pictures of past events:

Second Annual AMB Symposium
The 2001
Applied Molecular Biology Open House and Symposium, held on March 2, 2001,
was a great success. This year we had over 50 interested students attending.
We also had a group of the class of 2000 students who returned to lend
their support to the current AMB class and to find out what has happened
to their classmates in the ensuing year.
At the
symposium in addition to a short introduction from the Graduate Program
Director, Philip Farabaugh, short talks were given by two graduates of
the AMB program, Tom Burkett, who now teaches in the Biotechnology program
at the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus, and
from Kevin Griffith, currently a Ph.D. degree candidate in our Molecular
and Cell Biology program.
of the AMB projects were presented in poster format giving the prospective
students an opportunity to see what impressive progress has been made
by the current class even though they are only about half-way through
the program.
of the proceedings were taken by the Department photographer, Tim Ford.