March 13, 2014

IAPP Introduction to IT Privacy Available Now

estimated reading time: 0 minutes and 56 seconds.

The IAPP has now published an Introduction to IT Privacy: A Handbook for Technologists for which I co-authored a chapter on Interference with Travis Breaux. Here’s a summary from the IAPP:

As a technological innovation creates new opportunities to collect, process and transfer personal information, the privacy risks associated with it grow exponentially. In today’s information economy, successful IT Professionals must understand these risks and have the appropriate skills to safeguard data and support the privacy goals of their organization.

Introduction to IT Privacy: A Handbook for Technologists is the essential resource for all IT stakeholders. Whether you’re involved in IT development, acquisition or administration, this book will give you the know-how you need to integrate privacy best practices.

Other contributors include: Chris Clifton, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Simson Garfinkel, David Gordon, Malcolm Harkins, David Hoffman, Stuart Shapiro, Manya Sleeper, Blase Ur.

Needless to say, it’s an honor to be a part of that company and this book.