- National Capital Region (NCR) /
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) - Emergency
Support Function (ESF) - 8 (disaster health & medical) core
training curriculum development project - development, production, and
delivery of a core training curriculum for NCR ESF-8 responders to
ensure that all ESF-8 responders in the NCR have the same basic
disaster response training, regardless of individual discipline or
employing agency.
- U.S. Department of Homeland
Security / Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management
Institute - Catastrophe Readiness and Response Higher Education Course
Development Project - developing a higher education course on the
essential elements of Catastrophe Readiness and Response, as well as
consulting with the FEMA Catastrophe Readiness and Response Planning
team in the development of the national Catastrophe Readiness and
Response plan.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene - Emergency planning and surge capacity project for
department treatment facilities and hospitals statewide.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene - Disaster preparedness and surge capacity exercise
project for department treatment facilities and hospitals statewide.
- Metropolitan Washington Council
of Governments /. National Capital Region Disaster Health and Medical
(ESF-8) training core curriculum development.
- Howard County (MD) Public School
System - Continuity of Operations / Pandemic Influenza planning and
exercise project.
- U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness Training
Blanket Purchase Agreement. Center for Naval Analysis (CNA)/ U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. Subcontractor to CNA on a DHHS
Blanket Purchase Agreement with multiple training and exercise tasks.
- Maryland Regional National
Disaster Life Support (NDLS) Coalition - key and founding member of the
coalition; steering committee and executive council member.
- International Emergency
Preparedness and Response Research and Training Project (IEPRP), key
and founding member of the coalition with responsibility for organizing
and delivering international emergency preparedness training.
Experience includes multiple training missions to Jordan and Egypt to
train Egyptian Ministry of Health and Populations personnel, Iraqi
National and Governorate Ministry of Health Personnel, and Afghani
Emergency Responders.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene - Emergency planning and surge capacity project for
department treatment facilities and hospitals statewide.
- Howard County (MD) Public School
System, Emergency planning, preparedness, training, and exercise
project. Revised and updated school emergency response plans and
Central Office Emergency Operations Center operations plan; provided
incident command training, and emergency preparedness exercises for
personnel from 60 schools and for EOC staff; provided emergency
operations consulting and advice.
- Prince Georges County (MD)
Healthcare Coalition and Health Department, developed a hospital surge
capacity expansion plan and resources for use in the event of a
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, Developed and wrote the model Statewide Infectious
Disease / Bioterrorism Outbreak Response Guidance Plan for EMS for the
State of Maryland, USA.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene / University of Maryland, Baltimore - University
Hospital Center, consulted in the evaluation of the Harbor Base III
statewide bioterrorism drill conducted in 2005.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, wrote the exercise evaluation after action report for
the Harbor Base II statewide bioterrorism drill conducted in 2004
- U.S. Public Health Service's
Commissioned Corps Ready Reserve Ready Responders, developed and
delivered emergency responder training and in-service update training.
- U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security National
Disaster Medical System and Commissioned Corps Readiness Force,
produced and delivered online and direct delivery basic and advanced
training programs for Federal ESF-8 (health and medical) Disaster
Response Teams, reaching over 16,000 responders nationwide.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, National Incident Management System Training Program -
direct delivery and distance education.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, Emergency Decision Making for Public Health Personnel
Training Project - direct delivery and distance education.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, Incident Command System Training Program - direct
delivery and distance education.
- Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, Operational Security Training Program - direct delivery
and distance education.
| ©2008 CEEDR