Prosper provides an easy way to make a title page for a slide presentation. The file titlepage.tex, shows how.
% titlepage.tex \documentclass[pdf,autumn,slideColor,colorBG]{prosper} \title{Traveling Waves in Layered Combustible Media} \subtitle{Homogenization and phase-space analysis} \author{Rouben Rostamian} \email{} \institution{ Department of Mathematics \& Statistics \\ University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) \\ Baltimore, MD~21250, USA } % Optional: text to put in the bottom of each slide. % By default, the title of the talk will be placed there. %\slideCaption{\textit{Rouben Rostamian, UMBC}} \begin{document} % make the title slide \maketitle % % make the rest of the slides as usual: % \begin{slide}{The first slide} % Body of the first slide % \end{slide} \end{document}
Here is the result: