English 347

Winter, 1999


Required Films:

Ten of the required films will be shown in class. The others are outside of class viewing assignments. All these films are on reserve in the audiovisual section of the Kuhn Library. You may view them there at your convenience. With one or two exceptions, they will be easy to find in any good video rental tore. You should try to see each film twice before we take it up in class.

These titles are linked to the Internet Movie Database. Click on the titles to get cast lists, production credits, plot summaries, links to WEB sites related to the title, and much more related information.

If you have any questions concerning the films or the assignments please contact me at

Reference Materials:

Literature Sites
Film Sites
A Writer's Toolbox
Internet Search

Class Assignments:

Click on the individual class dates to find study questions which should be useful in preparing for lectures and the class discussions. They can also serve as a guide for your journal entries. The Journals, critical essay, and final examination may be submitted by e-mail. Click on the links for a description of each requirement and for directions for submitting them by e-mail.

January 4th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Introduction to the Course: Watching Movies.

Class Film: Shadow of a Doubt (1943). Outside Film: Psycho (1960).

January 5th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Shadows in the Heartland and Mother's Not Herself Today.

Class Film: Strangers on a Train (1951).  Outside Film: Rope (1948).

January 6th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Family Secrets and Murderous Desires.

Class Film: Vertigo (1958). Outside Film: Rear Window (1954).

Journals for Week #1 (January 4th, 5th, and 6th) due.

January 11th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Hitchcock's World of Family Secrets and Murderous Desires.

Class Film: North by Northwest (1960). Outside Film: The Killing (1956).

January 12th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Mother's Not herself Today and Seeking Easy Street.

Class Film: Lolita (1962). Outside Film, Dr. Strangelove (1964).

January 13th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Strange Loves at Home and Abroad.

Class Film: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Outside Film: A Clockwork Orange (1971).

The first brief essay is due today. Choose one of the films we have viewed and write a two-page (500) word essay on a character who, in your estimation, exemplifies some aspect of the American Dream. The best essays will focus on characters who were not discussed in class.

Journals for Week #2 (Jan 11th, 12th, and 13th) due.

January 18th

Class Lecture and Discussion. The Old Ultraviolence, from Australopithecus to Alex and Droogs

Class Film: The Shining (1980). Outside Film: Mean Streets (1973).

January 19th

Class Lecture and Discussion. The True Horror and Seeking Redemption on the Mean Streets.

Class Film: Raging Bull (1980). Outside Film: Taxi Driver (1976).

January 20th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Are You Talking to ME?: Angry Men and Patriarchy in Decline.

Class Film: King of Comedy (1995) . Outside Film: Cape Fear (1985).

Second brief paper due today.Choose one of the films we have viewed and write a two-page (500) word essay on a psychological or social factor which prevents one or more characters from achieving the American Dream. The best essays will focus on characters who were not discussed in class.

January 25th

Class Lecture and Discussion. All My Life I wanted to Be a Gangster.

Class Film: Goodfellas (1991). Outside Film: Casino (1995).

Journals for Week #3 (Jan. 17th, 19th, and 20th) due.

January 26th

Class Lecture and Discussion.Better to Be King for a Night Than a Schmuck For A Lifetime: That's Show Business.

Class Film: The Age of Innocence (1993). Outside Film: None Assigned.

January 27th

Class Lecture and Discussion. Lost Innocence: Two Perspectives.

Journals for Week #4 (Jan. 25th and 26th) due.

January 28th

All Final Examinations are due in my office (Fine Arts, Room 437) by 12:00 PM.