Applied Molecular Biology


The AMB Symposium

On February 25, 2000, we had our first annual Applied Molecular Biology Symposium. This event was planned to familiarize students at UMBC with the AMB program. A similar event will be part of our recruitment efforts this year.

Students in the AMB program presented preliminary results of their projects. Here Beth Reader (left) is talking to three prospective AMB students. Remember that they had begun their work only the previous October, and yet they already had substantial amounts of work done!
The undergraduates had the opportunity to ask questions about the science, but also were interested in the reasons why the students had chosen to enroll in the AMB program.
The one-on-one exchanges, as here between Megan Matukonis and an undergraduate student, were useful for the AMB students, who needed experience in presenting data at meetings.
One of the AMB students, Ryan McMullin (right), shown here discussing his work with two UMBC undergraduates, has decided to continue on working toward a Ph.D. degree. The program was designed to provide a bridge for students who may not have decided to go for the doctoral degree. Over the years, many students have made this decision.

Photographs by David Eisenmann