Applied Molecular Biology


Students will take a defined list of courses that focus on advanced training in molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry. The curriculum combines literature-based intensive study of these disciplines with hands on and project oriented laboratory instruction in the key technologies in Molecular Biology.

The typical course schedule for the 9-month option:


Fall BIOL 430 Biological Chemistry
4 cr.
BIOL 626 Approaches to Molecular Biology
4 cr.
    BIOL 635L Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory I
7 cr.
Spring   BIOL 614 Eukaryotic Genetics & Molecular Biology
4 cr,
    BIOL 634 Microbial Molecular Genetics
4 cr.
    BIOL 636L Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory II
7 cr.
    APMB 798 Research in Applied Molecular Biology
1 cr,
31 cr.

See descriptions below

On a case-by-case basis, students who have taken graduate level courses that cover the material presented in BIOL 430, 626, 414 or 434 will be granted credit toward the M.S. in APMB. The University allows students to transfer in as many as 9 graduate credits to this graduate program. Beyond those 9 credits, the program may determined that students have met specific program requirements, in which case the program director would allow substitution of other graduate BIOL courses. For example, a student who has had BIOL 430, 626 and 614 will be allowed to transfer 8 credits to the program, and the third requirement will be considered met; the student might then choose to take BIOL 625 Immunology, for example, in place of the third course. The elective is required because the University requires a minimum of 30 credits for the M.S. degree.

Below is a complete listing of the courses in the APMB Master's program. Some students who have satisfied

Course Title Description

APMB 798 Research in Applied Molecular Biology (1 cr.) Students will write and defend a scholarly paper on research undertaken as part of BIOL 635L & BIOL 636L
BIOL 414/614 Eukaryotic Genetics and Molecular Biology (4 cr.) Genetics and molecular biology of lower and higher eukaryotes and their viruses
BIOL426/626 Approaches to Molecular Biology (4 cr.) Students will analyze the various methods used to study the molecular biology of eukaryotic cells
BIOL 430 Biological Chemistry (4 cr.) The essential principles of biochemistry
BIOL434/634 Microbial Molecular Genetics (4 cr.) This course concerns the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in prokaryotes
BIOL 635L (Fall)
BIOL636L (Spring)
Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory I and II (7 cr., 7 cr.) This two-semester laboratory course designed to demonstrate the approaches and methodologies of molecular biology used to study the organization, expression and regulation of genes