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From Linux on the GL machine:
Create a program that displays a menu of conversion functions available to a user. Execute whatever conversions the users chooses until they choose the option to quit the program.
Read in the option number from the keyboard Echo the option back to the user Verify that the option is valid. If not, show the user an appropriate error message and re-display the menu. Based on the valid input value, call the appropriate conversion function. Redisplay the menu and perform the function until the user inputs 0 to exit the program.
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw09 - Menus with While Loops
From Linux on the GL machine:
Write a C program (see below) and save it in a file called menu1.c in your ./cmsc104/hw09 directory
Compile the program:
gcc -lm -o menu1 menu1.c
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw09 menu1.c menu1
Create a program that displays a menu of conversion functions available to a user. Execute whatever conversions the users chooses until they choose the option to quit the program.
Add #include <math.h> at the top of your source file
Display a menu to the user that looks like the following:
Choose one option: 1 - Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius 2 - Convert kilometers to miles 3 - Convert fathoms to feet 4 - Convert meters to yards 5 - Convert decimal to binary 0 - Exit program
Read in the option number from the keyboard Echo the option back to the user Verify that the option is valid. If not, show the user an appropriate error message and re-display the menu. Based on the valid input value, call the appropriate conversion function. Redisplay the menu and perform the function until the user inputs 0 to exit the program.
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards