A UMBCposter gallery: Ana Maria Soane
The original poster,
was made by Ana Maria Soane before
UMBCposter existed. It was assembled as
a collection of Beamer slides.
Here I have “reverse engineered” that poster as a test-case
for UMBCposter. I also made the two variants,
as additional test cases.
Click on the image to get it as an A4-sized PDF.
Here are the configurations for the three posters:
--- anamaria-2008a.tex --------------------
\usepackage{bm} % bold math
\graphicspath{{images/}} % where to find included images
\definecolor{UMBCRed}{rgb}{0.8441, 0.0111, 0.0119}
\LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed}Variational Problems in Weighted Sobolev\\
\LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed}Spaces with Applications to CFD\medskip \\
\Large\sc\color{\myblue}Ana Maria Soane and and Rouben Rostamian
\includegraphics[height=0.32\headheight]{umbclogo} \\
columns = {2},
column gap = 2em,
right logo={\rightlogo},
title = \mytitle,
title align = left,
box/header font color = {\myblue},
box/header align = {left},
box/header height = 5ex,
%box/border style,
--- anamaria-2008b.tex --------------------
\usepackage{bm} % bold math
\graphicspath{{images/}} % where to find included images
\huge\sc Variational Problems in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
\LARGE\sc with Applications to CFD\medskip \\
\Large\sc Ana Maria Soane and and Rouben Rostamian
% The fvs font is a part of Bera fonts distributed
% in the textlive-fonts-extra package.
\includegraphics[height=0.42\headheight]{umbclogo} \medskip\\
Department of Mathematics \& Statistics}
head height = 0.12\textheight,
title = \mytitle,
title align = left,
right logo = \rightlogo,
columns = 3,
background style = {fill=LemonChiffon},
box/header height = {6ex},
box/all rounded,
box/drop shadow = {shadow xshift=0.7ex, shadow yshift=-0.7ex,
opacity=.5, fill=black!70},
box/body style = {top color=\cola!60, bottom color=\cola!5},
%box/header style = {left color=\cola, right color=\cola!5},
box/header style = {top color=\cola!90!black, bottom color=\cola!100!black,
middle color=\cola!20},
--- anamaria-2008c.tex --------------------
\usepackage{bm} % bold math
\graphicspath{{images/}} % where to find included images
\huge\sc Variational Problems in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
\LARGE\sc with Applications to CFD\medskip \\
\Large\sc Ana Maria Soane and and Rouben Rostamian
% The fvs font is a part of Bera fonts distributed
% in the textlive-fonts-extra package.
\includegraphics[height=0.42\headheight]{umbclogo} \medskip\\
Department of Mathematics \& Statistics}
head height = 0.12\textheight,
title = \mytitle,
title align = left,
right logo = \rightlogo,
columns = 3,
background style = {left color=red, right color=yellow},
box/header height = {6ex},
box/all rounded,
box/drop shadow = {shadow xshift=0.7ex, shadow yshift=-0.7ex,
opacity=.5, fill=black!70},
box/body style = {top color=\cola!60, bottom color=\cola!5},
%box/header style = {left color=\cola, right color=\cola!5},
box/header style = {top color=\cola!90!black, bottom color=\cola!100!black,
middle color=\cola!20},