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WMST-L File Collection:Men
The following files from the WMST-L file collection focus on issues concerning men:
- Backlash: Girls vs. Boys
- (WMST-L discussion in April 2003 about a backlash against women's and girls' achievement in education, both in the United States and abroad. See also the earlier WMST-L discussion The War Against Boys.)
- Boys and Rape
- (Recommended resources dealing with the social factors that may influence boys/men to commit rape. WMST-L, May 2004.)
- The Concept of Machismo
- (WMST-L discussion; November/December 1994)
- Critiques of John Gray's Mars/Venus Theory
- (A request for critiques of the theories underlying John Gray's book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus gave rise to a 2007 WMST-L discussion; a shorter discussion of Gray took place two years later. This file contains messages from both.)
- The Feminist Challenge to Men
- (Suggested readings that deal with 'the feminist challenge to men' for a course on 'Men and Feminism.' WMST-L discussion, August 2007.)
- The Gender Knot - Allan Johnson
- (Information and strong recommendations for this book by WMST-L subscriber Allan Johnson. It's the book most frequently recommended as an introduction to feminist issues for men and/or for those who "just don't get it." Messages on page 1 span 1997-2002, with one from 2005 about Johnson's second text that builds on _The Gender Knot_; page 2 adds messages from a 2006 discussion.)
- Household Division of Labor
- (Discussion of gender beliefs and the household division of labor; consideration also of research methodology. WMST-L, September 2002.)
- Is Modern Medicine Sexist?
- (Two-part file resulting from a discussion on WMST-L in October 2000 about whether modern medical research and funding are biased in favor of women and offer inadequate recognition of men's health problems.)
- Male Alienation in Women's Studies Classes
- (April 1993; 2 parts)
- Male Oppression
- (WMST-L discussion, July 1998)
- Men and Masculinity: Suggested Readings
- (Suggested readings for a course on men and masculinity. WMST-L, December 2000)
- Men in Women's Studies Classes
- (January 1997; 2 parts)
- Men in Women's Studies Classes II
- (February 1999; 2 parts)
- Men in Women's Studies Classes III
- (November 1999; 2 parts)
- Men in Women's Studies Classes IV
- (The focus on this October 2003 WMST-L discussion is on existing research on this topic.)
- Men in Women's Studies: The Mary Daly Case
- (A discussion of Boston College professor Mary Daly's controversial decision to bar men from her women's studies classes and instead to teach them separately. February through November 1999, with follow-up in February 2001; 3 parts)
- Men's Studies?
- (The following discussion of "men's studies"--what it is, what its relationship is to women's studies, etc.--took place on WMST-L in January/February 2000)
- Patriarchy: Use of the Term
- (Discussions from May 1994 and March 2003. See also the later file Teaching About Patriarchy)
- Readings for a Course about Violence
- (Responses to a query about course readings, especially those focused on warfare and/or male-on-male violence. WMST-L, January 2002.)
- Readings for Men
- (Responses to a 1994 query for recommended readings about gender and/or feminism for well-intended men, along with Judith Lorber's 1995 bibliography of readings about men and feminism. Two parts.)
- Take Back the Night
- (A three-part file of messages from 1995, 1997, 2001, and 2008)
- Teaching About Patriarchy
- (A brief discussion of how to teach about patriarchy that took place on WMST-L in August 2006. See also the earlier file Patriarchy: Use of the Term.)
- Videos on Masculinity
- (A request for videos illustrating the social construction of gender gave rise to a number of suggestions, many of them discussion videos on masculinity. WMST-L discussion, July 2002, supplemented by later messages.)
- The War Against Boys
- (2-part WMST-L discussion of Christina Hoff Sommers' Atlantic Monthly article, "The War Against Boys." WMST-L, May/June 2000. See also a later WMST-L discussion of the backlash issue, Backlash: Girls vs. Boys.)
- Who is Warren Farrell?
- (Discussion of Warren Farrell, his book The Myth of Male Power, and his relation to feminism. Toward the end of the discussion, some attention is paid to men who write about men's issues from a more feminist perspective. The discussion took place on WMST-L in October 1994.)
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