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From Linux on the GL machine:
Modify the program so that it does the following:
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw08 - Intro to While Loops
From Linux on the GL machine:
Copy your dectobin.c program in your ./cmsc104/hw07 directory into your ./cmsc104/hw08 and rename it to dectobinWhile.c
Modify the code (see below)
Compile the program:
gcc -lm -o dectobinWhile dectobinWhile.c
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw07 dectobinWhile.c dectobinWhile
Modify the program so that it does the following:
Add #include <math.h> at the top of your source file
Use #define to create an IDENTIFIER for the maximum and minimum allowable input values
Make sure to use those identifiers where ever necessary in your code
There should not be any hard-coded values left in your code.
Prompt the user to enter a positive integer value between 0 and 65,000
Read an input number from the user.
Repeat the request until the user has entered a correct value.
Based on the decimal value entered by the user, print out the binary equivalent.
Create a variable called exponent and initalize it to 16.
Create a variable called powerOf2
Program a while loop to iterate down over all the powers of 2, starting with 216
Set the powerOf2 variable equal to pow(2,exponent) to calculate 2 to that power.
Set the result variable to the user's number divided by that power of 2 to get the binary digit in that position.
Print out the digit
If result is 1, subtract powerOf2 from the user's number.
Subtract 1 from the exponent.
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards