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library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity alu_32 is -- given. Do not change this interface port(inA : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); inB : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); inst : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); result : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0)); end entity alu_32; architecture schematic of alu_32 is -- OK to paste below into your part1.vhdl after signal cout signal S_sel : std_logic; -- S_sel <= sllop_and or srlop_and; signal sllop : std_logic; signal sllop_and : std_logic; signal RRop : std_logic; signal orop : std_logic; signal orop_and : std_logic; signal orresult : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); subop_or_cmplop : std_logic; -- ??? many more of these 6 for and, mul, div, sub, srl, cmpl signal bresult : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); -- ??? may need mode ?result the complier will tell you which are needed begin -- schematic OK to paste below into your part1.vhdl after begin ORR : entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst(31 downto 26), "000000", RRop); Oor: entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst(5 downto 0), "001101", orop); Omul: entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst(5 downto 0), "011011", mulop); Odiv: entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst(5 downto 0), "011000", divop); -- ??? insert other xxxop statements from cs411_opcodes.txt orop_and <=orop and RRop; mulop_and <=mulop and RRop; divop_and <=divop and RRop; subop_or_cmplop <= subop_and or cmplop_and; -- ??? insert other xxx_and statements bsh: entity WORK.bshift port map(left => sllop_and, logical => '1', shift => inst(10 downto 6), input => inB, output => bresult); Mul16: entity work.pmul16 port map(a => inA(15 downto 0), b => inB(15 downto 0), p => mulresult(31 downto 0)); Div16: entity work.divcas16 port map(dividend => inA, divisor => inB(15 downto 0), quotient => divresult(15 downto 0), remainder => divrem(15 downto 0)); Omux: entity WORK.mux32_6 port map(in0=>aresult, in1=>orresult, in2=>andresult, in3=>mulresult, in4=>divresult, in5=>bresult, ct1=>orop_and, ct2=>andop_and, ct3=>mulop_and, ct4=>divop_and, ct5=>S_sel, result=>result); -- end paste end architecture schematic; -- of alu_32
Last updated 8/23/2020