UMBC: An Honors University in Maryland  

Possible MOCB Curricula

Example: Focus on development
"Core Curriculum"
CHEM437 4 cr Comprehensive Biochemistry I


4 cr Comprehensive Biochemistry II
BIOL611 4 cr Bacterial Physiology
BIOL626 4 cr Approaches to Molecular Biology
BIOL634 4 cr Microbial Molecular Genetics
BIOL620 4 cr Advanced Topics in Cell Biology
BIOL643 4 cr Advanced Developmental Biology
BIOL651 4 cr Neurobiology
BIOL740 3 cr. Graduate Seminar: Analysis of Development


We will waive required courses for students who have received graduate credits for comparable courses from other institutions. Students with a M.S. degree in a relevant area of biology may have few courses to complete for the degree (dependent on satisfying requirements or gaining needed training directly relevant to their research here at UMBC.)

MOCB Graduate Courses

CHEM437 Comprehensive Biochemistry I


Comprehensive Biochemistry II
Genetic Analysis


Eukaryotic Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL634 Microbial Molecular Genetics
Prokaryotic Molecular Biology
BIOL611 Bacterial Physiology
BIOL634 Microbial Molecular Genetics
Eukaryotic Molecular Biology


Eukaryotic Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL626 Approaches to Molecular Biology

MOCB Electives

BIOL620 Advanced Topics in Cell Biology
BIOL622L Biological Electron Microscopy
BIOL625 Immunology
BIOL628 Computer Applications in Molecular Biology
BIOL643 Advanced Developmental Biology
BIOL651 Neurobiology
BIOL656 Plant Molecular Biology
BIOL666 Population and Quantitative Genetics
BIOL675 Biology of Bacteria


Bioinorganic Chemistry
CHEM631 Chemistry of Proteins & Membrane
CHEM632 Advanced Biochemistry
CHEM633 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids


Biochemistry of Complex Carbohydrates
CHEM640 Special Topics in Molecular Structure
CHEM641 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
CHEM642 Physical Biochemistry
CHEM643 Molecular Spectroscopy& Biopolymers
CHEM652 Physical Organic Chemistry
CHEM672 Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms
ENCH482 Biochemical Engineering
ENCH762 Advanced Biochemical Engineering


BIOL710 Graduate Seminar: Topics in Genetics
BIOL720 Graduate Seminar: Cell Structure and Function
BIOL730 Graduate Seminar: Plant Biology
BIOL740 Graduate Seminar: Analysis of Development
BIOL750 Graduate Seminar: Advanced Topics in Organismic Biology
BIOL760 Graduate Seminar in Ecology and Evolution
BIOL770 Graduate Seminar in Molecular Biology
CHEM680 Biohysical Chemistry
CHEM682 Topics in Biochemistry

Graduate Programs