Educational Institutions
Ethics & Censorship
Trade Journals
WWW Resources
E-mail Lists
Journalism Jobs


Educational Institutions

Ethics & Censorship

Trade Journals

WWW Resources

E-mail lists/Listservs

  • Professor Barbara Fought's Lists Includes FOIA, computer-assisted reporting, ethics and more
  • CORREX-L, a discussion list for Foreign Correspondents To subscribe, send SUBSCRIBE message to
  • Listservs List of e-mail groups
  • Liszt Get onto listservs for journalism, especially CARR-L, and for the beats you cover.
  • What is a mailing list? (InterNIC 15-minute series)

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Journalism Jobs

*be sure to check for jobs with the individual publications, newspapers, and media companies. Many now post job listings on their Web sites.

Last updated August 1, 2001. All information found in this site is ©2001, the International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.