ART 282
Introduction to Art & Technology
Fall 2002
Visual Arts Department
Go directly to the schedule. Timothy Nohe
Assistant Professor of Visual Arts,
Office hours: Thursday, 11AM - Noon, FA 342


Course Description and Objectives:
This course offers a foundation for working with computers in the visual arts by situating the tools in Art History and Culture. Students will create art forms such as World Wide Web pages, digital images, 2-dimensional animations, and digital 35-mm film output. It must be emphasized that ART 282 is not a software-training course. Students will build critical and conceptual flexibility by engaging new tools and concepts that have emerged in contemporary visual culture, the sciences, and telecommunications. The computer shall be explored both as a construct laden with intellectual and cultural histories and as a tool for artists in an Intermedia practice.

No previous experience with computers is required; however, ART 210 Visual Concepts is required as a prerequisite and you must be a declared Visual Arts Department major. Please note that students must adhere to the policies of the Visual Arts Department and the University Computing Service regarding the Macintosh and SGI computer labs. Failure to do so will result in the student losing access to the ECS and Visual Arts Department Labs.

The Lecture & Lab Format:
The Lectures will emphasize technology as a product of human cultural and will examine technology as produced by particular historic contexts. The computer will be examined as an extension of the body, senses and the mind. We will examine artistic practice within particular historical contexts, from early 20th century artists to today's media hackers to demonstrate the way art influences both technology and culture. New and emerging artworks such as interactive performance, hypertext, sound and multi-media installation, virtual reality, body modification, artificial life and robotics will be presented to the class during lectures. Informed engagement with art historical and contemporary developments shall be key to developing creative flexibility and critical thinking skills.

Lab exercises with tools and interfaces will explore concepts surveyed during lectures. The basics of the operating systems for Macintosh and UNIX platforms, and file management, file formats, RAM, bit depth, color, resolution, etc. will be instructed in lecture and in lab sections. Students will apply their technical and conceptual skills to a variety of outputs including World Wide Web pages, digital image photomontage, 2-dimensional animation, and slide projection works. Members of the class will also be required to participate in discussions of topics and texts introduced or assigned in lectures, labs, and through virtual forums.

1. An active UMBC email account (all communications with Teaching Assistants and Faculty will use this address)
2. 4 Assigned Projects
3. Lab Exercises -- take-home and in-class assignments
4. Participation -- Discussion, in lab and through email
5. Attendance

Projects & Grading:
Students will be graded by letter, A - F, on all collected or evaluated work. Work must be completed on time and in full satisfaction of each project goal. Late work (assignments handed in after the start of in-class critique sessions) will be automatically downgraded by one letter grade. An Incomplete can only be assigned to students with a passing record unable to complete work due to some unforeseeable serious illness or personal tragedy. Non-allowable excuses include foreseeable job assignments or work from other courses. Students must assume responsibility for preparing all necessary incomplete status paperwork for faculty signature and for submission to the department.

 A Well above the expectations of the course. Outstanding participation, attendance, and mastery of tools and conceptual skills. A student producing work in the top 20 % of his or her class.
 B Above average assignments and mastery of tools, materials and concepts.
 C Average execution of assignments, participation and attendance.
 D Well below average work, attendance and participation in critiques.
 F Unsatisfactory work, attendance and participation in critiques.

ART 282 is a very demanding course. Please note that three or more unexcused absences from lecture or labs may result in failure. The faculty and Teaching Assistants will pass out attendance sheets at the start of every lecture and lab. Two unexcused late arrivals or early departures will be marked as the equivalent of one absence. Absence from a class is not an excuse for skipping a tutorial, reading assignment, or project. You are fully responsible for completing work.

Critiques will frequently be initiated from various topics covered in the text. In order to participate effectively you will need to have read the text and be able to articulate your response to it within the context of class discussion and critique.

Supplementary Texts:
"Dreamweaver 4 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide," J. Tarin Towers, Peachpit Press
"HTML 4 for the World Wide Web, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide," Elizabeth Castro, Peachpit Press
"Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4th Edition," Jerry Peek, Grace Todino & John Strang, O'Reilly and Associates
"The Little Mac Book (Little Mac Book, Ed 6)," by Robin Williams, Peachpit Press
"Photoshop 6 for Windows and Macintosh Visual Quickstart Guide," by Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas. Peachpit Press

Zip disks (UMBC Bookstore)


Please note: this schedule is subject to revision and may be modified during the quarter.

Reading and viewing assignments are listed each week.

August 28 - September 9 Lab Projects

Concepts: Chance, Hypertext, Collage

Labs: Logging in to ECS 336, using Webmail and Pine for email, creating text pages in Dreamweaver.

Assignment 1: Dreamweaver "chance operations" poetry, due in lab, September 9, submitted on ZIP Disk.

Readings: Xerox packet #1

Online Tutorials:
Font Style
Font Scaling
Font Family
Horizontal Scroll
Vertical Scroll
Type Value
Color Harmony Blue
Color Harmony Red
Color Harmony Gray

Assignment URLs:
CutUp Applet
Free Form Text Permutation

Markov Monkey Random Text Generator
Shimrod's ascii art
ascii art at

Poetry Resources:
William S. Burroughs

Ur Sonata by Kurt Schwitters
The Dada Server
The International Dada Archives

October 21th

Lecture: Cinema, Digital Cinema, and Interactive Video

Lee Boot: Making Art with Tape
Jim Campbell 1 | 2 | 3
Maya Deren 1 | 2 | 3
Salvador Dali & Luis Bunuel: Un Chien Andalou

Wago Kreider The Birds
Lisa Moren: la_alma
Man Ray: Emak Bakia
Dziga Vertov 1 | 2 | 3

Lecture Notes

Early Cinema:
PreCinema History
Early Cinema
Louis and Auguste Lumière 1 | 2 | 3
Étienne-Jules Marey
Georges Méliès 1 | 2
Edweard Muybridge 1 | 2 | 3

Early Cinema Technology:

Zoe Beloff Beyond
Lee Boot
Lev Manovitch Little Movies
Steven Matheson 1
Lisa Moren's la_alma
Bill Viola

Streaming Video:
Streaming Umbrella Group

Digital Cinema, Tech and Research:
Digital TV a Crash Course by Bob Cringely
Film Production Jobs Search Result
How Blue Screen Works
The Matrix Bullet Time Walk

Special Effects Timeline

September 9th

Lecture Topic: The History of Computers

Lecture Practicum: FTP, UNIX, Dreamweaver

Assigment 1 is due in labs

Take home:
ART 282 Computer Geek Survey (due in next weeks lecture, September 16)

Online Tutorials:
Go to Prof. Nohe's Online UNIX, Fetch FTP, Pub Space tutorials. WWW Resources.

Forwarding Your UMBC Email to hotmail, aol, yahoo, etc.

The directory and naming structure of your WWW site.

The Machine that Changed the World: Giant Brains

Lecture URLs:
Triumph of the Nerds Computer Timeline
Timeline of Events in Computer History
Mapping the Internet
The Dead Media Project
Historic computer images
The Virtual Museum of Computing
History of Computing Information
Obsolete Computer Museum
The History of Computing


October 28

One-on-one Midterm Review of Assignment 1, 2, 3. All works to be presented during scheduled critiques with Professor Nohe and your Teaching Assistant in ECS 336.

September 16th

Lecture Topic: The Computer Interface

Lecture Practicum: Getting your website online. The "public" nature of your academic computer accounts. Fetch + basic UNIX skills.

Lecture 2 Notes

In Lab Tutorial: Text-based WWW publication, 3 pages minimum, linear, hypertext, or META driven. Publish the www pages at

MIT Media Lab
Christa Erickson
Camille Utterback: TextRain
Chris Csikszentmih‡lyi: i robot
Teri Rueb: The Choreography of Everyday Movement

David Rokeby The Very Nervous System
Jim Campbell Untitled (for Heisenberg) Tiffany Holmes

Hypertext Founder's URLs:
Vannevar Bush 1 | 2 | 3 | Differential Analyzer | As We May Think
Ted Nelson Xanadu 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Artists' URLs:
Laurie Anderson
Char Davies -
Osmose, Ephemere
Jason Ditmars
Christa Erickson
Lynn Hershman -
Room of One's Own, America's Finest
George Legrady - Tracings, Pokcets Full of Memories
Pamela Z - Body as Instrument
Jeffrey Shaw - Legible City
Troika Ranch

Camille Utterbach | TextRain
Vital Signs - Apparitions
Bowling Alley

MIT Media Lab

Triumph of the Nerds
Xerox PARC
Coyote GUI: Copierheads give birth to the graphical user interface: Xerox PARC and the development of the modern desktop operating system

November 4th

Lecture: The "Post-Human" -- Cybernetics, Robotics, Artificial Life and Artificial Intelligence

Assignment 4: Final Project:

Part One, due November 18, consists of a proposal submitted online, which frames your "Post-Human" photomontage project.

Part Two consists of a photomontage to be projected as a 35mm slide during the final critiques during the lecture on December 9. Tiff files are due to your Teaching Assistants by December 2.

Lecture Notes: pdf file

Michael Mulcahy's Clockwork Bodies and Virtual Humans


Exerpts: Forbidden Planet, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Metropolis, Blade Runner, Star Wars, Synthetic Pleasures, Scientific American: Virtual Actors and Harold Cohen's Aaron

The Bionic Body PBS Scientific American Frontiers

The Afghan Explorer
Institute for Applied Autonomy

Lecture URLs:
Go to Prof. Nohe's A-Life Resources
Go to Prof. Nohe's Post-Human Resources

Cindy Jackson
Eduardo Kac

MIT Media Lab
Software Agents
Postmodern Thesis Generator
AL Online
What is Chaos?
The Temple of A-life
The Game of Life 1
Pictures from SRL's Tokyo Show
Stelarc's Ping Body
Survival Research Labs Home


September 23

Lecture: "Death of Photography" and Digital Imaging/Visualization

Lecture Practicum: The Photoshop 6 Interface, layering, saving, file types, bit depth

Labs: Introduction to Photoshop, downloading images via the World Wide Web

In Lab Assignment: "Exquisite Corpse" collage, 640 x 480 pixels, 72 dpi, JPEG format digital image in 24 bit RGB color. Body sections determined by TA.

Un Chien Andalou by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali

Online Readings:
Michael Mulcahy's The Human Motor
Fred Ritchin Witnessing and the Web read "Digital media" and "Fixing the Malleable Image"

Tutorial URLs:
Webmonkey's Crash Course in Photoshop
Webmonkey's Dreamweaver Walk-Through

Lecture URLs:
WTC Satellite QuicktimeVR
WTC street level panoramas
WTC virtual flyover
Pentagon satellite
Eadweard Muybridge Panorama
Hannah Höch 1 | 2
John Heartfield 1| 2
Bert is Evil!

Desert Storm

Exquisite Corpse:
Exquisite Corpse A Journal of Letters and Life
Exquisite Corpse at RepoHistory
Lari Pittman, Roy Dowell, Tom Knechtel, and Megan Williams

Edweard Muybridge
Étienne-Jules Marey

PreCinema History
How Blue Screen Works
The Matrix Bullet Time Walk

Culture Jammers:
BLO 1 | 2 | 3

Critical Art Ensemble

November 11th

Electronic and Digital Music

Lecture discography

Lecture URLs:

Go to Professor Nohe's online sound resources

Electronic Music Interfaces 1870-1990
Electronic Music Timeline
Automates Ki
Blonk Organ

The Theremin

NinjaTune Records
Benoît Maubrey's Performances with electro-acoustic clothes
Mission Media - Baltimore
Electronic Music Foundation

Grandmaster Flash
Electronic Music Primer
Musiques et Recherches
Moog Archives
Orit Kruglanski

September 30

Lecture: Internet History

Assignment 2 -- "Intervene in History" using Photoshop as a "photomontage" tool. Due online, October 15. 24bit RGB image saved in JPG format, 640 x 480 pixels, 72 dpi maximum resolution.

Nerds 2.01, Episode Three, Wiring the World, by Bob Cringely
Dr. Strangelove (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb), directed by Stanley Kubrick

Introduction to (1994-1999) by Natalie Bookchin and Alexei Shulgin
A Brief History of the Internet by Robert X. Cringely

WWW History:
Vannevar Bush, As We May Think (1945)
Vannevar Bush 1
Tim Berners-Lee 1
Nerds2.0.1 | Geek Glossary

PBS Interactive Internet Timeline
Hobbes Internet Timeline
Links to Digital Communities
Harold Reingold's The Virtual Community

Learning Dreamweaver @ Training Tools
Prof. Nohe's Techlinks & WWW Resources

November 18

Lecture: An Introduction to Traditional and Computer Graphic Animation

Assignment 4 Project Proposal due online.

Further description of Final Projects: "The Posthuman" 35mm slide output. Technical handouts supplied in lecture

SIGGRAPH: The History of Computer Graphics
Hotwired Animation Express
Plug by Meher Gourjian

Online Tutorial:
Webmonkey Flash 4 Tutorial
angrycoffee Flash Tutorial and resources

Other animation tutorials at Webmonkey

Vector and Raster Graphics:
What's the difference?

Vector & Raster (bitmap)

Lecture URLs:

Animation and Digital Cinema, Artists:
Tex Avery 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Dan Bailey

James Duesing
Oskar Fischinger 1 | 2
Max and Dave Fleischer 1 | 2
Miles Inada 1 | 2 | 3
Chuck Jones 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Jaroslaw Kapuscinski
Nick Park 1 | 2 | 3

Alan Price
Lotte Reiniger 1 | 2 | 3

Vibeke Sorenson
Jan Svankmajer

John Whitney

WaxWeb (the first online feature-film, 1993)
Department of Defense Academy Awards
Drawn to Be Wild at the Bristish Film Institute

Animation, Tech and Research:
Maya evaluation copy

Cinema History
Digital TV: A Cringely Crash Course

Virtual Actors

October 7th

Lecture: "Culture Jamming" and Interventions

Lab: Photoshop layer control for animation design + GIF animation with Imageready

Upcoming: ®™ark at UMBC, November 13, 2002, FA 215, Free Hour, 1:00 - 2:00 PM — attendance required for ART 282.

BLO Nightly News

Lecture URLs:
Institute for Applied Autonomy
The Surveillance Camera Players
Michael Naimark Camera Zapper

Guide to CCTV destruction
NYC Surveillance Camera Project
Afghan Explorer
Critical Art Ensemble

BLO 1 | 2 | 3
Warchalking 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The Center for Land Use Interpretation



Sonic Outlaws by Craig Baldwin
RTMark on Etoy
Guerrilla Girls
Faux Documentaries

Hannah Höch 1 | 2
John Heartfield 1| 2

December 2nd

Lecture: Extensions of the Computer: Interactive Installations, Virtual Reality, Gaming

Assigment 4: Post-Human Tiff files due to Teaching Assistants in lab.


Ars Electronica 1996-98, Memesis, Fleshfactor Informationsmachine Mensch

Synthetic Pleasures - "Extropians" cryogenics research, Karl Sims' Panspermia and "Artificial Nature" segments

Scientific American:
Harold Cohen's Aaron

SIGGRAPH: The Story of Computer Graphics Special Effects, VR, Visualization

PBS Gaming questionaire
Xeroxed reading: Washington Post: Games People Play, April 13, 2000

The History of Video Games: From 'pong' to 'pac-man'
The Dot Eaters, Videogame History 101
Natalie Bookchin's Intruder
Orit Kruglanski :


Game Typology:

Action: "1st and 3rd person shooters" Adventure Arcade
Board Games Chance Puzzles
RPG: "Role Playing Games" Simulations Solitaire
Sports Video Casino War Games

Christa Erickson's MNEMONIC DEVICES and dataskins
Char Davies' Osmose
Steve Dietz

Perry Hoberman
Tiffany Holmes
David Rokeby The Very Nervous System | 2 Dump Your Trash

Stelarc's Pingbody
Paul Vanouse
Concentual Fantasy Engine: a discussion with Paul Vanouse and


Artist's Resources:
Banff Centre Media and Visual Arts
Institute for Studies in the Arts
NASA High Bandwidth
On Using the Collective Audience in Interactivity
ZKM: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie

October 14th

Lecture: The Internet as a New Media Art Form / The Great Internet Boom & Bust

Screening: by Chris Hegedus and Jehane Noujaim

Assigment 2 is due in lab

Assignment 3 : "Billboard" assignment. 3 animated or static billboards to be posted to your gl WWW sites by Midterm, October 28. Billboards should be placed in the context of a page, which may be appropriated from other sources. Work with concepts drawn from the lectures on "photo truth" and "culture jamming".

Zoe Beloff
Natalie Bookchin

JODI 404
Timothy Nohe's Limbiferous
Jeff Gates ebay auction

Skarecrow March
KOMAR & MELAMID Most Wanted Paintings
Fluxus Housework
Skint the Internet Beggar
Parkbench Performances
Stelarc's Ping Body
The Power of the Line

The Power of the String
Desktop Is...
Form Art
Beyond Interface
Vuk Cosic
History of Art for Airports
Alexei Shulgin Art, Power, and Communication
Variety Lisa Hutton

December 9th

Lecture: Screening of Post-Human Projects in FA 215


