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Lecture 23, HTML5, javascript, CSS

WOW! All this in one lecture?

Actually, this is a group of samples showing techniques
for using HTML5 canvas suplemented with some javascript
and some CSS. All three subjects are huge.

First, some dynamic display, just using HTML5 canvas and
some javascript, overdone, for a moving color wheel.

run canvas2.html

HTML5 canvas2.html

view source canvas2.html as .txt A few shape drawing examples: view source canvas_draw.html as .txt canvas_draw.html Get mouse coordinates: click to have coordinates displayed canvas_mouse.html canvas_mouse.html.txt as text Much more detailed information and examples from w3schools.com canvas tutorial html5 tutorial

Simple CSS

style_by_kind.html style_by_kind.txt

More JavaScript, hello to complex numerics

First the .txt of html file, then .js JavaScript files referenced, then run html hellojavascript.html as .txt hello.js run hellojavascript.html numerics.html as .txt numerics.js run numerics.html test_laphi.html as .txt test_laphi.js laphi.js run test_laphi.html just first part test_gaulegf.html as .txt test_gaulegf.js gaulegf.js run test_gaulegf.html test_simeq.html as .txt test_simeq.js simeq.js run test_simeq.html

The important point is that almost all browsers are using HTML5 and have JavaScript. Thus almost any application can be made to run over the Internet in the users brwoser.

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Other links

Many web sites on Java GUI, AWT, Swing, etc.
Many web sites on Python wx, tk, qt, etc.

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