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From Linux on the GL machine:
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw12 - Multiple Source Files
From Linux on the GL machine:
Copy your menu2.c source code into a file called menu3.c in your ./cmsc104/hw12 directory
Move the function prototypes from menu3.c into a file called menu3.h
Move the function definitions from menu3.c into a file called menu3fun.c
Add an appropriate #include directive to reference the new header file in both menu3.c and menu3fun.c
Compile the functions:
gcc -I. -c menu3fun.c
Compile the program:
gcc -I. -o menu3 menu3.c menu3fun.o
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw12 menu3.c menu3.h menu3fun.c menu3
Reference Programs :
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards