Rouben Rostamian

MATH 481: Mathematical Modeling

Spring 2019 Course information

Class Time/Place:    TuTh 4:00pm–5:15pm, MP 105
Office: MP 406
Phone: 410–455–2405
Office hours: TuTh 3:00–4:00, or by appointment

Course content

Mathematical modeling refers to the process of applying mathematical tools and reasoning to understand the world around us. In this course we will get a glimpse of such process in the context of several case studies. Here is a possible list of topics:

All case studies lead to models involving differential equations. Each case study begins with a free-form description of an issue and a simple mathematical model. In most cases further analysis leads to more accurate but more complicated models. The models are explored through analytical, computational and graphical tools, as appropriate.


There is no textbook. You should attend every lecture and take notes. But you will need to invest $75 in buying Maple. See below.


Math 221 (linear algebra), Math 225 (differential equations), Math 251 (multivariable calculus).

Writing Intensive designation

This course carries a Writing Intensive (WI) designation. As such, it meets the writing requirement of UMBC's General Education Program (GEP).

Course objectives

The writing component

This course differs from most mathematics courses in that writing is an essential part of the course. The “deliverable” for each homework assignment is a complete and self-contained report that describes the problem, the analysis, calculations, conclusions and citations, written in the style of a technical journal article. You will write five such reports in this semester. These will vary in complexity but a typical report is around 5–7 printed pages.

Writing advice: No needless words

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.

— Strunk & White in The Elements of Style

Writing advice: How to write mathematics

The basic problem in writing mathematics is the same as in writing biology, writing a novel, or writing directions for assembling a harpsichord: the problem is to communicate an idea. To do so, and to do it clearly, you must have something to say, and you must have someone to say it to, you must organize what you want to say, and you must arrange it in the order you want it said in, you must write it, rewrite it, and re-rewrite it several times, and you must be willing to think hard about and work hard on mechanical details such as diction, notation, and punctuation. That’s all there is to it.

— P. R. Halmos in How to Write Mathematics

Help available at UMBC's Writing Center

UMBC's Writing Center provides help with writing. This may be a valuable resource if you need a little bit of hand holding with your writing assignments.

About LaTeX

Technical writing is easy with the right tool. LaTeX is the computer software of choice for technical writing, especially for articles that contain a lot of mathematics.

LaTeX is closer to being a programming language than a word processor. I will devote some class time to LaTeX tutorials and expect that you will write your assignments using LaTeX.

Once you convince yourself that LaTeX is for you, you should consider buying its manual and keeping it within an arm's reach at all times. The manual, written by the creator of LaTeX, is:

LaTeX: A Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport.

How to get LaTeX

LaTeX is an open source software; it may be obtained freely and installed on any computer platform.

UMBC's machines
LaTeX is already installed on UMBC's Linux machines in the GL labs. You don't need to do anything special to use it. (There is no LaTeX on the library machines, unfortunately.)
All Linux distributions come with LaTeX. If you have your own Linux machine, you may install/activate LaTeX with a few mouse clicks. Ask me if you don't know how.
Aside: If you don't have Linux installed your computer, this course provides you with a good opportunity to install one and learn how to use it. Ask me if you don't know how.
Download and install MacTeX.
Download and install MiKTeX.
Overleaf: LaTeX in a web browser—the easy way
With Overleaf you won't need to install LaTeX on your machine at all! Go to and register for a free personal account. Then you will be able to access their fully functioning LaTeX remotely through your web browser. This works on all operating systems. Your files will reside on Overleaf's cloud servers by default but you can download them to your local computer when needed. In fact, you will need to do that in order to email them to me.

About Maple

Maple™ is a computer software system for doing symbolic computations.

Maple can factorize polynomials:
----- factor($2x^3 - 9x^2 + x + 12$);  $\Rightarrow$ answer:  $(2x-3)(x-4)(x+1)$
Maple can solve algebraic equations:
----- solve($2x^3 - 9x^2 + x + 12 = 0$);  $\Rightarrow$ answer:  $3,\;\frac{3}{2},\; -1$
Maple can solve differential equations:
----- dsolve($y'' + y = \tan x$);  $\Rightarrow$ answer:  $y = c_1 \cos x + c_2 \sin x - \cos x \ln(\sec x + \tan x)$
Maple can evaluate integrals:
----- $\ds\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx$  $\Rightarrow$ answer:  $\frac{1}{2} \sqrt{\pi}$

(Can you do that?) In fact, Maple knows just about all the undergraduate and some of the graduate material of the standard mathematics curriculum.

Additionally, Maple can plot functions in 2D or 3D that you may need for your reports:

----- plot($\ds[e^{-x}\sin(3x),\: 3/4e^{-x/2}\cos(3x)],\; x=0\,..\,2\pi\;$);
----- plot3d($\ds x e^{-x^2-y^2},\; x=-2\,..\,2,\; y=-2\,..\,2$ );

[2D plot] ----- [3D plot]

We will use Maple extensively in our case studies. For that reason I will devote some class time to Maple tutorials. You will need Maple or (something equivalent) to complete the homework assignments.

Buying Maple

Maple is available on all university machines, so you don't have to buy it, but you will have to go to a computer lab to use it, which can be inconvenient since you will be needing it for several hours every week. I recommend that you buy a personal copy for use on your own computer. It costs $99 for students at Maplesoft's web store. A further 25% discount is available through the Maple Adoption Program. Ask me for the promotion code.

Maple's complete documentation is distributed with Maple and can be accessed from within it. You may also download that documentation as a stand-alone PDF file, if you wish, from Maple's Documentation Center.

Exams and grading

There are are no exams in this course. Your work will be evaluated solely on the quality of your reports.

Writing style varies greatly among individuals, therefore I am not going to impose rigid writing rules. As a result, however, there is no conventional "grading rubric"—I will grade your work holistically in the sense that "I know good writing when I see one". The following are some points that come into consideration:

Homework assignments

I will put homework assignments in the table below as we go along. You may study with others, however I expect that you will write the reports on your own; we don't want reports that are minor variations of each other.

Class Schedule
Jan 29Class cenceled due to the weather
Jan 31Intro to Maple
In-class demo:
Feb 5 LaTeX tutorial
Feb 7 LaTeX tutorial
Feb 12Project 1: The Funnel
Feb 14Project 1 continued
Feb 19 Project 2: Detecting Art Forgeries
Feb 21Project 2 continued
Feb 26Project 2 continued
Feb 28 Project 3: Pollution in Lakes
Mar 5Project 3 continued
Mar 7Project 3 continued
Mar 12 More LaTeX
Mar 14 Project 4: Population Models
Mar 19Spring Break
Mar 21Spring Break
Mar 26Project 4 continued
Mar 28Project 4 continued
Apr 2Project 4 continued
Apr 4Project 4 continued
Apr 9Project 4 continued
Apr 11 Project 5: The Role of the Predator in Diversity
Apr 16Project 5 continued
Apr 18Project 5 continued
Apr 23Project 5 continued
Apr 25Project 5 continued
Apr 30Project 5 continued
May 2Project 5 continued
May 7Project 5 continued
May 9Project 5 continued
May 14Project 5 continued

Notes & Comments

Registrar's info
Registrar's Office Dates and Deadlines

Configuring your GL Linux environment
Read this for useful information

Configuring Maple
Read this before you begin using Maple

LaTeX Tips and Tricks
Read LaTeX Tips and Tricks for advice on LaTeX

Tentative Due Dates
Tentative due dates


The Official UMBC Honors Code

By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal.

Student Disability Services (SDS)

Services for students with disabilities are provided for all students qualified under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the ADAA of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act who request and are eligible for accommodations. The Office of Student Disability Services is the UMBC department designated to coordinate accommodations that would allow for students to have equal access and inclusion in their courses.