Review Essays |
1. |
of Alan Vaughan, Incredible Coincidence. Parapsychology
Review 11, No. 1 (1980): 18-20. |
2. |
of Shapin & Coly (eds.), Brain/Mind and Parapsychology.
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 74 (1980):
241-46. |
3. |
of David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Journal
of the American Society for Psychical Research 76 (1982): 67-75.
4. |
of Jule Eisenbud, Paranormal Foreknowledge. Journal of the
American Society for Psychical Research 76 (1982): 288-94. |
5. |
of Denis Brian, The Enchanted Voyager: The Life of J.B. Rhine.
Parapsychology Review 14, No. 4 (1983): 10-11. |
6. |
of E. Jenkins, The Shadow and the Light. Journal of the
American Society for Psychical Research 77 (1983): 189-192. |
7. |
of L. LeShan & H. Margenau, Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's
Sky. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
78 (1984): 81-87. |
8. |
of J.L. Randall, Psychokinesis: A Study of Paranormal Forces Through
the Ages. Theta 12 (1984): 57-59. |
9. |
of T.H. Hall, The Enigma of Daniel Home. Journal of the
Society for Psychical Research 53 (1985): 40-46. |
10. |
of B. Inglis, Science and Parascience. Journal of the American
Society for Psychical Research 80 (1986): 94-98. |
11. |
of J. Oppenheim, The Other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research
in England, 1850-1914. Annals of Science 43 (1986): 312-314.
12. |
of A. Crabtree, Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession &
Multiple Personality. Journal of the Society for Psychical
Research 54 (1987): 76-78. |
13. |
of B. Wolman & M. Ullman (eds), Handbook of States of Consciousness.
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 82 (1988):
177-182. |
14. |
of D.S. Rogo, The Infinite Boundary. Journal of the American
Society for Psychical Research 84 (1990): 160-168. |
15. |
Review of S.
Pasricha, Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of
Cases in India The
Journal of Parapsychology 56 (Dec, 1992): 380-384. (Click
for archive on this site.) |
16. |
of A. Flew, The Logic of Mortality. Journal of the American
Society for Psychical Research 87 (1993): 114-117. |
17. |
of I. Hacking, Rewriting the Soul. American Journal of Clinical
Hypnosis 38 (1996): 303-306. |
18. |
of A. Gauld, A History of Hypnotism and A. Crabtree, From
Mesmer to Freud. Journal of the American Society for Psychical
Research 90 (1996): 329-334. |
19. |
of G. Graham & G.L. Stephens (eds), Philosophical Psychopathology.
Philosophical Psychology 10 (1997): 553-555. |
20. |
of J. Mishlove, The Pk Man: A True Story Of Mind Over Matter
Journal of Parapsychology (June, 2001): 183-188. (Click
for archive on this site.)
21. |
Review of E.F. Kelly, et al, Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century.Journal of Scientific Exploration 21 (2007): 771-777. |
Books by Stephen E. Braude
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An Original Publication of
Anomalist Books
(August, 2020)
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"Stephen Braude's books are known for their original and penetrating insights; Dangerous Pursuits is no exception. Ranging from mediumship and parapsychology to multiple personality and jazz, Braude is an equal opportunity challenger, taking on unconventional thinkers as well as conventional paradigms. Although his topics are weighty, his clarity of expression and his wry sense of humor make every chapter a delight to read and to contemplate."
— Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., co-editor
Varieties of Anomalous Experience
"Stephen Braude has excellent factual knowledge of the psychic, the mind, mediumship and related areas, and then shares his clear and deeper thinking about what they might be, how they work, and what are dead ends in our thinking that we can avoid.
He's not afraid to wrestle with complexities others skim over…like mediums who cheat sometimes, or just what is this "person" that we think might survive death. You can read a lot of Dangerous Pursuits for the pleasure of satisfying your curiosity, but you're also going to be thinking a lot more deeply as you read along. Excellent!"
— Charles T. Tart, Ph.D., author of Altered States of Consciousness
and Transpersonal Psychologies
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
(July 16, 2014)
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"Stephen Braude is a professional philosopher and well established author both of books and articles who is particularly noted for two things.
One is for his work in certain Borderland areas in which topics within philosophy, psychology, parapsychology and psychiatry meet, overlap and interact (or should interact). The other is for the clarity and pithiness of expression with which he handles abstruse and difficult issues.
He has a gift for analogies, often amusing ones, which cut through layers of nonsense (often pretentious nonsense loaded with jargon) and expose the nub of a question. If Braude's views are correct – and they are certainly cogently argued – these topics are potentially of considerable and wide-ranging importance."
(Alan Gauld, University of Nottingham)
The Gold Leaf Lady and Other
Parapsychological Investigations
University of Chicago Press, 2007
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 Gold Leaf Lady
Now Available on Kindle
from Amazon.com |
“This book isn’t just good, it’s excellent. Stephen Braude is at the top of the intellectual food chain in the study of paranormal phenomena..."
—Fred Frohock, author of Lives of the Psychics: The Shared Worlds of Science and Mysticism
“The Gold Leaf Lady is a read not to be missed. To initiates it offers valuable updates and insights. To those inconversant with the current state of parapsychological research, it may rank as the best introduction available.”
Immortal Remains:
The Evidence for Life After Death
Rowman & Littlefield, 2003
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Amazon.com In All Three Formats:
Kindle, Paperback and Hardback |
one of the best assessments ever written of the evidence for human survival of bodily death."
- Raymond Martin, Union College
ESP and
A Philosophical Examination
Revised edition, Brown Walker Press, 2002
Temple University Press, 1979
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Brown Walker Press:
paperback and electronic edition
or Amazon.com |
The Limits of Influence:
Psychokinesis and the
Philosophy of Science
Revised edition,
University Press of America, 1997 Routledge, 1986
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First Person Plural:
Multiple Personality and the
Philosophy of Mind
Revised edition, Rowman & Littlefield, 1995
Routledge, 1991
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Amazon.com |