Lecture 28: Review
Wednesday, May 9, 2012[Up] [Previous Lecture] [Next Lecture]
Reading Assigned: None
Homework Due: Classwork 15
Homework Assigned: None
Classwork Assigned: Classwork 16
Topics Covered:
- Trying to get last assignment grades done and put up on blackboard
- Will send out email once last CW+HW grades are posted
- Quiz 5 review any questions
- Questions related to final
- Final will be cumulative
- It will be a mix of multiple choice and programming exercises
- Best review is to look over previous quizzes (especially questions you got wrong)
- Final programming assignments will be new, but will be similar in scope to previous quizzes
- Final multiple choice questions will most likely be at least partially pulled and modified from previous quizzes
- Some multiple choice questions will be completely new
- Same format as quizzes, done on blackboard, no other windows open, etc.
- Classwork
- In time remaining do you want to talk or leave early?