US Should Follow Australian Model For Youth Cricket Development
In international or corporate espionage, it is considered quite a coup
when one comes into possession of his adversary’s plans. These plans
often reveal cherished secrets, and may detail the program with which
the opposition seeks to gain advantage over others. In the past, prior
knowledge of an enemy’s plans have sometimes changed the outcomes of
wars, and shifted global balances of power. This, of course, is why so
much energy is directed toward keeping, and stealing intelligence.

for us, the international cricket scene is a more welcoming, open
arena, and test-playing nations not only do not protect their plans, but
they actually go so far as to print them, bind them and distribute them
for all to see. So it is that my good friends at Cricket Australia have
sent to me a number of their publications that address CA’s
developmental programs. These illuminating booklets lay out a very
structured, and very carefully thought out program by which the
Australians take a child of five years and shepherd him or her through
their system, all the way to the national test squad, if good enough.
In examining this thorough and highly practical system, one cannot help
be but struck by how perfectly its tenets could be transplanted here. I
am also gratified to see in Australian cricket a validation of the USYCA
approach to youth development, where novices are given time to fall in
love with the game in a safe, low-pressure atmosphere.
In a series of columns here on DreamCricket, I’m going to examine each
booklet in detail, and then talk about their application to American
youth cricket. As we peer into the Aussies’ “state secrets,” please do
not lose sight of the fact that this is the system that allows Australia
to be a top cricketing nation year-in and year-out, regardless of
In the 2006 book, “Well Played: Australian Cricket’s Playing Policy and
Guidelines,” CA lays out exactly what programs should be directed at
children of certain age groupings. An introductory message from CEO
James Sutherland tells the reader that this book will, among other
things, help to “Implement appropriate game formats for children aged
5-16 years of age” and “Make cricket fun and inclusive for all.” Both of
these are worthy goals for US youth cricket to adopt.
“Well Played” spends its first few pages addressing issues of etiquette,
sportsmanship and character, but then moves purposefully toward the
heart of its content, called “Pathways and Game Formats.” In this area,
each age grouping is assigned 15 specific characteristics that
distinguish its cricket format from other age groupings. For example,
5-8 year olds are to use a “yellow safety ball,” wear no protective
gear, suffer no dismissals and may use batting tees, while 8-10 year
olds are allowed, if the skill of the child is elevated enough, to use a
red “modified solid core ball” and then wear helmet and pads if they
do. For both age groups, however, there are no dismissals – batters
merely change ends if dismissed, and there are no LBWs.
Some of the directives are very specific. In the U-11 and 12 age group,
boundaries are to be maintained at a maximum of 40-45m and the ball used
will be the red safety ball for the U-11s and the
142g-leather/composition ball for the U-12s. The pitch length for U-11
is to be 18m, while for the U-12s it can be increased to standard
length. Dismissals and the LBW rule are first introduced to the U-12
group, and through this age group boys and girls will play on the same
team; at U-13, girls may still participate in boys competitions at a
rate of two years above the age level (i.e. a 15 year-old girl would be
allowed to play in a U-13 boys competition).
These very specific instructions go all the way through to social
cricket for adults. It is truly a “cradle-to-grave” system, and before
you sneer at what may seem like a heavy-handed approach, remember the
quality of player this system consistently produces. I don’t advocate
importing all of the specifics of the Aussie system point-by-point, but
what I did take away from this is the idea that novices, and especially
children, must be gradually introduced to cricket skills, and not rushed
into helmet and pads. For ages 5-10 year olds, we are told that they
should have “fun with an emphasis on basic skills – running, jumping,
hitting, throwing etc.” Once the child has reached age 11, and we can
assume he’s played “fun cricket” for a few years, the focus shifts
(slightly) to “Fun, with an emphasis on cricket skills development –
batting, bowling and fielding…” Even then, though, the first point of
order is that the child must have fun.
The booklet also lays out practical restrictions to protect the players’
health, such as how many over’s may be bowled at any age, and the
length of the rest spells between overs for bowlers. For young children,
it also presents a “restricted zone” of 10m around the batter, into
which no fielder may move until the ball is either hit or passes the
batter. In addition, “Well Played” discusses coaches and umpire
training, safety tips, risk management and legal considerations.
In the end, “Well Played” is a great overview of the Aussie system by
which great cricketers are produced as if from an assembly line. It
should also be noted that much attention is given to “the spirit of
cricket,” and protecting the health and welfare of the children. It is a
truly holistic system that gradually, gently imbues a child with a love
of the game, the skills to play it well, and the heart of a champion.
It would serve American cricket well if we would pattern our
developmental program on the Australian model, and then display the
patience required to reap its rewards in future years. |