
Prerequisites: BIOL 302 (Molecular and General Genetics), BIOL 303 (Cell Biology), and CHEM 351 (Organic Chemistry I) or equivalent courses with a grade of C or better are required. From these courses, students are expected to have mastered the basic concepts of bacterial genetics and molecular biology. Nonetheless, it would be useful to have a genetics textbook for reference. The relevant background material for this course is covered in Chapters 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, and 18-20 in Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, 4th Editiion, authored by B. A. Pierce, the textt used in BIOL 302 the past few semesters.

Text: No text is required. Instead, readings from the scientific literature will be assigned for each class period. Students should make their own copies of the papers and bring them to class. In addition, it would be useful to have an introductory genetics text available, in particular the one used in BIOL 302.


  • Class participation (including quizzes): 30%
  • Mid-term Exam (Thurs., March 14, 9:00 am - 11:00 am): 35%
  • Final Exam (Thurs., May 16, 8:00 am - 10:am): 35%

Exam grades are usually curved and 5 points will be added to the scores of the BIOL 434 students after the curve has been set.

Class Participation: Usually one but sometimes two papers will be covered each class period, with different students answering the questions about background, objective, methods, results, and conclusions. These randomly chosen participants will be graded as follows:

  • A, for an excellent answer;
    B, for a generally correct answer;
    C, for a reasonable effort when the main point was missed;
    D, for no answer, or when the student has failed to read the paper;
  • F, for a student who is absent when called on.

In addition, extra credit is given for a voluntary correct answer, with 3 such answers equal to an A when called on at-random.

Assigned Readings: The papers are available on the this site and within the Schedule and under the Readings section; they may be printed out from within your browser with Adobe Acrobat Reader. A password to enable access to the pdf files will be given in class. Copies of mid-term exams from previous years may be accessed from the library's electronic reserves internet site; the necessary username and password will be provided in class.

Course Home  | Syllabus | Schedule | Schedule, Page 2 | Schedule, Page 3 | Schedule, Page 4 | Reading List | Course Handouts

Dr. Richard E. Wolf, Jr.
Department of Biological Sciences
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD   21250
Phone: 410-455-2268