Lecture 3: Computers and More Unix!
Monday, February 06, 2012[Up] [Previous Lecture] [Next Lecture]
Reading Assigned: 1.1-1.3
Homework Due: None
Homework Assigned: Homework 01 (Assigned last class - due next week)
Classwork Assigned: Classwork 02
Topics Covered:
- Firefox cache size (Firefox->Options->Advanced->Override automatic cache)
- Firefox cache size of computer lab version (Edit->Preferences->Network->Use up to 5 or 10MB)
- Computer architecture overview
- Memory
- Input
- Output
- Secondary storage
- Binary information storage
- Byte (8 bits)
- Word (32 or 64 bits, 4-8 bytes)
- Kilobyte (KB = 2^10 bytes)
- Megabyte (MB = 2^20 bytes)
- Gigabyte (GB = 2^30 bytes)
- Terabyte (TB = 2^40 bytes)
- Reminder of Unix commands from last class
- cd -- change directory
- mkdir -- make directory
- ls -- list directory contents
- cat -- show file contents (short for concatenate)
- echo -- display a string
- man -- get help on another command (short for manual)
- nano -- simple unix text editor
- rm -- remove a file (CAREFUL!)
- rmdir -- remove a directory (CAREFUL!)
- New Unix commands to learn
- script -- keeps a log of everything you do
- cp -- make a copy of a file
- mv -- move (or rename) a file
- more -- displays a file, allowing you to scroll down
- less -- displays a file, allowing you to scroll up and down
- Using submit for our second classwork