Readings for Men


Judith Lorber posted the following bibliography on the Usenet newsgroup soc.feminism in January 1995 in response to queries about readings on men and feminism. Since similar queries have been posted and discussed on WMST-L, I asked for and received Prof. Lorber's permission to add this bibliography to the WMST-L file list. Joan Korenman


Anderson, Elijah. 1990. Streetwise: Race, class and change in an urban community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Brod, Harry (ed.). 1987. The making of masculinities. Boston: Allen & Unwin.

Chapman, Rowena and Jonathan Rutherford (eds.). 1988. Male order: Unwrapping masculinity. London: Lawrence & Wishart.

Collinson, David L. 1988. "Engineering humor": Masculinity, joking and conflict in shop-floor relations. Organization Studies 9:181-99.

Collinson, David and Jeff Hearn. 1994. Naming men as men: implications for work, organization and management. Gender, Work and Organization 1:2-22.

Connell, R.[Robert] W. 1987. Gender and power. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

_____. 1990a. The state, gender, and sexual politics: Theory and appraisal. Theory and Society 19:507-44.

_____. 1990b. A whole new world: Remaking masculinity in the context of the environmental movement. Gender & Society 4:452- 78.

_____. 1992. A very straight gay: Masculinity, homosexual experience, and gender. American Sociological Review 57:735- 51.

-----. 1993. The big picture: Masculinities in recent world history. Theory and Society 22:597-623.

Franklin, Clyde W. II. 1988. Men and society. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Hansen, Karen V. 1992. "Our eyes behold each other": Masculinity and intimate friendship in antebellum New England. In Men's friendships, edited by Peter M. Nardi. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Hearn, Jeff, and David Morgan (eds.). 1990. Men, masculinities and social theory. London: Unwin Hyman.

Jardine, Alice and Paul Smith (eds.). 1987. Men in feminism. New York and London: Routledge.

Kimmel, Michael S. 1987a. Men's responses to feminism at the turn of the century. Gender & Society 1:261-83.

_____ (ed.). 1987b. Changing men: New directions in research on men and masculinity. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

_____ (ed.). 1991. Men confront pornography. New York: Meridian.

Kimmel, Michael S. and Michael A. Messner (eds.). 1995. Men's lives, 3rd edition. New York: Macmillan.

Lorber, Judith. 1994. Paradoxes of Gender. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Majors, Richard and Janet Mancini Billson. 1992. Cool pose: The dilemmas of Black manhood in America. New York: Lexington Books.

May, Larry and Robert A. Strikwerda (eds). 1992. Rethinking masculinity: Philosophical explorations in the light of feminism. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Messner, Michael A. 1992. Power at play: Sports and the problem of masculinity. Boston: Beacon Press.

Messner, Michael A. and Donald F. Sabo. 1994. Sex, violence, and power in sports: Rethinking masculinity. Freedom CA: Crossing Press.

Messner, Michael A. and Donald F. Sabo (eds.). 1990. Sport, men, and the gender order: Critical feminist perspectives. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Porter, David (ed.). Between men and feminism. New York and London: Routledge.

Rowan, John. 1987. The horned god: Feminism and men as wounding and healing. New York and London: Routledge.

Segal, Lynne. 1990. Slow motion: Changing masculinities, changing men. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Seidler, Victor J. 1991. Recreating sexual politics: Men, feminism and politics. New York and London: Routledge.

Staples, Robert. 1982. Black masculinity: The Black male's roles in American society. San Francisco, CA: Black Scholar Press.

Stoltenberg, John. 1990. Refusing to be a man: Essays on sex and justice. New York: Meridian.

Stoltenberg. John. 1993. The end of manhood: A book for men of conscience. New York: Plume.

Williams, Christine L. 1989. Gender differences at work: Women and men in nontraditional occupations. Berkeley: University of California Press.

_____. 1992. The glass escalator: Hidden advantages for men in the "female" professions. Social Problems 39:253-67.

_____. Forthcoming. Still a man's world: Men who do "women's work." Berkeley: University of California Press.

Judith Lorber
Sociology, CUNY Graduate School
33 West 42 Street, NY, NY 10036
212-642-2416 FAX:212-642-2420

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