Learning Module



Module 2 Lesson 5 of 5

Saving Your Web Page

To save your document to a disk, select “File” and “Save” from the main menu and choose the location of your disk drive. When naming your file, there are a few things to keep in mind

  • Your homepage, the page you want to open first, should be named "index.html".
  • Use all lower case letters in your filenames
  • Stick to letters and numbers rather than special characters such as # or %
  • Do not use any spaces in your file name. If you want to separate words, use a hyphen or an underscore
  • Make certain that the file “type” is “HTML”
  • When the Web page is named, click “Save.”

The “Preview” button on the menu bar will allow you to see your Web page as others would view it from the world wide Web. When you select the “Preview” button, a browser window will open automatically and display your page. You can do this as many times as you like while you are creating your Web page.


preview button