UMBC locations for help
- CSEE Student Services Office (Advising) ITE 203 - 206
- CSHC (Computer Science Help Center) ITE 201E
- UMBC labs with PCs ENG021, ENG104, ENG122, ENG122A, ENG333
Should you be taking 104?
- Simple UNIX Commands
- How to use the submit command
- Introduction to vi
- Summary of XEmacs Commands
- Unix Tutorial for Beginners -- The material we will cover in this course is mostly covered in Tutorials 1 - 4. The other tutorials contain material beyond the scope of this course.
Software Downloads
- TeraTerm Pro SSH -- This software will allow you to connect to GL.
- PuTTY -- Another option for connecting to GL.
- WinSCP -- This software allows you to transfer files easily from GL to your PC, and vice versa.
- Firefox
Information for Mac users
- Using SSH from Macs -- This is how you will connect to from a Mac, note the command will be "ssh", where username is your UMBC login
- Suggestion for mac nano strangeness
Additional information about topics covered in class
- Binary and Hexadecimal
- C printf format specifiers reference -- Note this is a C++ reference site, so many topics here will not apply to C or this class, but this page is appropriate.
- C scanf reference -- Same note as above