form  A -> X1 X2 ... Xk
      5) a leaf can be epsilon only when there is a production A -> epsilon
         and the leafs parent can have only this child.
      Watch out! A grammar may have an unbounded number of derivation trees.
      It just depends on which production is expanded at each vertex.
      For any valid derivation tree, reading the leafs from left to right
      gives one string in the language defined by the grammar.
      There may be many derivation trees for a single string in the language.
      If the grammar is a CFG then a leftmost derivation tree exists
      for every string in the corresponding CFL. There may be more than one
      leftmost derivation trees for some string. See example below and
      ((()())()) example in previous lecture.
      If the grammar is a CFG then a rightmost derivation tree exists
      for every string in the corresponding CFL. There may be more than one
      rightmost derivation tree for some string.
      The grammar is called "ambiguous" if the leftmost (rightmost) derivation
      tree is not unique for every string in the language defined by the grammar.
      The leftmost and rightmost derivations are usually distinct but might
      be the same.
      Given a grammar and a string in the language represented by the grammar,
      a leftmost derivation tree is constructed bottom up by finding a
      production in the grammar that has the leftmost character of the string
      (possibly more than one may have to be tried) and building the tree
      towards the root. Then work on the second character of the string.
      After much trial and error, you should get a derivation tree with a root S.
      We will get to the CYK algorithm that does the parsing in a few lectures.
      Examples: Construct a grammar for L = { x 0^n y 1^n z   n>0 }
                Recognize that  0^n y 1^n is a base language, say B
                B -> y | 0B1    (The base y, the recursion 0B1 )
                Then, the language is completed  S -> xBz
                using the prefix, base language and suffix.
                (Note that x, y and z could be any strings not involving n)
                G = ( V, T, P, S ) where
                V = { B, S }     T = { x, y, z, 0, 1 }  S = S
                P =    S -> xBz
                       B -> y | 0B1
      Now construct an arbitrary derivation for  S =>  x00y11z
      A derivation always starts with the start variable, S.
      The "=>", "*" and "G" stand for "derivation", "any number of
      steps", and "over the grammar G" respectively.
      The intermediate terms, called sentential form, may contain
      variable and terminal symbols.
      Any variable, say B, can be replaced by the right side of any
      production of the form  B -> <right side>
      A leftmost derivation always replaces the leftmost variable
      in the sentential form. (In general there are many possible
      replacements, the process is nondeterministic.)
      One possible derivation using the grammar above is
           S => xBz => x0B1z => x00B11z => x00y11z
      The derivation must obviously stop when the sentential form
      has only terminal symbols. (No more substitutions possible.)
      The final string is in the language of the grammar. But, this
      is a very poor way to generate all strings in the grammar!
      A "derivation tree" sometimes called a "parse tree" uses the
      rules above: start with the starting symbol, expand the tree
      by creating branches using any right side of a starting
      symbol rule, etc.
                                 / | \
                               /   |   \
                             /     |     \
                           /       |       \
                         /         |         \
                        x          B          z
                                 / | \
                               /   |   \
                             /     |     \
                           /       |       \
                          0        B        1
                                 / | \
                               /   |   \
                              0    B    1
      Derivation ends  x  0   0    y     1   1  z   with all leaves
      terminal symbols, a string in the language generated by the grammar.
      More examples of grammars are:
      G(L) for L = { x a^n  y b^k z   k > n > 0 }
           note that there must be more b's than a's  thus
           B -> aybb | aBb | Bb
      G = ( V, T, P, S )  where
      V = { B, S }   T = { a, b, x, y, z }  S = S
      P =   S -> xBz     B -> aybb | aBb | Bb
      Incremental changes for "n > k > 0"     B -> aayb | aBb | aB
      Incremental changes for "n >= k >= 0"   B -> y | aBb | aB
      Independent exponents do not cause a problem when nested
      equivalent to nesting parenthesis.
      G(L) for L = { a^i b^j c^j d^i e^k f^k  i>=0, j>=0, k>=0 }
                       |   |   |   |   |   |
                       |   +---+   |   +---+
      G = ( V, T , P, S )
      V = { I, J, K, S }  T = { a, b, c, d, e, f }  S = S
      P =   S -> IK
            I -> J | aId
            J -> epsilon | bJc
            K -> epsilon | eKf
     G(L) for L = { a^i b^j c^k | any unbounded relation such as i=j=k>0, 0<i<k<j }
     the G(L) can not be a context free grammar. Try it.
     This will be intuitively seen in the push down automata and provable
     with the pumping lemma for context free languages.
     What is a leftmost derivation trees for some string?
     It is a process that looks at the string left to right and
     runs the productions backwards.
     Here is an example, time starts at top and moves down.
     Given G = (V, T, P, S)  V={S, E, I} T={a, b, c} S=S   P=
           I -> a | b | c
           E -> I | E+E | E*E
           S -> E                (a subset of grammar from book)
     Given a string   a + b * c
                      S            derived but not used
                     [E + E]
                        S          derived but not used
                       [E   * E]
                          S        done! Have S and no more input.
      Left derivation tree, just turn upside down, delet unused.
                        / | \
                       /  |  \
                      /   |   \
                     E    *    E
                   / | \       |
                  E  +  E      I
                  |     |      |
                  I     I      c
                  |     |
                  a     b
    Check: Read leafs left to right, must be initial string, all in T.
           Interior nodes must be variables, all in V.
           Every vertical connection must be tracable to a production.

    Lecture 15 CFG simplification algorithm

      The goal here is to take an arbitrary Context Free Grammar
      G = (V, T, P, S) and perform transformations on the grammar that
      preserve the language generated by the grammar but reach a
      specific format for the productions.
      Overview: Step 1a) Eliminate useless variables that can not become terminals
                Step 1b) Eliminate useless variables that can not be reached
                Step 2)  Eliminate epsilon productions
                Step 3)  Eliminate unit productions
                Step 4)  Make productions Chomsky Normal Form
                Step 5)  Make productions Greibach Normal Form
                The CYK parsing uses Chomsky Normal Form as input
                The CFG to NPDA uses Greibach Normal Form as input
      Details:  one step at a time
      1a) Eliminate useless variables that can not become terminals
          See 1st Ed. book p88, Lemma 4.1, figure 4.7
              2nd Ed. section 7.1
          Basically: Build the set NEWV from productions of the form
          V -> w  where V is a variable and w is one or more terminals.
          Insert V into the set NEWV.
          Then iterate over the productions, now accepting any variable
          in w as a terminal if it is in NEWV. Thus NEWV is all the
          variables that can be reduced to all terminals.
          Now, all productions containing a variable not in NEWV
          can be thrown away. Thus T is unchanged, S is unchanged,
          V=NEWV and P may become the same or smaller.
          The new grammar G=(V,T,P,S) represents the same language.
      1b) Eliminate useless variables that can not be reached from S
          See 1st Ed. book p89, Lemma 4.2, 2nd Ed. book 7.1.
          Set V'=S, T'=phi, mark all production as unused.
          Iterate repeatedly through all productions until no change
          in V' or T'. For any production A -> w, with A in V' 
          insert the terminals from w into the set T' and insert
          the variables form w into the set V' and mark the
          production as used.
          Now, delete all productions from P that are marked unused.
          V=V', T=T', S is unchanged. 
          The new grammar G=(V,T,P,S) represents the same language.
      2)  Eliminate epsilon productions.
          See 1st Ed. book p90, Theorem 4.3, 2nd Ed. book 7.1
          This is complex. If the language of the grammar contains
          the null string, epsilon, then in principle remove epsilon
          from the grammar, eliminate epsilon productions.
          The new grammar G=(V,T,P,S) represents the same language except
          the new language does not contain epsilon.
      3)  Eliminate unit productions.
          See 1st Ed. book p91, Theorem 4.4, 2nd Ed. 7.1
          Iterate through productions finding A -> B type "unit productions".
          Delete this production from P.
          Make a copy of all productions  B -> gamma, replacing B with A.
          Be careful of  A -> B,  B -> C, C -> D type cases,
          there needs to be copies of B -> gamma, C -> gamma, D -> gamma for A.
          Delete duplicate productions. (sort and remove adjacent duplicate)
          The new grammar G=(V,T,P,S) represents the same language.
      Briefly, some pseudo code for the above steps.
      Step 1a) The set V' = phi
               loop through the productions, P, to find:
                 A -> w  where w is all terminals
                         union V' with A
               n := 0
               while n /= |V'|
                 n := |V'|
                 loop through productions to find:
                   A -> alpha where alpha is only terminals and variables in V'
                        union V' with A
               end while
               Eliminate := V - V'
               loop through productions
                 delete any production containing a variable in Eliminate,
               V := V'
      Step 1b) The set V' = {S}
               The set T' = phi
               n := 0
               while n /= |V'| + |T'|
                 n := |V'| + |T'|
                 loop through productions to find:
                   A -> alpha  where A in V'
                               union V' with variables in alpha
                               union T' with terminals in alpha
               end while
               loop through productions
                 delete any production containing anything outside V' T' and epsilon
               V := V'
               T := T'
      Step 2)  The set N = phi
               n := -1
               while n /= |N|
                 n = |N|
                 loop through productions to find:
                   A -> epsilon
                                union N with A
                                delete production
                   A -> alpha   where no terminals in alpha and
                                all variables in alpha are in N
                                union N with A
                                delete production
               end while
               if S in N set null string accepted
               loop through productions
                 A -> alpha   where at least one variable in alpha in N
                              generate rules A -> alpha'  where alpha'
                              is all combinations of eliminating the
                              variables in N
      Step 3) P' := all non unit productions ( not A -> B )
              U  := all unit productions
              loop through productions in U, |U| times, to find:
                A -> A   
                          ignore this
                A -> B
                          loop through productions in P'
                          copy/substitute  B -> gamma to A -> gamma in P'
              P := P'
              eliminate duplicate productions (e.g. sort and check i+i against i)
    See link to "Turing machines and parsers."
    The CYKP, CYK parser, has the above steps coded in C++ and with
    "verbose 3" in the grammar file, most of the simplification is printed.
    Of possible interest is a test case g_elim.g
    input data to   cykp   and output g_elim.out

    Lecture 16 Chomsky Normal Form

      Chomsky Normal Form is used by the CYK algorithm to determine
      if a string is accepted by a Context Free Grammar.
      Step 4) in the overall grammar "simplification" process is
      to convert the grammar to Chomsky Normal Form.
      Productions can be one of two formats A -> a or A -> BC
      The right side of the production is either exactly
      one terminal symbol or exactly two variables.
      The grammars must have the "simplification" steps 1), 2) and 3) out
      of the way, that is 1) No useless variables, 2) No nullable variables and
      3) no unit productions.
     Step 4) of "simplification" is the following algorithm:
       'length' refers to the number of variables plus terminal
       symbols on the right side of a production.
       Loop through the productions
         For each production with length greater than 1 do
           Replace each terminal symbol with a new variable and
           add a production   new variable -> terminal symbol.
       Loop through the productions
         For each production with length grater than 2 do
           Replace two rightmost variables with a new variable and
           add a production    new variable -> two rightmost variables.
           (Repeat - either on a production or loop until no replacements.)
       Now the grammar, as represented by the productions, is in Chomsky
       Normal Form. proceed with CYK. 
       An optimization is possible but not required, for any two productions
       with the same right side, delete the second production and
       replace all occurrences of the second productions left variable
       with the left variable of the first production in all productions.
     Example grammar:
      G = (V, T, P, S)  V={S,A} T={a,b} S=S
      S -> aAS
      S -> a
      A -> SbA
      A -> SS
      A -> ba 
      First loop through productions (Check n>1)
      S -> aAS becomes  S -> BAS   (B is the next unused variable name)
                        B -> a
      S -> a   stays    S -> a
      A -> SbA becomes  A -> SCA   (C is the next unused variable name)
                        C -> b
      A -> SS  stays    A -> SS
      A -> ba  becomes  A -> DE
                        D -> b
                        E -> a
      Second loop through productions (Check n>2)
      S -> BAS becomes  S -> BF    (F is the next unused variable)
                        F -> AS
      B -> a   stays    B -> a
      S -> a   stays    S -> a
      A -> SCA becomes  A -> SG
                        G -> CA
      C -> b   stays    C -> b
      A -> SS  stays    A -> SS
      A -> DE  stays    A -> DE
      D -> b   stays    D -> b
      E -> a   stays    E -> a
      Optimization is possible, B -> a, S -> a, E -> a can be replaced
      by the single production  S -> a  (just to keep 'S')
      and all occurrences of 'B' and 'E' get replaced by 'S'.
      Similarly D -> b can be deleted, keeping the C -> b production and
      substituting 'C' for 'D'.
      Giving the reduced Chomsky Normal Form:
      S -> SF
      F -> AS
      S -> a
      A -> CG
      G -> CA
      C -> b
      A -> SS
      A -> CS
    For a computer generated reduction, a different naming convention
    was chosen (to aid in debugging). First, a terminal symbol "a"
    was replaced the prefixing "T_", thus "a" becomes "T_a".
    Once a substitution is made, that substitution is remembered
    so that there will be at most |T| rules generated of the form
      T_a -> a
    When there are more that two variables on the right hand side of
    a production, the new production is named "C_" concatenated with
    the last two variables separated by an underscore.
    This provides an easy reduction if the same two variables are
    replaced more than once. The productions will be sorted and
    duplicates will sort together and can be detected and eliminated quickly.
    (In order to be completely safe, this algorithm requires that
     no underscores were used in the initial grammar.)
    An example uses g_elim.out shown
    in the last lecture. Extracted and cleaned up,
    here is the Chomsky portion.
    after eliminate, sorted productions:
    A -> a 
    B -> a 
    S -> A B 
    S -> a A 
    S -> a S a S a 
    S -> a S a a 
    S -> a a S a 
    S -> a a a 
    Chomsky 1, replace terminal with variable
    Chomsky part 1, sorted productions:
    A   ->  a
    B   ->  a
    S   ->  A    B
    S   ->  T_a  A
    S   ->  T_a  S    T_a  S  T_a
    S   ->  T_a  S    T_a  T_a
    S   ->  T_a  T_a  S    T_a
    S   ->  T_a  T_a  T_a
    T_a ->  a
    Chomsky 2, new production for each pair over two
    Chomsky Part 2 generated productions
    C_ST_a   ->  S    T_a
    C_T_aS   ->  T_a  S
    C_ST_a   ->  S    T_a
    C_T_aT_a ->  T_a  T_a
    C_ST_a   ->  S    T_a
    C_ST_a   ->  S    T_a
    C_T_aS   ->  T_a  S
    C_T_aT_a ->  T_a  T_a
    after Chomsky, sorted productions:
    A        ->  a
    B        ->  a
    C_ST_a   ->  S    T_a
    C_T_aS   ->  T_a  S
    C_T_aT_a ->  T_a  T_a
    S        ->  A    B
    S        ->  T_a  A
    S        ->  T_a  C_ST_a
    S        ->  T_a  C_T_aS
    S        ->  T_a  C_T_aT_a
    T_a      ->  a
    after Chomsky, Variables:
    A  B  C_ST_a  C_T_aS  C_T_aT_a  S  T_a  
    Terminals unchanged, S unchanged.
    This simple structure for the productions makes
    possible an efficient parser.

    Lecture 17 Greibach Normal Form

      Greibach Normal Form of a CFG has all productions of the form
         A ->aV  Where 'A' is a variable, 'a' is exactly one terminal and
         'V' is a string of none or more variables.
      Every CFG can be rewritten in Greibach Normal Form.
      This is step 5 in the sequence of "simplification" steps for CFG's.
      Greibach Normal Form will be used to construct a PushDown Automata
      that recognizes the language generated by a Context Free Grammar. 
      Starting with a grammar: G = ( V, T, P, S)
        1a) Eliminate useless variables that can not become terminals
        1b) Eliminate useless variables that can not be reached
        2)  Eliminate epsilon productions
        3)  Eliminate unit productions
        4)  Convert productions to Chomsky Normal Form
        5)  Convert productions to Greibach Normal Form using algorithm below:
    Re-label all variables such that the names are A1, A2, ... , Am .
    The notation A(j) refers to the variable named Aj .
    New variables may be created with names B1, B2, ... referred to as B(j) .
    Productions may be created and/or removed (a mechanical implementation
    may use coloring to track processed, added and deleted productions.)
        Step 1 (repeat until no productions are added, m-1 times at most)
          begin  (m is the number of variables, can change on each repeat)
            for k := 1 to m do
                for j := 1 to k-1 do
                  for each production of the form A(k) -> A(j) alpha do
                      for all productions A(j) -> beta do
                        add production A(k) -> beta alpha
                      remove production A(k) -> A(j) alpha
            for each production of form A(k) -> A(k) alpha do
                add production b(k) -> alpha  and  B(k) -> alpha B(k)
                remove production A(k) -> A(k) alpha
            for each production A(k) -> beta where beta does not begin A(K) do
                add production A(k) -> beta B(k)
        Step 2  (sort productions and delete any duplicates )
                Remove A -> A beta  by creating  B -> alpha B
                Substitute so all rules become Greibach with starting terminal.
        For neatness, sort productions and delete any duplicates
      see book: 2nd Ed. page 271, section 7.1, Exercise 7.1.11 construction
      Example (in file format, input given to program  cykp,
               output file  greibach.pda)
      // g1.g  a test grammar 
      // G = (V, T, P, S)  V={S,A}  T={a,b}  S=S
      start S
      terminal a b ;
      verbose 7      // causes every step of ever loop to be printed
                     // runs a very long time !
      S -> a A S ;
      S -> a ;
      A -> S b A ;
      A -> S S ;
      A -> b a ;
    // greibach.pda , edited, from  cykp < g1.g > g1_cykp.out
    start S
    terminal a ;
    terminal b ;
    variable A ;
    variable C_AS ;
    variable C_T_bA ;
    variable S ;
    variable T_a ;
    A      ->  a  C_AS  C_T_bA ;
    A      ->  a  C_AS  S ;
    A      ->  a  C_T_bA ;
    A      ->  a  S ;
    A      ->  b  T_a ;
    C_AS   ->  a  C_AS  C_T_bA  S ;
    C_AS   ->  a  C_AS  S  S ;
    C_AS   ->  a  C_T_bA  S ;
    C_AS   ->  a  S  S ;
    C_AS   ->  b  T_a  S ;
    C_T_bA ->  b  A ;
    S      ->  a  C_AS ;
    S      ->  a ;
    T_a    ->  a ;
    Note that an optional optimization could delete the last rule,
    and replace T_a by S.
    Push Down Automata M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F)
      Q = a finite set of states including q0
      Sigma = a finite alphabet of input symbols (on the input tape)
      Gamma = a finite set of push down stack symbols including Z0
      delta = a set of nondeterministic transitions
              from-state tape-input top-of-stack to-state symbol(s)-to-push
      q0 = the initial state, an element of Q
      Z0 = the initial stack contents, an element of Gamma
      F = the set of final accepting states, if empty then accept
          on an empty stack at end of input
     | input string            |
        ^ read, move right       
        |        read or write (pop or push)               
        +-------------------------------------> |Z0 |
        |  +-----+                              |   |
        |  |     |--> accept                    |   | push down
        +--+ FSM |                              |   | stack
           |     |--> reject                    |   |
    accepts at end of input string, when in a final state,
    and stack contains only Z0. Standard Finite State Machine
    we have been using. The only extra part is the
    push down stack.
    Many parsers use a push down stack. We are covering the
    basic abstract, theory, that can prove parsers work.

    BNF Backus-Naur Form

    history 4000BC to 1963 The similarity of our "productions" with the computer BNF is shown in the following example. Variables can be any string, we use uppercase letters and numbers. Terminals are enclosed in apostrophes. Colon, :, replaces arrow, -> Vertical bar, |, is "or" Computer BNF Production file type .y file type .g S : 'a' S -> a | 'a' S S -> aS S -> a | aS term : var '*' var T1 : V1 '*' V1 T1 -> V1*V1 when * in Sigma B : B -> epsilon | Bab | Bb | B 'a' B | B 'b' Additional actions/output/statements can be used in computer BNF, { stuff } C : 'c' { printf("found a 'c' \n); } | 'c" C { printf("here comes more 'c' \n); } Thus, formatting, put "|" under ":". May also need or use ";" big ugly "C" language example Note needs "tokenizer" for variables and numbers, punctuation are tokens, reserved words are tokens, ... then rules, ... Review for Quiz 2

    Lecture 18 Inherently ambiguous CFL's, project

      See  project description 
      A CFL that is inherently ambiguous is one for which no
      unambiguous CFG can exists.
              i i j j                  i j j i
         L= {a b c d  | i,j>0} union {a b c d  | i,j>0} is such a language
                           i i j j
      The productions for a b c d  could be
        1)  S -> I J
        2)  I -> a b
        3)  I -> a I b
        4)  J -> c d
        5)  J -> c J d
                           i j j i
      The productions for a b c d  could be (using K instead of J)
        6)  S -> a K d
        7)  S -> a S d
        8)  K -> b c
        9)  K -> b K c
      Now consider the case  i = j. This is a string generated by both
      grammars and thus will have two rightmost derivations.
      (one involving I and J, and one involving K)
      Thus ambiguous and not modifiable to make it unambiguous.
      An ambiguous grammar is a grammar for a language where at least one
      string in the language has two parse trees. This is equivalent to
      saying some string has more than one leftmost derivation or more
      than one rightmost derivation.

    Lecture 19 Quiz 2

      Similar to Quiz 1
      Open book. Open note, multiple choice in cs451q2.doc
      Covers lectures and homework.
      cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cs451q2.doc . # your directory
      libreoffice cs451q2.doc
      or scp, winscp, to windows and use Microsoft word, winscp back to GL
      submit cs451 q2 cs451q2.doc
      See details on lectures, homework, automata and
       formal languages using links below.

    Lecture 20 Push Down Automata, PDA, NPDA

     Push Down Automata, PDA, are a way to represent the language class called
     Context Free Languages, CFL, covered above. By themselves PDA's are not
     very important but the hierarchy of Finite State Machines with
     corresponding Regular Languages, PDA's with corresponding CFL's and
     Turing Machines with corresponding Recursively Enumerable Sets (Languages),
     is an important concept.
     The definition of a Push Down Automata is:
     M = (Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F)  where
     Q = a finite set of states including q0
     Sigma = a finite alphabet of input symbols (on the input tape)
     Gamma = a finite set of push down stack symbols including Z0
     delta = a group of nondeterministic transitions mapping
             Q x (Sigma union {epsilon}) x Gamma to finite sets of Q x Gamma star
     q0 = the initial state, an element of Q, possibly the only state
     Z0 = the initial stack contents, an element of gamma, possibly the only
          stack symbol
     F = the set of final, accepting, states but may be empty for a PDA
         "accepting on an empty stack"
     Unlike finite automata, the delta is not presented in tabular form.
     The table would be too wide.  Delta is a list of, nondeterministic,
     transitions of the form:
       delta(q,a,A) = { (qi,gammai), (qj,gammaj), ...}  where
       q is the current state,
       a is the input tape symbol being read, an element of Sigma union {epsilon}
       A is the top of the stack being read,
       The ordered pairs (q sub i, gamma sub i) are respectively the next state
       and the string of symbols to be written onto the stack. The machine
       is nondeterministic, meaning that all the pairs are executed causing
       a branching tree of PDA configurations. Just like the branching tree
       for nondeterministic finite automata except additional copies of the
       pushdown stack are also created at each branch.
     The operation of the PDA is to begin in state q0, read the symbol on the
     input tape or read epsilon. If a symbol is read, the read head moves
     to the right and can never reverse to read that symbol again.
     The top of the stack is read by popping off the symbol.
     Now, having a state, an input symbol and a stack symbol a delta transition
     is performed. If there is no delta transition defined with these three
     values the machine halts. If there is a delta transition with the (q,a,A)
     then all pairs of (state,gamma) are performed. The gamma represents a
     sequence of push down stack symbols and are pushed right to left onto
     the stack. If gamma is epsilon, no symbols are pushed onto the stack. Then
     the machine goes to the next state, q.
     When the machine halts a decision is made to accept or reject the input.
     If the last, rightmost, input symbol has not been read then reject.
     If the machine is in a final state accept.
     If the set of final states is empty, Phi, and the only symbol on the stack
     is Z0, then accept. (This is the "accept on empty stack" case)
     Now, using pictures we show the machines for FSM, PDA and TM
     +-------------------------+----------------- DFA, NFA, NFA epsilon
     | input string            |                  accepts Regular Languages
        ^ read, move right
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |--> accept
        +--+ FSM |                   M = ( Q, Sigma,        delta, q0,    F)
           |     |--> reject
     +-------------------------+----------------- Push Down Automata
     | input string            |Z0  stack         accepts Context Free Languages
        ^ read, move right      ^ read and write (push and pop)
        |                       |
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |--> accept
        +--+ FSM |                   M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F)
           |     |--> reject
     +-------------------------+-----------------  Turing Machine
     | input string            |BBBBBBBB ...       accepts Recursively Enumerable
     +-------------------------+-----------------  Languages
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |--> accept
        +--+ FSM |                   M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, B,  F)
           |     |--> reject
      An example of a language that requires the PDA to be a NPDA,
      Nondeterministic Push Down Automata,
      is L = { w wr | w in Sigma and wr is w written backwards }
    // wwr.npda  code an NPDA for:
    // language  { w wr | wr is string w in reverse order w = {0, 1} }
    // CGF  S -> 00   # strict form, must have even length 
    //      S -> 11
    //      S -> 0S0
    //      S -> 1S1
    // remember, nondeterministic, do all applicable transitions in parallel
    //           create multiple stacks as needed, some of the parallel may die
    // NPDA = (Q, sigma, gamma, delta, Q0, Z0, F)
    //         Q = {q0, q1, q2}   states
    //         sigma = {0, 1}     input tape symbols (#e is empty string, epsilon)
    //         gamma = {0, 1, Z}  stack symbols
    //         delta = {(Q x sigma x gamma_pop) to (Q x gamma_push) ...
    //                                             nondeterministic transitions
    //         Q0 = q0            starting state
    //         Z0 = Z             starting stack symbol
    //         F = {q2}           final state
    start q0
    final q2
    stack Z    // saves typing Z0, initially on stack
    // state, input-read, top-of-stack-popped, go-to-state, push-on-stack 
    q0  0  Z   q0  0Z  // first 6 just push input onto stack
    q0  1  Z   q0  1Z
    q0  0  0   q0  00
    q0  0  1   q0  01
    q0  1  0   q0  10
    q0  1  1   q0  11
    q0 #e  Z   q1  Z   // these 3 keep trying to find middle, most die
    q0 #e  0   q1  0   // tried after every input symbol
    q0 #e  1   q1  1
    q1  0  0   q1  #e  // matching input to stack, has popped stack, no push
    q1  1  1   q1  #e 
    q1 #e  Z   q2  Z   // accept, done
    tape 110001100011  // accept, w = 110001
    tape 00000         // reject, odd number of input characters

    Lecture 21 CFG/CFL to NPDA

      Given a Context Free Grammar, CFG, in Greibach Normal Form, A -> aB1B2B3...
      Construct an NPDA machine that accepts the same language as that grammar.
      We are given G = ( V, T, P, S ) and must now construct
      M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F) 
      Q = {q}  the one and only state!
      Sigma = T
      Gamma = V
      delta is shown below
      q0 = q
      Z0 = S
      F  = Phi  NPDA will "accept on empty stack"
      Now, for each production in P (individual production, no vertical bars)
           A -> a gamma  constructs
           |    |   |
           |    |   +-------------+
           |    |                 |
           +-----------+          | gamma is a possibly empty, sequence of
                |      |          |       symbols from Gamma
                +---+  |          |
                    |  |          |
                    V  V          V
           delta(q, a, A) = {(q, gamma), more may come from other productions}
      If gamma is empty, use epsilon as in (q, epsilon)
      An example:  Given production      Resulting delta             #
                   C -> 0 C T            delta(q, 0, C) = (q, CT)    1
                   C -> 0 T T            delta(q, 0, C) = (q, TT)    2
                   S -> 0 C              delta(q, 0, S) = (q, C)     3
                   S -> 0 T              delta(q, 0, S) = (q, T)     4
                   T -> 1                delta(q, 1, T) = (q, #e)    5
      NPDA running with input tape 0011 and initial stack S
           0011      |S|
           ^         | |
      delta #3 and #4 both apply, resulting in two stacks and advancing input
           0011      |C|         |T|
            ^        | |         | |
      delta #1 and #2 apply to the first stack, the second stack dies, advancing
           0011      |C|   |T|  dies
             ^       |T|   |T|
                     | |   | |
      delta #5 applies to the second stack, the first stack dies, advancing
           0011     dies   |T|
              ^            | |
      delta #5 applies, the stack becomes empty and advance to beyond input
           0011            | |
               ^           | |
      accept input string.
    Another conversion algorithm that uses more states, three to be exact,
    is somewhat simpler.
      We are given G = ( V, T, P, S ) and must now construct
      M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F) 
      Q = {q0, q1, q2}
      Sigma = T
      Gamma = V union {Z} where Z not in V (an extra symbol)
      delta = Q x (Sigma union epsilon) x Gamma -> Q x Gamma  shown below
      q0 = q0
      Z0 = Z  (to get the NPDA started)
      F  = q2  the final accepting state
      Two predefined transitions, the start and the accept are:
      delta(q0, epsilon, Z) = { (q1, SZ) }
      delta(q1, epsilon, Z) = { (q2, Z) }
      For every rule in P , Greibach normal form, A -> aU generate
      delta(q1, a, A) = { (q1, U) } union all other sets from (q1, a, A)
      Note: The empty string must be removed to create Greibach normal form,
      thus a grammar that initially accepted the empty string needs the
      extra transition
      delta(q0, epsilon, Z) = { (q2, Z) }
      The conversion is proved to simulate a leftmost derivation.
    Now you have everything you need to do HW7

    Lecture 22 NPDA to CFG/CFL

      Nondeterministic Push Down Automata, another machine.
      see below and PDA
      Given a NPDA  M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, Phi) and
      Sigma intersection Gamma = Phi,
      Construct a CFG  G = ( V, T, P, S )
      Set T = Sigma
          S = S
          V = { S } union { [q,A,p] | q and p in Q and A in Gamma }
              This can be a big set! q is every state with A every Gamma with
              p every state. The cardinality of V, |V|=|Q|x|Gamma|x|Q|
              Note that the symbology [q,A,p] is just a variable name.
              (the states in the NPDA are renamed q0, q1, ... if necessary)
      Construct the productions in two stages, the S -> , then the [q,A,p] ->
      S -> [q0,Z0,qi]  for every qi in Q (including q0)  |Q| of these productions
      [qi,A,qm+1] -> a[qj,B1,q2][q2,B2,q3][q3,B3,q4]...[qm,Bm,qm+1] is created
      for each q2, q3, q4, ..., qm+1 in Q
      for each a in Sigma union {epsilon}
      for each A,B1,B2,B3,...,Bm in Gamma
      such that there is a delta of the form
        delta(qi,a,A) = { ...,(qj,B1B2B3...Bm), ...}
      Note three degenerate cases:
               delta(qi,a,A)=phi  makes no productions
               delta(qi,a,A)={(qj,epsilon)} makes [qi,A,qj] -> a
               delta(qi,epsilon,A)={(qj,epsilon)} makes [qi,A,qj] -> epsilon
      The general case:
      Pictorially, given  delta(qi,a,A)= (qj,B1B2)   generate the set
                                |  | |    |  | |     for qk being every state,
                  +-------------+  | |    |  | |     while qm+1 is every state
                  |  +---------------+    |  | |
                  |  |             |      |  | |
                  |  |          +--+      |  | |
                  |  |          | +-------+  | |
                  |  |          | |  +-------+ |
                  |  |          | |  |         |
                  V  V          V V  V         V
                 [qi,A,qm+1] -> a[qj,B1,qk][qk,B2,qm+1]
                       |                |   ^     ^
                       |                |   |     |
                       |                +---+     |
      The book suggests to follow the chain of states starting with the right
      sides of the S -> productions, then the new right sides of the [q,a,p] ->
      productions. The correct grammar is built generating all productions.
      Then the "simplification" can be applied to eliminate useless variables,
      eliminate nullable variables, eliminate unit productions, convert to
      Chomsky Normal Form, convert to Greibach Normal Form.
      WOW! Now we have the Greibach Normal Form of a NPDA with any number of
      states and we can convert this to a NPDA with just one state by the
      construction in the previous lecture.
      The important concept is that the constructions CFG to NPDA and NPDA to CFG
      provably keep the same language being accepted. Well, to be technical,
      The language generated by the CFG is exactly the language accepted by
      the NPDA. Fixing up any technical details like renaming Gamma symbols
      if Gamma intersection Sigma not empty and accepting or rejecting
      the null string appropriately.
      The reverse of the example in the previous lecture. |Q|=1 makes it easy.
      Given: NPDA = (Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, F)
             Q={q} Sigma={0,1} Gamma={C,S,T} q0=q  Z0=S  F=Phi
             delta(q, 0, C) = (q, CT)
             delta(q, 0, C) = (q, TT)
             delta(q, 0, S) = (q, C)
             delta(q, 0, S) = (q, T)
             delta(q, 1, T) = (q, epsilon)
      Build: G = (V, T, P , S)
             V = { S, qCq, qSq, qTq }  four variable names
             T = Sigma = {0, 1}        (dropping the previous punctuation [,,])
             S = Z0 = S
      S-> productions
             S -> qSq       Note!  qSq is a single variable 
                                   just dropped the [,, ] symbols
      other productions:
           delta(q, 0, C)  =  (q, CT)
                 |  |  |       |  ||
           +-----+  |  |  +----+  ||
           |+----------+  |+------+|
           ||       |     ||     +-+
           ||       |     ||     |
           qCq  ->  0     qCq   qTq       was  C -> 0 C T
             |              |   | |
             |              +---+ |    
      continue using same method on each delta:
          qCq -> 0  qTq  qTq
          qSq -> 0  qCq
          qSq -> 0  qTq
          qTq -> 1                 (epsilon becomes nothing)
      Now, if you prefer, rename the variables to single letters
      (assuming you have a big enough alphabet)
      For this simple example  qCq becomes just C, qSq becomes just S
      and qTq becomes just T, thus the productions become:
          C -> 0  C  T
          C -> 0  T  T
          S -> 0  C
          S -> 0  T
          T -> 1
      This grammar is Greibach normal form for L(G)={0^n 1^n | n<0}
    Now, working an example for another NPDA for this same language:
      NPDA  M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, Z0, Phi)
      Q = { q0, q1 }
      Sigma = { 0, 1 }
      Gamma = { Z0, V0, V1 }
      delta =
              (q0,0,Z0) = (q0,V0)      pop Z0 write V0 (for zero)
              (q0,0,V0) = (q0,V0V0)    add another V0 to stack
              (q0,1,V0) = (q1,epsilon) pop a V0 for a one
              (q1,1,V0) = (q1,epsilon) pop a V0 for each 1
      accept on empty stack
      Build: G = (V, T, P , S)
             V = { S, see below in productions }  
             T = Sigma = {0, 1} 
             S = Z0 = S
      S-> productions
           S -> [q0,Z0,q0]  (one for each state)               P1
           S -> [q0,Z0,q1]                                     P2
      delta productions
              (q0,0,Z0) = (q0,V0)  (one for each state)
              [q0,Z0,q0] -> 0 [q0,V0,q0]                       P3
                      |               |
              [q0,Z0,q1] -> 0 [q0,V0,q1]                       P4
                      |               |
              (q0,0,V0) = (q0,V0V0)  (two combinations of two states)
              [q0,V0,q0] -> 0 [q0,V0,q0] [q0,V0,q0]            P5
                      |               |    |     |
                      |               +----+     |
              [q0,V0,q0] -> 0 [q0,V0,q1] [q1,V0,q0]            P6
                      |               |    |     |
                      |               +----+     |
              [q0,V0,q1] -> 0 [q0,V0,q0] [q0,V0,q1]            P7
                      |               |    |     |
                      |               +----+     |
              [q0,V0,q1] -> 0 [q0,V0,q1] [q1,V0,q1]            P8
                      |               |    |     |
                      |               +----+     |
              (q0,1,V0) = (q1,epsilon)
              [q0,V0,q1] -> 1                                  P9
              (q1,1,V0) = (q1,epsilon)
              [q1,V0,q1] -> 1                                  P10
    A a brief check, consider the string from the derivation
        P2, P4, P9  that produces the string  01
        P2, P4, P8, P9, P10  that produces the string  0011

    Lecture 23 Turing Machine Model

     M = ( Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, B,  F)
     Q = finite set of states including q0
     Sigma = finite set of input symbols not including B
     Gamma = finite set of tape symbols including Sigma and B
     delta = transitions mapping  Q x Gamma to Q x Gamma x {L,R}
     q0    = initial state
     B     = blank tape symbol, initially on all tape not used for input
     F     = set of final states
     | input string            |BBBBB ...  accepts Recursively Enumerable Languages
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |--> accept
        +--+ FSM |
           |     |--> reject
     | input and output string |BBBBB ...  computes partial recursive functions
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |
        +--+ FSM |--> done  (a delta [q,a]->[empty], but may never happen )
           |     |
      delta is a table or list of the form:
      [qi, ai] -> [qj, aj, L]   or  [qi, ai] -> [qj, aj, R]
                                (optional [qi, ai] -> [qj, aj, N])    
      qi is the present state
      ai is the symbol under the read/write head
      qj is the next state
      aj is written to the tape at the present position
      L  is move the read/write head left one position after the write
      R  is move the read/write head right one position after the write
      N  is optional no movement of the tape.
      It is generally a pain to "program" a Turing machine. You have to
      convert the algorithm into the list of delta transitions. The fallback
      is to describe in English the steps that should be performed.  The
      amount of detail needed depends on the reader of the algorithm
      accepting that there is an obvious way for the Turing machine to
      perform your steps.
      There are a lot of possible Turing machines and a useful technique
      is to code Turing machines as binary integers. A trivial coding is
      to use the 8 bit ASCII for each character in the written description
      of a Turing machine concatenated into one long bit stream.
      Having encoded a specific Turing machine as a binary integer, we
      can talk about  TMi  as the Turing machine encoded as the number "i".
      It turns out that the set of all Turing machines is countable and
      Now we can construct a Universal Turing Machine, UTM, that takes
      an encoded Turing machine on its input tape followed by normal
      Turing machine input data on that same input tape. The Universal Turing
      Machine first reads the description of the Turing machine on the
      input tape and uses this description to simulate the Turing machines
      actions on the following input data. Of course a UTM is a TM and can
      thus be encoded as a binary integer, so a UTM can read a UTM from
      the input tape, read a TM from the input tape, then read the input
      data from the input tape and proceed to simulate the UTM that is
      simulating the TM.  Etc. Etc. Etc.
      In a future lecture we will make use of the fact that a UTM can be
      represented as an integer and can thus also be the input data on
      the input tape.
      For an example of programming a Turing Machine see Turing Machine simulator
      Basically, any algorithm can be coded in a high order language,
      or coded in assembly language,
      or coded as a Turing Machine program,
      or built out of digital logic.
      A Turing Machine program is a bit-by-bit description of an algorithm.
      Each program step, as in assembly language, is one simple operation.
      But at a much lower level than any assembly language.
      A Turing Machine program step is a 'delta' entry
      [qi, ai] -> [qj, aj, move]
      When in state qi, if the read head sees tape symbol ai,
      then transition to state qj, writing symbol aj to the tape and
      moving one tape position according to 'move' which can be 
      L for left, R for right, N for no move.    
      For computer input to a TM simulator, the five items are just
      written with white space as a separator and an optional sixth
      field that is a comment.
      Special character pairs  #b  are used for one blank.
      ## is used for epsilon, nothing written to tape.
      A sample computer input for an algorithm to add unary strings is:
      // add.tm   add unary strings of zeros
      // input tape  000...00 000..00  blank separated, blank at end
      // output tape  000...000  sum of zeros on input tape
      start s0
      halt  s9 // use halt rather than 'final' when computing a result
      limit 20
      s0 0  s0 ## R   skip over initial 0's  delta 1
      s0 #b s1 0  R   write 0 over blank     delta 2
      s1 0  s1 ## R   keep moving            delta 3
      s1 #b s2 ## L   detect at end          delta 4
      s2 0  s9 #b R   blank extra 0          delta 5
      tape 000#b00#b   should end with five zeros on tape
    The simulation starts with the TM in state s0 and read head on
    the first character.
        |000 00 ----  tape
         | read/write head position
           TM in state  s0
    Thus, delta 1 applies. The new state is the same s0, nothing is
    written to the tape and the head is moved one place right.
        |000 00 ----  tape
          | read/write head position
            TM in state  s0
    Following the steps, delta 2 writes a zero over the blank and
    goes to state s1.
    When in state s1 and a zero is read from the tape, delta 3,
    stay in state s1 and move one space right.
    When in state s1 and a blank is read from the tape, delta 4,
    go to state s2 and back up one space (now over last zero).
    When in state s2 and a zero is read from the tape, delta 5,
    go to the final state, s9, and write a blank over the zero.
    Machine stops when no delta applies. If in a final state
    when machine stops, the algorithm (program) finished
        |00000  ----  tape
              | read/write head position
                TM in state  s9
    What would happen if there was a '1' on the tape with the
    above TM program? The machine would stop in a non-final state
    which indicates no answer was computed (like segfault).
    Turing Machine limitations:
    A Turing Machine can only compute with natural numbers,
    integers, no floating point.
    The Church Turing Thesis, covered later, is believed
    yet never proved mathematically.
    video, LEGO Turing Machine

    Lecture 24 CYK algorithm for CFG's

      Use the "simplification" steps to get to a Chomsky Normal Form.
      cyk comes from Cocke-Younger-Kasami  algorithm
      wikipedia cyk
      We have used a lot of automata machines, one defined in reg.dfa
      This .dfa was converted to a grammar g_reg.g
      The .g files are used with cyk, cykp programs
      Given a CFG grammar G in Chomsky Normal Form and a string x of length n
      Group the productions of G into two sets
      { A | A -> a }   target is a terminal 
      { A | A -> BC }  target is exactly two variables
      V is a two dimensional matrix. Each element of the matrix is a set.
      The set may be empty, denoted phi, or the set may contain one or
      more variables from the grammar G. V can be n by n yet only part is used.
      x[i] represents the i th character of the input string x
      Parse x using G's productions
      for i in 1 .. n
         V[i,1] = { A | A -> x[i] }
      for j in 2..n
         for i in 1 .. n-j+1
              V[i,j] = phi
              for k in 1 .. j-1
                 V[i,j] = V[i,j] union { A | A -> BC where B in V[i,k]
                                                     and   C in V[i+k,j-k]}
      if S in V[1,n] then x is in CFL defined by G.
      In order to build a derivation tree, a parse tree, you need to extend
      the CYK algorithm to record
      (variable, production number, from a index, from B index, from C index)
      in V[i,j]. V[i,j] is now a set of five tuples.
      Then find one of the (S, production number, from a, from B, from C)
      entries in V[1,n] and build the derivation tree starting at the root.
      Notes: The parse is ambiguous if there is more than one (S,...) in V[1,n]
      Multiple levels of the tree may be built while working back V[*,k] to
      V[*,k-1] and there may be more than one choice at any level if the
      parse is ambiguous.
      Example: given a string  x = baaba
               given grammar productions
          A -> a        S -> AB
          B -> b        S -> BC
          C -> a        A -> BA
                        B -> CC
                        C -> AB
        V[i,j]               i
                 1(b)   2(a)   3(a)   4(b)   5(a)  string input
              1  B      A,C    A,C    B      A,C
              2  S,A    B      S,C    S,A
              3  phi    B      B
              4  phi    S,A,C
              5  S,A,C
                 |_ accept
      Derivation tree
    This can be a practical parsing algorithm.
    But, not for large input. If you consider a computer language,
    each token is treated as a terminal symbol. Typically punctuation
    and reserved words are unique terminal symbols while all
    numeric constants may be grouped as one terminal symbol and
    all user names may be grouped as another terminal symbol.
    The size problem is that for n tokens, the V matrix is 1/2 n^2
    times the average number of CFG variables in each cell.
    The running time is O(n^3) with a small multiplicative constant.
    Thus, a 1000 token input might take 10 megabytes of RAM and
    execute in about one second. But this would typically be only
    a 250 line input, much smaller than many source files.
    For computer languages the LALR1 and recursive descent parsers
    are widely used.
    For working small problems, given a CFG find if it generates
    a specific string, use the available program cykp
    Using the 'cykp' program on the sample grammar, trimming some,
    the result was lect24.out
    The input was lect24.g
    Now HW8 is assigned

    Lecture 25 Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages

      The Pumping Lemma is used to prove a language is not context free.
      If a PDA machine can be constructed to exactly accept
      a language, then the language is proved a Context Free Language.
      PDA definition
      If a Context Free Grammar can be constructed to exactly generate the
      strings in a language, then the language is Context Free.
      To prove a language is not context free requires a specific definition of
      the language and the use of the Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages.
      A Context Free Language is a set of strings from a finite alphabet T.
      The set may be finite or infinite for our use here. (not empty)
      A grammar G = (V, T, P, S)
      The productions P are restricted to:
         not having an endless reduction loop with no reduction
      V is a finite set of variables.
      S is the starting variable from V
      A note about proofs using the Pumping Lemma:
      Given: Formal statements A and B.
             A implies B.
      If you can prove B is false, then you have proved A is false.
            A  B | A implies B
            F  F |     T
            F  T |     T   (you can prove anything to be true with a false premise)
            T  F |     F
            T  T |     T
      For the Pumping Lemma, the statement "A" is "L is a Context Free Language",
      The statement "B" is a statement from the Predicate Calculus.
      (This is a plain text file that uses words for the upside down A that
       reads 'for all'  and the backwards E that reads 'there exists')
       Formal statement of the Pumping Lemma:
       L is a Context Free Language implies 
       (there exists n)(for all z)[z in L and |z|>=n implies
         {(there exists u,v,w,x,y)(z = uvwxy and |vwx|<=n and |vx|>=1 and
                                                i  i
                               (for all i>=0)(uv wx y is in L) )}]
      The two commonest ways to use the Pumping Lemma to prove a language
      is NOT context free are:
      a) show that there is no possible n for the (there exists n),
         this is usually accomplished by showing a contradiction such
         as  (n+1)(n+1) < n*n+n
      b) show there is no way to partition some z into u,v,w,x,y such that
           i  i
         uv wx y is in L, typically for a value i=0 or i=2.
         Be sure to cover all cases by argument or enumerating cases.
         [This gives a contradiction to the (for all z) clause.]
      Some Context free languages and corresponding grammars:
          i i
      L={a b  | i>=1}   S->ab | aSb
          2i 3i
      L={a  b   | i>=1}  S-> aabbb | aaSbbb    [any pair of constants for 2,3] 
          i j i
      L={a b c  | i,j>=1}   S->aBc | aSc   B->b | bB
          i i j
      L={a b c  | i,j>=1}   S->DC   D->ab | aDb    C->c | cC
          i i j j
      L={a b a b  | i,j>=1}  S->CC  C->ab | aCb
           i  i
      L={ua wb y | i>=1 and u,w,y any fixed strings}  S->uDy  D->awb | aDb
           R                        R
      L={ww  | w in Sigma star and w  is w written backwards}  S->xx | xSx
                                                               for all x in Sigma
      Some languages that are NOT Context Free Languages
      L={ww | w in Sigma star}
          i i i
      L={a b c  | i>=1}
          i j k
      L={a b c  | k > j > i >=1}
          f(i)  i
      L={a     b  | i>=1}  where f(i)=i**2   f(i) is the ith prime,
                           f(i) not bounded by a constant times i
                           meaning f(i) is not linear
          i j i j
      L={a b c d  | i, j>=1}

    Review of basics of proofs:

    You may be proving a lemma, a theorem, a corollary, etc
    A proof is based on:
      rules of inference  (typical normal logic and mathematics)
    To be accepted as "true" or "valid"
       Recognized people in the field need to agree your
          definitions are reasonable
          axioms, postulates, ... are reasonable
          rules of inference are reasonable and correctly applied
    "True" and "Valid" are human intuitive judgments but can be
    based on solid reasoning as presented in a proof.
    Types of proofs include:
      Direct proof  (typical in Euclidean plane geometry proofs)
         Write down line by line  provable statements,
         (e.g. definition, axiom, statement that follows from applying
          the axiom to the definition, statement that follows from
          applying a rule of inference from prior lines, etc.)
      Proof by contradiction:
         Given definitions, axioms, rules of inference
         Assume Statement_A
         use proof technique to derive a contradiction
         (e.g.  prove not Statement_A or prove Statement_B = not Statement_B,
                like 1 = 2  or  n > 2n)
      Proof by induction (on Natural numbers)
         Given a statement based on, say n, where n ranges over natural numbers
         Prove the statement for n=0 or n=1 
         a) Prove the statement for n+1 assuming the statement true for n
         b) Prove the statement for n+1 assuming the statement true for n in 1..n
      Prove two sets A and B are equal, prove part 1, A is a subset of B
                                        prove part 2, B is a subset of A
      Prove two languages A and B are equal, prove part 1, A is a subset of B
                                             prove part 2, B is a subset of A
      Prove two machines M1 and M2 are equal,
            prove part 1 that machine M1 can simulate machine M2
            prove part 2 that machine M2 can simulate machine M1
      Prove two grammars G1 and G2 are equal,
            prove part 1 that grammar G1 can accept language of G2
            prove part 2 that grammar G2 can accept language of G1
    Limits on proofs:
    Godel incompleteness theorem:
      a) Any formal system with enough power to handle arithmetic will
         have true theorems that are unprovable in the formal system.
         (He proved it with Turing machines.)
      b) Adding axioms to the system in order to be able to prove all the
         "true" (valid) theorems will make the system "inconsistent."
         Inconsistent means a theorem can be proved that is not accepted
         as "true" (valid).
      c) Technically, any formal system with enough power to do arithmetic
         is either incomplete or inconsistent.
    Now HW9 is assigned

    Lecture 25a CFL closure properties

      Given two CFG's  G1 = (V1, T1, P1, S1) for language L1(G1)
                       G2 = (V2, T2, P2, S2) for language L2(G2)
      Rename variables until V1 intersect V2 is Phi.
      We can easily get CFG's for the following languages:
      L1 union L2 = L3(G3)
         G3 = (V1 union V2 union {S3}, T1 union T2, P1+P2+P3, S3)
               S3 -> S1 | S2
      L1 concatenated L2 = L4(G4)
         G4 = (V1 union V2 union {S4}, T1 union T2, P1+P2+P4, S4)
               S4 -> S1S2
      L1 star = L5(G5)
         G5 = (V1 union V2 union {S5}, T1 union T2, P1+P2+P5, S5)
               S5 -> S5S1 | epsilon
      L2 substituted for terminal "a" in L1 = L6(G6)
         G6 = (V1 union V2, T1-{a} union T2, P6+P2, S1)
               P6 is P1 with every occurrence of "a" replaced with S2.
      Notice that L1 intersect L2 may not be a CFG.
                       i i j               i j i
         Example: L1={a b c  | i,j>0} L2={a b c  | i,j>0} are CFG's
                                 i i i
         but L1 intersect L2 = {a b c  | i>0} which is not a CFG.
      The complement of L1 may not be a CFG.
      The difference of two CFG's may not be a CFG.
      The intersection of a Context Free Language with a Regular Language
      is a Context Free Language.
      As a supplement, the following shows how to take a CFG and possibly
      use  'yacc' or 'bison' to build a parser for the grammar.
      On GL   man bison    man yacc    for instructions to run programs
      The steps are to create a file  xxx.y  that includes the grammar,
      and a file that is a main program that runs the parser.
      An example grammar is coded in  acfg.y 
      and a sample main program is coded in  yymain.c 
      One possible set of commands to run the sample is:
           bison  acfg.y
           gcc  yymain.c  acfg.tab.c
      The output from this run shows the input being read and the rules
      being applied:
        read a 
        read b 
        read a 
        A -> ba 
        read a 
        read                           end of line \n converted to 0
        S -> a 
        S -> aAS 
    A grammar that may be of more interest is a grammar for a calculator.
    Simple statement such as  
    that prints the answer 5 can be coded as a CFG.
    The following example uses bison format and has a simple lexical
    analysis built in for single letter variables.
     calc.y  and a sample main program  yymain.c 
      One possible set of commands to run calc is:
           bison  calc.y
           gcc -o calc  yymain.c  calc.tab.c
    You should get the result 5 printed. See the grammar to find out what
    other operations are available

    Lecture 26 The Halting Problem

      The "Halting Problem" is a very strong, provably correct, statement
      that no one will ever be able to write a computer program or design
      a Turing machine that can determine if an arbitrary program will
      halt (stop, exit) for every input.
      This is NOT saying that some programs or some Turing machines can not
      be analyzed to determine that they, for example, always halt.
      The Halting Problem says that no computer program or Turing machine
      can determine if ALL computer programs or Turing machines will halt
      or not halt on ALL inputs. To prove the Halting Problem is
      unsolvable we will construct one program and one input for which
      there is no computer program or Turing machine that can correctly
      determine if it halts or does not halt.
      We will use very powerful mathematical concepts and do the proofs
      for both a computer program and a Turing machine. The mathematical
      concepts we need are:
      Proof by contradiction. Assume a statement is true, show that the
      assumption leads to a contradiction. Thus the statement is proved false.
      Self referral. Have a computer program or a Turing machine operate
      on itself, well, a copy of itself, as input data. Specifically we
      will use diagonalization, taking the enumeration of Turing machines
      and using TMi as input to TMi.
      Logical negation. Take a black box that accepts input and outputs
      true or false, put that black box in a bigger black box that 
      switches the output so it is false or true respectively.
      The simplest demonstration of how to use these mathematical concepts
      to get an unsolvable problem is to write on the front and back of
      a piece of paper "The statement on the back of this paper is false."
      Starting on side 1, you could choose "True" and thus deduce side 2
      is "False". But staring at side 2, which is exactly the same as
      side 1, you get that side 2 is "True" and thus side 1 is "False."  
      Since side 1, and side 2, can be both "True" and "False" there
      is a contradiction. The problem of determining if sides 1 and 2 are
      "True" of "False" is unsolvable. Sometimes called a paradox.
      The Halting Problem for a programming language. We will use the "C"
      programming language, yet any language will work.
      Assumption: There exists a way to write a function named Halts such that:
        int Halts(char * P, char * I)
          /* code that reads the source code for a "C" program, P,
             determines that P is a legal program, then determines if P
             eventually halts (or exits) when P reads the input string I,
             and finally sets a variable "halt" to 1 if P halts on input I,
             else sets "halt" to 0 */
          return halt;
      Construct a program called Diagonal.c as follows:
      int main()
        char I[100000000];          /* make as big as you want or use malloc */
        read_a_C_program_into( I ); 
        if ( Halts(I,I) )  { while(1){} }   /* loop forever, means does not halt */
        else return 1;
      Compile and link Diagonal.c into the executable program Diagonal.
      Now execute
          Diagonal < Diagonal.c
      Consider two mutually exclusive cases:
      Case 1: Halts(I,I) returns a value 1.
              This means, by the definition of Halts, that Diagonal.c halts
              when given the input Diagonal.c.
              BUT! we are running Diagonal.c (having been compiled and linked)
              and so we see that Halts(I,I) returns a value 1 causes the "if"
              statement to be true and the  "while(1){}" statement to be executed,
              which never halts, thus our executing Diagonal.c does NOT halt.
              This is a contradiction because this case says that Diagonal.c
              does halt when given input Diagonal.c.
              Well, try the other case.
      Case 2: Halts(I,I) returns a value 0.
              This means, by the definition of halts, that Diagonal.c does NOT
              halt when given the input Diagonal.c.
              BUT! we are running Diagonal.c (having been compiled and linked)
              and so we see that Halts(I,I) returns a value 0 causes the "else"
              to be executed and the main function halts (stops, exits).
              This is a contradiction because this case says that Diagonal.c
              does NOT halt when given input Diagonal.c.
              There are no other cases, Halts can only return 1 or 0.
              Thus what must be wrong is our assumption "there exists a way
              to write a function named Halts..."
    A example of a program that has not been proven to halt on all numbers
    is terminates.c some cases terminates.out
    Every Turing machine can be represented as a unique binary number.
    Any method of encoding could be used. We can assume ASCII encoding of sample
          s        0      space   ...    R
    as 01110011 00110000 00100000 ... 01010010 just a big binary integer.
    video, LEGO Turing Machine
      The Halting Problem for Turing machines.
      Assumption: There exists a Turing machine, TMh, such that:
      When the input tape contains the encoding of a Turing machine, TMj followed
      by input data k, TMh accepts if TMj halts with input k and TMh rejects
      if TMj is not a Turing machine or TMj does not halt with input k.
      Note that TMh always halts and either accepts or rejects.
      Pictorially TMh is:
     | encoded TMj B k BBBBB ... 
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +-----+
        |  |     |--> accept
        +--+ FSM |                     always halts
           |     |--> reject
      We now use the machine TMh to construct another Turing machine TMi.
      We take the Finite State Machine, FSM, from TMh and
        1) make none of its states be final states
        2) add a non final state ql that on all inputs goes to ql
        3) add a final state qf that is the accepting state
      Pictorially  TMi is:
     | encoded TMj B k BBBBB ... 
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +----------------------------------+
        |  |                      __          |
        |  |                     /   \ 0,1    |
        |  |                   +-| ql |--+    |
        |  | +-----+           | \___/   |    |
        |  | |     |--> accept-+   ^     |    |
        +--+-+ FSM |               |_____|    |            may not halt
           | | TMh |--> reject-+    _         |
           | +-----+           |  // \\       |
           |                   +-||qf ||------|--> accept
           |                      \\_//       |
      We now have Turing machine TMi operate on a tape that has TMi as
      the input machine and TMi as the input data.
     | encoded TMi B encoded TMi BBBBB ... 
        ^ read and write, move left and right
        |  +----------------------------------+
        |  |                      __          |
        |  |                     /   \ 0,1    |
        |  |                   +-| ql |--+    |
        |  | +-----+           | \___/   |    |
        |  | |     |--> accept-+   ^     |    |
        +--+-+ FSM |               |_____|    |            may not halt
           | |     |--> reject-+    _         |
           | +-----+           |  // \\       |
           |                   +-||qf ||------|--> accept
           |                      \\_//       |
      Consider two mutually exclusive cases:
      Case 1: The FSM accepts thus TMi enters the state ql.
              This means, by the definition of TMh that TMi halts with input TMi.
              BUT! we are running TMi on input TMi with input TMi
              and so we see that the FSM accepting causes TMi to loop forever
              thus NOT halting.
              This is a contradiction because this case says that TMi
              does halt when given input TMi with input TMi.
              Well, try the other case.
      Case 2: The FSM rejects thus TMi enters the state qf.
              This means, by the definition of TMh that TMi does NOT halt with
              input TMi.
              BUT! we are running TMi on input TMi with input TMi
              and so we see that the FSM rejecting cause TMi to accept and halt.
              This is a contradiction because this case says that TMi
              does NOT halt when given input TMi with input TMi.
              There are no other cases, FSM either accepts or rejects.
              Thus what must be wrong is our assumption "there exists a
              Turing machine, TMh, such that..."
      Thus we have proved that no Turing machine TMh can ever be created
      that can be given the encoding of any Turing machine, TMj, and any input, k,
      and always determine if TMj halts on input k.
    Now HW10 is assigned

    Lecture 27 Church Turing Thesis

      This is a mathematically unprovable belief that a reasonable intuitive
      definition of "computable" is equivalent to the list provably equivalent
      formal models of computation:
      Church Turing thesis
      Turing machines
      The "natural numbers" are what we in software call integer"
      Just adding 1 to a binary number on a Turing Machine takes:
      Just adding two positive binary numbers on a Turing Machine takes:
      No  sin, cos, exp  in natural numbers, they need real numbers, float.
      Lambda Calculus
      Post Formal Systems
      Partial Recursive Functions
      Unrestricted Grammars
      Recursively Enumerable Languages (decision problems)
      and intuitively what is computable by a computer program written in any
      reasonable programming language.

    Lecture 28 Review

      Final Exam, cumulative,  similar to Quiz 1 and Quiz 2.
      Some of the questions on previous exams may be asked again.
      Closed book. Multiple choice.
      Covers lectures and homework.
      See details on lectures, homework, automata and
      formal languages using links below. 
      Grammar Definitions
      Formal Language Definitions
      Automata Definitions
      Computability Definitions

    Lecture 29 Final Exam

      Open book. Open note, multiple choice in cs451fib.doc
      Covers lectures and homework.
      cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cs451fin.doc . # your directory
      libreoffice cs451fin.doc
      or scp, winscp, to windows and use Microsoft word, winscp back to GL
      submit cs451 final cs451fin.doc
      See details on lectures, homework, automata and
       formal languages using links below.
      1) go over the Quiz 1 and Quiz 2
         the final exam will include some of these questions
      2) You may find it helpful to go over the
         Lecture Notes  but not the details of constructions
      3) Understand what classes of languages go with what machines (automata)
         and grammars and regular expressions
      4) Understand the statement of the Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages
      5) Understand the Halting Problem and why it is not computable
      6) Understand the Church Turing Hypothesis
    updated 5/8/2021

    Other links

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    Last updated 6/16/12