The original poster was made using the baposter documentclass by Alen Alexanderian before UMBCposter existed. Here I have “reverse engineered” that poster as a test-case for UMBCposter.
I have shown three variants, to illustrate some of UMBCposter's configuration options.
Click on each image to get it as an A4-sized PDF.
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Here is the LaTeX code of the poster shown on the left: alen-2009a.tex
The only differences in the three versions are in the configuration options. The LaTeX code for the contents of the posters are identical.
Here are the configurations for individual posters:
--- alen-2009a.tex --------------------------------------- \documentclass[paper=a0paper,portrait, fontmag=0.88,dvipsnames,preview]{umbcposter} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{bm} % bold math \begin{document} \newcommand{\cola}{Apricot} \newcommand{\colb}{RawSienna} \definecolor{UMBCRed}{rgb}{0.8441, 0.0111, 0.0119} \newcommand{\mytitle}{ \begin{tabular}{c} \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} Homogenization in Random Media\\ \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} and Isotropy Considerations\medskip \\ \Large Alen Alexanderian, Muruhan Rathinam, and Rouben Rostamian \\ \Large University of Maryland, Baltimore County \end{tabular} } \posterinit{ grid = {}, right logo={\includegraphics[height=0.05\textheight]{umbclogo.pdf}}, title = \mytitle, box/header style = {top color=\colb!40, bottom color=white}, box/border style = {draw=\colb}, box/upper right rounded, box/lower left rounded, } --- alen-2009b.tex --------------------------------------- \documentclass[paper=a0paper,portrait, fontmag=0.88,dvipsnames,preview]{umbcposter} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{bm} % bold math \begin{document} \newcommand{\cola}{Apricot} \newcommand{\colb}{RawSienna} \definecolor{UMBCRed}{rgb}{0.8441, 0.0111, 0.0119} \newcommand{\mytitle}{ \begin{tabular}{c} \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} Homogenization in Random Media\\ \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} and Isotropy Considerations\medskip \\ \Large Alen Alexanderian, Muruhan Rathinam, and Rouben Rostamian \\ \Large University of Maryland, Baltimore County \end{tabular} } \posterinit{ grid = {}, column separators = {draw = \colb, line width = 1pt}, right logo={\includegraphics[height=0.05\textheight]{umbclogo.pdf}}, title = \mytitle, box/header style = {top color=\colb!40, bottom color=white}, %box/border style = {draw=\colb}, box/upper right rounded, box/upper left rounded, } --- alen-2009c.tex --------------------------------------- \documentclass[paper=a0paper,portrait, fontmag=0.83,dvipsnames,theme=oval,preview]{umbcposter} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{bm} % bold math \begin{document} \newcommand{\cola}{Apricot} \newcommand{\colb}{RawSienna} \definecolor{UMBCRed}{rgb}{0.8441, 0.0111, 0.0119} \newcommand{\mytitle}{ \begin{tabular}{c} \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} Homogenization in Random Media\\ \LARGE\sc\color{UMBCRed} and Isotropy Considerations\medskip \\ \large Alen Alexanderian, Muruhan Rathinam, and Rouben Rostamian \\ \large University of Maryland, Baltimore County \end{tabular} } \posterinit{ grid = {}, background style = {left color = orange!30, right color=white}, right logo={\includegraphics[height=0.05\textheight]{umbclogo.pdf}}, title = \mytitle, box/header style = {bottom color=\colb!60, top color=\colb!25, middle color=white}, box/header font = \sc, box/border style = {draw=\colb}, box/all rounded, }
Author: Rouben Rostamian |
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