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Lecture 2, Examples and Mouse Handling

An extension of the very basic w1.c is to use the mouse to
select points, then connect the points with lines.
You may download these programs, changing "1" to "2" in
the 'cp' commands in lecture 1.

  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/w2.c
  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/w2gl.c
  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/W2frame.java
  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/w2tk.py3
  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/rubber_box.py3
  scp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/wxmouse.py : C:\home

Modify the Makefile1.linux by copying the groups of lines and
also changing "1" to "2" in the copied lines.

After running the programs, look through the source code to
see how the mouse is handled (in a number of places!).
3D select will be covered in Lecture 11.

  w2.c connect points X windows

  w2gl.c - w2.c in OpenGL

  W2frame.java - w2.c in Java

  W2app.java - W2frame as an applet

  w2tk.py python - in Python2 Tk

  w2tk.py3 python3 - in Python3 tk

  test_mouse.py python2 Tk basic mouse
  test_mouse_py.out python2  output

  test_mouse.py3 python3 tk basic mouse
  test_mouse_py3.out python3  output

  wxmouse.py python wx basic mouse on Windows

  rubber_box.py3 python3 - in Python3 tk


User placement, Rubber band

One common GUI for the user to place objects at a position
with a user chosen size is to draw a "rubber band" rectangle.

This GUI feature uses "mouse motion" and typically has
the user first select the object to be placed, then press
and hold left mouse button down. The start coordinate is recorded
on the button down, the rectangle is displayed stippled (dashed)
while the user moves the mouse, then the end coordinate is
recorded on the button up.

Most systems provide a three button mouse with the buttons
labeled left, middle and right or 1, 2 and 3.  Any of the buttons
may be used for any action, yet users expect the left button to
be used for the most common actions.

First the code is shown for just showing the rubber band
rubber.c Xlib code
rubbergl.c GL code
Rubber.java Java code

Next the code is augmented to draw rectangles and do
selections. Now the code leaves a red rectangle when the
mouse button comes up. Note: "select" is also available.
With multiple rectangles on the scene, left click in one
rectangle, then another. Note that the selected "object" is
changed to green color.
rubber1.c Motif code
rubber1gl.c GL code
Rubber1.java Java code

An option is to have a grid and snap to grid.
The grid is always on in this example, yet should be under menu
control (grid spacing, snap, hide, etc. as shown in "draw" demo.)
I consider a grid essential on a mouse input GUI.
rubber2.c Motif code
rubber2gl.c GL code
Rubber2.java Java code

Visual Effects

Visual Effects, visual understanding

The program split_cube.c shows a solid cube that is made up of five (5) tetrahedrons. This would be hard to visualize without some considerations: 1) In order to see how the cube is constructed, an offset is provided. ("O" for larger offset, "o" for smaller offset, down to zero) Note: at very small or zero offset, it is hard to understand how the cube is built. 2) In order to see how the cube is constructed, the viewer may change the axis of rotation (from the present orientation). (Mouse press left, mouse press right, switches axis of rotation. If there is a middle mouse button, that also switches the axis of rotation.) Note: In this example, almost every axis of rotation provides a lot of information. 3) In order to see how the cube is constructed, the color of adjacent faces are made unequal. This is accomplished by slightly changing the color of the vertices of the triangles that make up the faces of the tetrahedrons. ("C" for larger contrast, "c" for smaller contrast, down to zero) Note: at very small or zero color contrast, it is hard to understand the shape of the rotating objects. 4) In order to see how the cube is constructed, the speed of rotation must be reasonable for the viewer. A static image does not convey all the information about how the cube is constructed. ("F" for faster rotation, "f" for slower, down to zero) Note: at very small or zero rotation, it is hard to understand the shape of the rotating objects. 5) In order to see how the cube is constructed, a wireframe can be displayed for the viewer. The wireframe shows edges of polyhedrons. It this case, the five tetrahedrons, each with unique color edges. ("W" for wireframe, "w" for solid) Note: That the edges merge and only one color is displayed with the offset goes to zero. Experiment with rotations (speed and direction), color shade, offsets, and wireframe vs solid. Consider what information your viewers need from your application. Provide the appropriate user interface. Then try split_cube6.c run from the command line with split_cube6 -x Unrecognizable, thus slow it down with f's. Change rotation with mouse and open it up with uppercase O's. Deepen colors with uppercase C. Two dimensional static pictures do not have the visualization capability of user movable and colorable objects. Similarly, for a tetrahedron: split_tetra2.c A classic demonstration, that measures frames per second, is gears.c Compile and run this demonstration. Note use of either letter keys 'x' 'y' 'z' or arrow keys.

Human Factors, timing

Human Factors considerations

These are very loose time estimates and there is significant variation from person to person, yet the concepts are worth covering. Human beings are very slow compared to computers in many situations. But, human beings get very impatient if the computer does not respond in a timely manner. What is timely? A person sees an event and must take action. Here is the approximate time line: 1/10 second to "see" or recognize the event. 1/10 second to make a decision to take action 1/10 second to physically move a finger (e.g. press a key) Thus, the fastest a person can respond to a "message" on a computer screen is three tenths of a second. A person presses a key and expects a response from the computer. The person needs at least 1/10 second to "see" that there is a response. Another 1/10 second to "understand" the response. There seems to be some dead time between the key press and expecting to "see" the response. Experiments have been conducted and found, on average, that a computer response within one-half second did not slow down most users. A few users could tell the difference between two tenths of a second response and three tenths of a second response. On a modern computer with multiple pipelines and a 3GHz clock, about one billion instructions can be executed in one tenth of a second. There is a tradeoff that the GUI programmer has to make. For rapid response activities, low quality images may be needed and may be acceptable. For activities where the user is creating, more quality may be needed and slower response may be acceptable. For example, OpenGL lines are limited to square ends while basic X Windows and Microsoft Windows allow options for round ends and lengthen by one-half line width in order to provide a smooth sequence of connected lines. Consider a fast typist. Assume a person who can type 50 words per minute. The definition of a word is five characters and a space. Thus, 300 key presses per minute or 5 key presses per second. But, that only allows two 1/10 second time periods per character. Thus, the typist is multiplexing, reading ahead, selecting keys, and pressing keys overlapped in time. Color is in the category of "in the eyes of the beholder". There is a good reason why American traffic lights have red on top, yellow in middle and green on bottom as a standard. There are many forms of "color blind" and thus the standard position with each color emitting light is the "event" that a driver senses. For GUI programming, file menu on the left and help menu on the right is a defacto standard for the same reason. Users are more efficient, and happy, when they spend less time hunting for what they need. Common color issues are red appearing as grey, green and blue indistinguishable, etc. The GUI programmer can avoid these concerns by using intensity to create contrast. Rerun split_cube using "c" held down, then "C" held down, repeat, to see the visual effect. User interface speed comparing MAC OSX and Windows XP was measured and reported in UIF_Report.pdf The term "User Interface Friction" means friction that slows down the user. This varies with user capability. I call it fluff vs. function.

Let the user know what will happen

Give the user feedback

On line are many helpful hints on user interface design. I like JJ Garrett's wisdom as given in his nine pillars of successful web teams: It is competent people in each of these nine areas that are more important than rolls, job descriptions, tools or process. Then, in his elements of user experience where he asks: "What do you expect to happen if you click there." "Think visually." Does the user get positive feedback to know the expected action happened? Consider a person setting a new alarm clock for the first time. Is it really set? Might I miss my important meeting tomorrow morning? For students using Microsoft Windows, on linux.gl.umbc.edu download from /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download glut32.lib glut32.dll opengl32.lib opengl32.dll glut.h opengl.h Then copy these files to your Windows laptop in cs437 folder. Create a sub folder named GL. Into that folder download and copy gl.h glu.h You need a "C" compiler, e.g. visual studio. (my executables still ran in Windows 10)
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Other links

Many web sites on Java GUI, AWT, Swing, etc.
Many web sites on Python wx, tk, qt, etc.

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