The Chaotic State of C++ Compilers
It has to be understood that C++ is one of the newest languages.
C++ the largest and most complex language in common use today.
The C++ standardization effort required much work by many people
over a number of years. There is now an international standard
ISO/IEC 14882:1998 for the C++ programming language.
Drafts of the C++ language were released as the language evolved.
The stated intention was for experimental development of compilers
and experimental applications. Many people did not understand the
experimental nature of the language during the standardization
Counting all the "C++" code written to date, this is a trivial
amount of C++ code compared to what will be written in the next
decade. Some authors refer to pre standard C++ code as "old" C++.
The old or experimental code can be thrown away or brought up
to the standard C++ language. The worse possible scenario is for
compilers to continue to compile the old or experimental code.
Compilers and suggested options
Specific versions of compilers are covered with specific options set.
This WEB page will be updated as new compilers are made available
and they can be tested. This WEB page will be extinct when there is
a thorough C++ standard conformance test suite and all compiler
producers are required to report their compilers conformance.
g++ 2.95.2 with libstdc++-2.90.8
compile with g++ -o test (test.cpp OK)
get from
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
compile in MSDOS window with cl /GX /ML test.cpp (/TP OK)
or use Visual capability
Borland C++ 5.02
compile in MSDOS window with bcc test.cpp
SGI CC version xxx
compile with CC -o test -LANG:ansi-for-init-scope=ON -Iinclude test.C
BUT, the library on CS (e.g. retriever) is different from on gl
see /usr/include/CC on both machines
(get a copy of the standard include files with no .h in file names)
So, save include_gl.tar for gl
save include_cs.tar for CS
then, tar -xvf include_gl.tar
while in the directory with your source code,
this builds a /include subdirectory for the -Iinclude .
Library Chaos
The C++ standard moved to simple names for the Standard Template
Library, STL. This allowed compiler vendors to build the standard
library using the older include file names that used the .h
notation. The standard C++ I/O comes from #include <iostream>
rather than the old #include <iostream.h>
Have it: g++, VC++
g++ example
VC++ example
Same on both
Not up to standard: bcc, SGI (but get the standard named include files) then
SGI STL example
save as include_gl.tar tar -xvf include_gl.tar
When using "C" libraries in C++ it is best to be safe and use
the include files specifically designated for C++. For example
use #include <cstdio.h> rather than #include <stdio.h>.
Have it: g++, VC++
Not up to standard: bcc, SGI (but get the standard named include files) then
SGI c... example
The reason for the names that start "c" is that the C header files need
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std {
extern "C" { // or extern "C++" {
The standard C header file goes here ... almost
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // end extern
} // end namespace
Although most C libraries have this I don't think the C language
standardization people were ready to require it for all C header files.
Also, some C++ compilers have not yet implemented namespace.
Other notable differences are header files such as cmath .
The C header math.h typically only defines functions for the
type double. cmath specifically overloads all functions with
the types float and long double for argument and return values.
Language Feature Implementation Status
Local definition of 'i' in for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
Modern languages have the scope of the loop variable local to the loop.
This scope rule makes it possible to safely move the loop to other
parts of the file and even into other files without having the
loop variable interfere with surrounding code. This scope rule also
allows freedom of naming the loop variable without having to check
for the name already being in scope.
Have it: g++, bcc , SGI with option turned on
Not up to standard: VC++
This language feature pits the anarchists against the group that wants
good quality software at reasonable cost. Over half the cost of
software is expended AFTER the software goes into use! Software is
continually being corrected, modified and enhanced. Consider the
following NON STANDARD C++ code and what would happen during an
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for(i=1; i<12; i++) {
Now swap the locations of the loops, adding new-code-here code
for(i=1; i<12; i++) {
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
The i=1 now gets a compilation error, 'i' not declared..
When the i=1 is fixed to int i=1, then int i=0 gets a compilation error.
Historically, less than one loop in 10 needed the loop variable outside
the loop. In C++ if the loop variable is needed outside the loop,
just declare the variable outside the loop and do not put a typename
on the loop variable inside the loop.
Have it: VC++, SGI CC on gl
example .cpp
example .C
Not up to standard: g++, bcc, SGI CC on retriever
but g++ does allow using namespace std;
(a hack is to use option -Dusing="//" )
Most C++ compilers are handling basic templates.
e.g. basic function template
or basic class template
But when using sophisticated templates like templates within templates,
there are differences.
VC++ handles nested, with help
g++ and SGI need non nested
Most C++ compilers are handling user exceptions.
e.g. various catch with output
or from nested function throw's with output
But there are differences in the completeness of special cases.
Classes were the first feature of C++ implemented.
Multiple inheritance and the virtual feature works in all tested compilers.
e.g. multiple inheritance example
and multiple virtual inheritance example
Polymorphism works in all tested compilers.
e.g. polymorphism example
and polymorphism using pure virtual
Last updated 1/1/01