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The most important item on all homework is YOUR NAME! Questions inside EMail and inside any attachments. Submitted. No readable name and student email, no credit.
Homework must be submitted soon after due date. May not get graded until next weekend. No late penatly. If I can not read or understand your homework, you do not get credit. Type or print if your handwriting is bad. No "matching". No comparing. Do your own homework.
You may use a word processor or other software tools and print the results and submit files. Put CS411 and HW number in subject line on EMail. Put your name inside any EMail attachments.
The "submit" facility only works on the "gl" machines. The student commands are: submit cs411 HW1 file puts your "file" into your cs411 HW4 submitrm cs411 HW1 file removes your "file" from your cs411 HW4 submitls cs411 HW1 lists your files in your cs411 HW4 same for all homeworks, projects, exams Once graded, not graded again. Wait until you are finished before submitting. Note: For this semester the 'HW1' can be HW2, HW3 .... capital H, capital W proj1, proj2a, proj2b, proj 3a, proj3b mid, fin a) you must have your userid registered for "submit" send mail from a gl machine to squire if your submit fails b) you have to be logged onto a gl machine, putty or ssh are OK c) everything is case sensitive, sorry about the uppercase HW.
The answer is just two columns. The first column is the numbers 1 through 26, the second column is the answer letter. Use each letter only once. Find the best fit. from the set {a-z}. Match the letter list with the number list. 1 central processing unit 2 very large scale integration 3 another name for a computer 4 flaw (as in a wafer) 5 an amplifier (solid state device) 6 a wafer is cut up into many 7 a place for instructions and data 8 digital logic gate 9 dynamic random access memory 10 a device made by putting impurities into silicon 11 high level description of the important information 12 percent of chips that are good 13 most significant bit, often the sign bit 14 memory on the CPU holding recent instructions and data 15 binary digit 16 OS 17 ISA 18 the basic unit of a computer program 19 large group of processors used as one computer 20 the paths where data flows 21 arithmetic logic unit 22 circuits that direct the flow in datapaths 23 converts statements to computer instructions 24 upward compatible computers 25 the result of building a design 26 IC a abstraction n VLSI b bit o instruction set architecture c MSB p DRAM d ALU q instruction e CPU r operating system f cache s supercomputer g control t implementation h datapath u integrated circuit i compiler v transistor j computer family w processor k die x semiconductor l defect y Memory m nand z yield submit cs411 HW1 your.file
You do not have to copy the questions, but show the computation and clearly indicate the answers. Be sure to label the answers with the part number. You are the lead designer of a new processor. The processor design and compiler are complete, and now you must decide whether to produce the current design as it stands or spend additional time to improve it. You discuss this problem with your engineering team and arrive at the following options: a) Leave the design as it stands. Call this the base machine, MBASE. It has a clock rate of 1.5GHz and the following measurements have been made using a simulator: instruction class CPI Frequency of use A 2 35% B 3 20% C 4 30% D 5 15% b) Optimize the hardware. The hardware team claims they can improve the processor design to give a clock rate of 3.0GHz. The changes cause the CPI of some instructions to change. Call this machine MOPT. The compiler team has made changes for this machine. The following measurements have been made using a simulator: instruction class CPI Frequency of use A 3 40% B 4 30% C 4 20% D 5 10% Part1: a) What is the average CPI of MBASE? b) What is the average CPI of MOPT? Part2: a) What is the MIPS rating of MBASE? b) What is the MIPS rating of MOPT? Part3: How much faster is MOPT compared to MBASE? "How much faster" is a dimensionless ratio faster/slower, this is called "speed up" always greater than 1.0, else "slow down" if less than 1.0 Part4: Using Amdahl's law: Suppose we enhance a machine to make all floating point instructions run four times faster. Look at how speedup behaves when we incorporate faster floating point hardware. If the execution time of some benchmark before floating point enhancement is 15 seconds total, what is the speedup if one-third of the 15 seconds was spent executing floating point instructions? Part5: What is the speedup if three-fourths of the 15 seconds was spent executing floating point instructions? Part6: How many total seconds did Part5 run with the speedup? Part7: Using Amdahl's law: You are going to enhance a machine and there are two possible improvements: Either make multiply instructions run four times faster than before, or make memory access instructions run three times faster than before. A program takes 100 seconds to execute before enhancement. 25% of the time is used by multiply instructions, 45% of the time is used by memory access instructions and the remaining 30% is used by other instructions. a) What is the speedup from just improving multiply instructions? b) What is the speedup from just improving memory access instructions? c) What is the speedup from improving both? (Use your calculator, exam will have problems like this.) submit cs411 HW2 your.file
Using the program matmul2.c from here or Downloadable source: cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/matmul2.c . # the dot is part of the command On a GL Linux machine, linux.gl.umbc.edu only, note fmull becomes mulsd becomes mulpd with new versions Note: The answers may not be unique. It depends on which compiler is used, which specific machine is used and which options are used. This assignment must be run on linux.gl.umbc.edu machine using: gcc -S -O3 matmul2.c gcc -g3 -O3 matmul2.c ^_____ letter upper case oh, NOT zero ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- for getting assembly language source code to a file matmul2.s gcc -S -O3 matmul2.c (creates matmul2.s) Now, look in the file matmul2.s When running with redirection, ">", first test without redirection to be sure you can type the correct input and it works. Then type carefully or use a script to make the redirected run. Extra "enter" keys may be needed at various places. In hex.out use an address to relate to memory to find the same word. Ignore information and error messages. Type very carefully! gcc -g3 -O3 matmul2.c # compile and link, creates file a.out Test first without redirection to hex.out gdb a.out list 1,26 # press enter break main run disassemble # press enter # press enter x/60x main q y Now make the file hex.out you will turn in as homework: gdb a.out > hex.out list 1,26 break main run disassemble x/60x main q y !!!you will see nothing as you are typing, all going into hex.out!!! Read the hex dump as big endian, like the MIPS architecture, rather than little endian like the X86 architecture, answer in 32 bit = 4 byte results, two hex digits per byte. The file hex.out has the source listing with line numbers, the hex address and hex instructions as loaded in memory and the disassembly with hex address and decoded instruction. Most of the instruction in the loop are "housekeeping", there are various instructions for loading and storing data. HW3 questions, plus, turn in your hex.out file: a) How many floating point multiply instructions in matmul2.s ? b) Do all the instructions have the same names in matmul2.s and hex.out ? c) Find a mulpd instruction in hex.out [use this for c) and d) ] Write an assembly language line, write the machine address. d) From the machine address, look up and write the mulpd instruction as hexadecimal. Treat as big endian, 32 bit MIPS architecture, rather than little endian, X86 architecture. Attach, or include answers in your "hex.out" file. (You may edit answers a) b) c) and d) into front of hex.out file or send them separately, be sure your name is in all files) submit cs411 HW3 hex.out
First:Get yourself set up to use a VHDL compiler/simulator. You may use Cadence VHDL or GHDL system. To use the Cadence VHDL on linux.gl.umbc.edu. Follow instructions exactly or you figure out a variation. Be on some computer with ssh, Putty, TeraTerm. Type commands: (This will make a sub directory, do not create your own.) ssh your-user-name@linux.gl.umbc.edu #or use Putty or TeraTerm (type in your password when asked) Right after you log into GL do the following commands: mkdir cs411 cd cs411 mkdir vhdl2 cd vhdl2 cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cadence_setup.tar . tar -xvf cadence_setup.tar cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/Makefile_411 . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/Makefile_ghdl . You will need to download additional files for each of the five projects: part1, part2a, part2b, part3a, part3b. You can use cadence simulator or GHDL simulator or both. Do all your editing and work in directory ~/cs411/vhdl2 This will be used for HW4, HW6, part1, part2, ... You may delete the .tar file. To use GHDL on linux.gl.umbc.edu Follow these instructions: Now you need more starter files to do HW4: cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/add32pg_start.vhdl . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/tadd32.vhdl . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/tadd32.run . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/tadd32.chk . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/tadd32.chkg . Then cp add32pg_start.vhdl add32.vhdl OK to first mv add32.vhdl add32_pre.vhdl # to save previous Then complete HW4 in add32.vhdl . Fill in for ... You need a 32 bit adder, so use eight instances of add4pg and two instances of pg4 in an add32 architecture. Connect the circuit per the schematic. The two 16 bit adders are connected end to end to make a 32 bit adder. cin goes into the first pg4, the carry out from the second pg4 gets the signal name cout. Use unique signal names or unique subscripts. All connections with the same name are tied together and have the same value.After editing add32.vhdl to make it a very fast PG adder: make -f Makefile_411 tadd23.out # runs cadence simulator make -f Makefile_ghdl tadd32.gout # runs GHDL simulator Check for errors: diff -iw tadd32.out tadd32.chk # cadence check diff -iw tadd32.gout tadd32.chkg # GHDL check Fix add32.vhdl for any differences. (Ignore any lines with squire, they are from my runs.) When checked "submit" a single file named add32.vhdl that is a fast PG 32 bit adder. Submit ONE file add32.vhdl that has everything in it. submit cs411 HW4 add32.vhdl You will use the add32.vhdl file in the project, don't trash it. It is not important what the signal names are inside add32.vhdl, but keep the same interface, the entity declaration. Your circuits must run. Incorrect results lose points. Debugging: Find the lowest bit that is wrong in the first output that does not compare. Proofread the numbers and signal names. if 'cout' is a 'U' rather than '0' or '1', there is a break in the adder chain. Unfortunately, the hex output converts 'U' undefined and 'X' don't know to zero, so you do not see the error. Follow the links below to Project and Download for more information. See the writeups on VHDL and sample circuits. The building blocks may become part of your final project.
Do not minimize. The grader has only the plain answers. 1. Write two VHDL statements that implement the truth table below Just use "and" "or" and "not" with parenthesis. the answer starts x <= y <= a b c | x y ------+---- 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 1 0 | 1 0 0 1 1 | 1 1 1 0 0 | 0 1 1 0 1 | 0 1 1 1 0 | 1 0 1 1 1 | 0 0 Use this style, do not minimize. 2.Write the VHDL statement that implements the logic diagram, do not simplify +----+ a --|OR |____ b --| | | +----+ | +----+ --| XOR| +----+ | | c --|AND |_____| |__ d --| | | | | +----+ | | | --| | | +----+ | | | | e --|NOT |---| +----+ | +----+ +----+ |--| OR | | |-- g f ------------------------| | +----+ Be sure to include the semicolon in VHDL statements, else you lose one point for each that is missing. 3. Draw the logic diagram that represents the VHDL statement OK to use gimp or Microsoft. g <= ((not a and b) xor (c or d or not e)) or (d and not f); Do not minimize, use class shown logic symbols. 4. For the following schematic, Ripple Carry wiring: Use a, b, e and f all as four ones. e.g. a <= "1111" etc. 4a) what is the six bit result s. 4b) given that the time from any input to any output in the full adder is 2T, how much time does the longest path from any input to any output require? the answer is ____ T5. For the following schematic, Carry Save wiring: Use a, b, e and f all as four ones. e.g. a <= "1111" etc. 5a) what is the six bit result s. 5b) given that the time from any input to any output in the full adder is 2T, how much time does the longest path from any input to any output require? the answer is ____ T
remember, basic digital logic submit cs411 HW5 your.file1 your.file2 ...
This homework requires the creation, minimization and use of two small VHDL entities and the corresponding architectures. The size of the multiplier depends on your major. This semester, everyone use pmul16.Design:
Design this homework for an 16 bit by 16 bit parallel multiplier that produces an unsigned 32 bit product. Submit your design as pmul16.vhdl. use pmul16_test.vhdl, pmul16_test.run, pmul16_test.chk By now you know how to get files: cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul4.vhdl . cp pmul4.vhdl pmul16.vhdl # please change comments to agree with your code cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.vhdl . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.run . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.chk . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.chkg .Start:
For starting the homework you are given a 4 bit by 4 bit parallel multiplier that produces an 8 bit unsigned product. Most of the 4 x 4 code is parametrized using VHDL generate statements, thus converting to 16 x 16 code code is supposed to be relatively easy. Be sure to change all comments also. The 4 bit by 4 bit multiply to produce a 16 bit unsigned product is![]()
The component madd circuit is
The above circuit must be minimized for the top row. Name it madd1 and copy the entity and architecture for madd to madd1 and remove the first two inputs and statements using these inputs that have a value '0'. Start with VHDL source code for pmul4 (shown below) Change pmul4 to pmul16 for use in project part1 N:=3 to N:=15 3 downto 0 to 15 downto 0 7 downto 0 to 31 downto 0 Compile and run, check output before creating two new entities. diff -iw pmul16_test.out pmul16_test.chk pmul4.vhdl parallel multiply 4 bit x 4 bit to get 16 bit unsigned product uses VHDL 'generate' to have less statements see diagram madd.jpg for madd schematic see diagram pmul4.ps for pmul4 schematic library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity madd is -- multiplying full adder stage port(c : in std_logic; -- one input, think carry in b : in std_logic; -- one input, think previous sum m : in std_logic; -- multiplier bit a : in std_logic; -- multiplicand bit sum : out std_logic; -- carry save sum out cout : out std_logic); -- carry save carry out end entity madd; architecture circuits of madd is -- multiplying full adder stage signal aa: std_logic; begin aa <= a and m; -- logic could be reduced, yet probably circuit designed sum <= (aa and b and c) or (aa and not b and not c) or (not aa and b and not c) or (not aa and not b and c) after 1 ns; cout <= (aa and b) or (aa and c) or (b and c) after 1 ns; end architecture circuits; -- of madd library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity pmul4 is -- 4 x 4 = 8 bit unsigned product multiplier port(a : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- multiplicand b : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- multiplier p : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- product end pmul4; architecture circuits of pmul4 is constant N : integer := 3; -- last row number constant NP : integer := N+1; -- last row plus 1 constant NM : integer := N-1; -- last row minus 1 type arr is array(0 to NP) of std_logic_vector(N downto 0); signal s : arr; -- partial sums signal c : arr; -- partial carries signal zero : std_logic := '0'; begin -- circuits of pmul4 -- the internal part of the multiplier is nested generate -- special case generate is needed for the top row, -- the bottom row, the left column and -- connecting to the product outputs. -- center gmaddi: for i in 1 to N generate gmaddj: for j in 0 to NM generate maddij: entity WORK.madd port map(s(i-1)(j+1), c(i-1)(j), b(i), a(j), s(i)(j), c(i)(j)); end generate gmaddj; end generate gmaddi; -- top row replace WORK.madd with your WORK.madd1, remove zero's gmadd0j: for j in 0 to N generate madd0j: entity WORK.madd port map(zero, zero, b(0), a(j), s(0)(j), c(0)(j)); end generate gmadd0j; -- left column gmaddiN: for i in 1 to N generate maddiN: entity WORK.madd port map(zero, c(i-1)(N), b(i), a(N), s(i)(N), c(i)(N)); end generate gmaddiN; -- bottom row maddNP0: entity WORK.madd port map(s(N)(1), c(N)(0), '1', '0', s(NP)(0), c(NP)(0)); maddNPN: entity WORK.madd port map(zero, c(N)(N), '1', c(NP)(NM), s(NP)(N), c(NP)(N)); gmaddNP: for j in 1 to NM generate maddNPj: entity WORK.madd port map(s(N)(j+1), c(N)(j), '1', c(NP)(j-1), s(NP)(j), c(NP)(j)); end generate gmaddNP; -- connect outputs gp0i: for i in 0 to N generate p0i: p(i) <= s(i)(0); pNi: p(i+NP) <= s(NP)(i); end generate gp0i; end architecture circuits; -- of pmul4 Notice that the only component used to build the multiplier is "madd" and some uses of "madd" have constants as inputs. Copy pmul4.vhdl to pmul16.vhdl Edit pmul16.vhdl and replace all "pmul4" with "pmul16" Look through the VHDL and change inputs from (3 downto 0) to (15 downto 0). Note: 4 bit numbers are (3 downto 0) in VHDL, and 16 bit numbers are (15 downto 0) in VHDL. Thus, the constant N goes from 3 to 15 when going from 4 bits to 16 bits. See Lecture 12 to simplify Look at the difference between samples.html sqrt8 and sqrt8m Notice how the "Sm" component was simplified for "S0" and "S1". This is the idea for your simplifying "madd". For testing your pmul16 component download pmul16_test.vhdl and pmul16_test.run and pmul16_test.chk cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul4.vhdl . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.vhdl . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.run . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.chk . cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/pmul16_test.chkg . #for GHDL cp pmul4.vhdl pmul16.vhdl # make changes per above For cadence use Makefile_411, now make make -f Makefile_411 pmul16_test.out or type For GHDL use Makefile_ghdl, now make make -f Makefile_ghdl pmul16_test.gout or type ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys pmul16.vhdl ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys pmul16_test.vhdl ghdl -e --ieee=synopsys pmul16_test ghdl -r --ieee=synopsys pmul16_test --stop-time=8704ns > pmul16_test.out Now run the simulation by typing make Then check by typing diff -iw pmul16_test.out pmul16_test.chk diff -iw pmul16_test.out pmul16_test.chkg # for GHDL Everything is correct if there are no differences other than the copyright line. submit cs411 HW6 pmul16.vhdl
Open book. Multiple choice questions based on reading assignments, lectures, web pages, handouts and homework. OK to check back on web pages. Do not discus with other students. (reading assignments were all covered in lectures, see web pages) just instructions on web (nop, j, beq, add, sub, mul, and, or, addi, sll, srl, cmpl, lw, sw) Exam covers homework: HW1-HW5 Be sure to go over web pages, no questions on current events web pages submit cs411 mid mid?.doc
Last updated 9/16/2020 more changes possible