[syllabus] | [HW1-6] | [HW7-11] | [project] | [lect notes] | [download] | [compiling]
Reading and homework assignments are from this book. The C++ Standard is ISO/IEC 14882:1998. Programming in this course is based on the standard rather than on an implementation by a specific compiler. Some parts of the international standard have not been implemented by some compilers. To paraphrase a car maker "This is not your fathers C++"
Distribution Course grade Final Exam 20% A 90% - 100% Quiz 1 15% B 80% - 89.9% Quiz 2 15% C 70% - 79.9% Project 10% D 60% - 69.9% Homework 40% Partial credit is given on homework and project. No partial credit on multiple choice, true-false, single answer exam questions. YOUR GRADES recorded Here Check for typo's.
All students must have an account on the UMBC gl machines. The project and homework will use the "submit" mechanism. All students must be able to access the WWW to get assignments. Modem and telnet connections are available for remote use. You may use SGI's C++ or g++ 2.95.2 with standard C++ library. You may use Linux gcc(g++) with stdlibc++-2.90.8 or later. You may also use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or later for homework and project. You still have to do a 'submit' on the source code.
MW 3:00-5:00 and by appointment. ECS 219 EMail: squire@umbc.edu
Mon 5:30pm-6:45pm, ECS 335A homework questions and grading Wed 10:00am-11:00am EMail: mgandh1@csee.umbc.edu
Last updated 4/5/01