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From Linux on the GL machine:
Your program should do the following:
Write two functions to do the case conversion: doUpper() and doLower()and call them from the appropriate case clause of the switch statement.
The functions should do the following:
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw11 - Character Conversion using Assignment Operators
From Linux on the GL machine:
Create source code file called upperlower.c in your ./cmsc104/hw11 directory
Compile the program:
gcc -o upperlower upperlower.c
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw11 upperlower.c upperlower
Your program should do the following:
Add the following #define to help with the case conversion
#define CONVERT 'a' - 'A'Display a menu to the user that looks like the following:
Choose one option: U - Convert to upper case L - Convert to lower case X - Exit programUse a switch statement to process the options (including invalid options).
Accept both upper case and lower case letters for each option in your menu.
Write two functions to do the case conversion: doUpper() and doLower()and call them from the appropriate case clause of the switch statement.
The functions should do the following:
Prompt the user to enter a string of text
Write an event controlled loop to read in one character at a time using getchar() until the character is a newline character.
If the character input is of the wrong case, convert it using an assignment operator and CONVERT constant.
Print out the character
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards